Could I be gay if my closest friends are?

green text story
> be me few years after college
> been straight
> recent news everyone in my close circle turned out to be closeted faggots
> despite gay acts the consider themselves straight
> all over compensate with “alpha beta “ belief and outdated game
> act like they get girls when they have no game
Three friends in mine, let’s call my Ex best friend Arlene, second friend Toby and last friend junior

>Arlene. Was always touchy feely growing up
>always gave off gay vibes always got shit Om with derwgory remarks like homo faggot gay
> lied about slaying pussy in high school.
> never had a girlfriend despite being. 26
> doesn’t understand the concept of rejection and boundaries , in high school he literally raped a girl without her consent apparently, had sex at his crib when she didn’t want to but caved in
> had a friend whom he always acted like a flamer with
> always did gay shit to me thst I thought was a joke.
> things like squeezing slapping my ass feeling my arms my pecs hugging me
> always called him a fsggot for it
> recent news that he tripped lsd with this older meth head
> called me after asking if I cursed spited him. Claimed I was stealing his life span . Typical garbage a meth head immune psychosis told hi,
> claims to only did whippets and lsd with him
> based off his behavior afterward I suspected meth use along with poppers
> friend who tripped with them said Arlene was acting gsy cuddling with the meth head and throwing himself at him
> by god humbling him it meant he thought this meth head was a child of god.
> meth head fucked him in the ass raw and planted his seed
>didn’t believe when I heard this and was defending Arlene against rumors since he denied it and I was his best friend
> turns out it was all true but he claims he’s not gay but straight
>literally On going 2017 to 2020. They hung out. Claimed no sexual relationship which I call bs
> meth Head left for navy

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please don't

Shut up.

Yes you are a fag, go get pozzed in your neg hole

Yes you are a faggot

I wish I was making these stories up but it’s 100 percent true
> Arlene starts to act weird and overcompensate
>always in denial of being gay
> tries to cringe join conversations sbout girls and interest in women typical locker room talk
>elephant in the room that he gets fucked In the ass suspected daily
> saw txt messages of meth head asking if Arlene was a virgin or retarded since he was so lovey dowry and asking if this is what love felt like
> Arlene denied tripping with me because he said I would never reach his wave length
>he believed to have telepathically talked to this meth head like a fsggot
> decides to drop everything and try to go for navy seals
> despite being the most unathletic I. Group and despite highest say and grades flunked college community college
> after I moved stories of him pretending to be alpha male and cringe
> always overcompensated bought a sports car then hit on waitress always getting rejected. Witnessed this fuckery first hand
> kid knows no boundaries can’t take mo for an answer
> after I left an ex girlfriend I had history with apparently joins the group because said Faggot invited her to his bday and lied about me going and changed the date and location. To something g he knew I couldn’t commit to
> same story he throws himself at her she rejects . Only wanted to rek8mdle with me despite knowing I would never since she cheated and he knows this too
> would creepily stop by her house. Assume paying for her meals and gifts were dates
> whole group turned against him after this creepiness and him watching my ex gf sleep like a rucking creep

So yeah Arlene is in denial how creepy and retardedly gay he was. He literally asked my ed gf why she can’t reciprocate his feelings or feel the same way. Claimed to be in love without dating her like a beta cuck

Lost all respect for this guy and he still doesn’t see how this is a problem between us. Is this signs,if brain damage from poppers and meth?

Not your blog nigger.

I think I just got aids

If all your friends are homos I have bad news for you OP

You are on drugs. Seek immediate medical attention.


It's easy.
>Do you want to fuck their ass?
You're gay
>Do you not want to fuck their ass and/or do anything sexual in nature with them?
Congratulations, you're not gay

Second guy story named Toby

> guy was suspected homo
> brown kid that also had no game. Believe in manipulation and the game book
>over compensate with shitty tattoos everywhere
>suspected first gay when he got his tongue pieced in college.
> recently came to light that he had sex with tranny at 21
> this dude is super toxic an alcoholic and addiction to cocaine and adderal
> always bragged about tinder dates and slating despite no relationships
> suspected to pay for sex which he denies but asks me to go on vacation to pay for hookers
> suspect when he went to Thailand and bang cock
> the type of guy that hates fsggots msde fun of Arlene for getting ass fucked and beta
> Toby tells me when drunk his disgusting Grammy sexual escapades
> tells me he wants to go to ny and funk this tranny,
> said she has the most game in our group and body count
> He’s a fat smelly short neet with shitty tattoos and toxic attitude
> i deny they trip
> Swid he will pay for everything
> tell him thanks but no thanks
> gets butt hurt when I reject his offer to lavish 600 dollar meal
> said don’t worry I won’t fuck you in the ass
> claims he’s not gay since only bottoms are and he said it’s the most alpha to step on a trannie face and ass duck them
> suspected to sick divk as he offered during my friends wedding while wasted to suck this hill Billy’s cock I’m front of his wife
>mad at friend for spreading story which was junior
> I decide to end friendship with him after he said some toxic assets bullshit to me saying I should watch my mouth and threatened me despite him clearly knowing I could kick his ass
> he tried to rekindle apologize blame on alcohol
Which I said no
> wants to go to South America to fuck hookers prob tranny.
> during his drunkenness was naming all these fucking guys saying he was paying for his apartment,met and weird stories of rejection From other men
> claims to be alpha straight guy yet claims euro trans the best

You're gay. Now kill yourself.


you're gay or retarded

Nobody cares.

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>methhead left for the Navy
That cracked me up


Whatever, faggot.


> also claims trannies smell better then men (wtf} and that they are cleaner
> keeps telling me classless poor bigot fsggot Wuhan racist jokes
> again tongue pieced for licking box apparently
> claims never getting anything I’m ass acting like his actions or maybe ladyboy cock or tucking sissy ass isn’t gay

Last story friend is junior
> junior was Khv for 25 years
> showed him bodybuilding techniques
> went ham and eventually landed z4/10 crazy stupid girlfriend
>dropped out of college to move in with this girl after three months lol
>dated her for 3 years
> found out during acid trip his first sexual experience was giving and getting hand Jobs to his brother
> he lost his mind and jumped out the window and streaked on acid
> claimed to be alpha and had game despite me knowing thst was his only girl
> overcompensated by telling me fringe stories like it’s high school how he ducked her raw
> like I don’t want to hear your sexual business nor am I impressed
> she cheated on her
> he begs her to come back
> in the same roof top at apt tent she was someone else’s sex toy to sugar daddy to pay bills
> this gold digger also made him pay for rent food everything lol
> fuvked gimself over by getting credit card debt for apartment
> totally pushy whipped claimed he would never and also never marry her
>claimed to never see her as long term gf
> brags how he turned a literal gold digging hoe to a house wife
> this Vick would bend over his back cook for her buy her lavish meals when he had no income just for Instagram pointe
> this birch is throwing herself at me which I always reject
> he thought we were having sex like why would I bang a friends ex
> had a good reason too recently when he tried my ex gf at wedding
> she denies and word got out
> they broke up because of it LOL

Anyways it turns out I had really shitty friends . Cut them all out. but made me wonder of the quote birds are flock of a feather.


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Who's the chick? Source?

Seriously, stop posting on your phone. Put it down. Get to rehab.

I like your image of Bailey Jay, but get the FUCK out of here with your fucking blog, retard.

A male named Arlene? Arlene is a 50s housewife name

No straight man alive would turn Yas Forums into his own personal gossip blog, so yeah, I’d say you’re gay user. Really gay. Gayer than gay.

So with these stories I wonder birds of flock of a feather or you’re a part of your friend group

I obviously had shitty degenerate questionable friends in denial.

I never had gay experiences and out of the group have my shit together with a good paying job degree etc and past girlfriends

I never had gay experiences kr lusted for cock

Makes me wonder do I share degenerate qualities

Could I be a closet faggot?

And please don’t troll pol

You guys are all I literally have. I grew up and dodged killing myself watching the meme of trump into office with you guys. I’m one of y’all.

I have never been this honest and vulnerable and scared of how my pollacts will react. Ple3se no troll or assume I’m a fsggot like I said I never had any gay experiences or fapped to Tran

Lately I’ve been stressed out with moving to w new state for a job and losing my investments due to corona and my grandma,

This drama also came to light with all these ex fats chasing after my ed whore gf.

I’m not trolling or inciting anything but curious of your thoughts. Are my friends ass holes and degenerates? Are they Gay or straight like they claim?

Please help me pol. I’m actually contemplating suicide today I’ve been depressed as fuck from all this. I relapsed into shooting dope to end the pain. I have a revolver and actually played Russian roulette tonight hence why I’m still up seething.


>shooting dope
Knew he was on drugs from the first post. Go to rehab. Seek aid.

You're a homo retard / retarded homo, probably a methhead. Never post on pol again

LSD fucks with the head, HARD if you do it too often. Certain illogical beliefs such as telepathy and shared experiences, which can be true to some degree, are overplayed in their head leading to schizophrenic behavior. I have no hopes for your friend if he combined meth with it and is now in denial of a socially rejected behavior. He might become psychotic. At best, he’ll take years to overcome it with a good support system in place. He will never be the same person.
Not that he ever had much value to you, I’m sure. Sage, faggot. Bring your blog somewhere else


Just move. You've surrounded yourself with shitty weird people. Start over fresh before merking yourself at least.

>Who's the chick? Source?

newfag kill yourself

No. You’re not gay. There, you now have validation from Yas Forums that you don’t suck cock or get fucked in the ass, not do you want to have your dick sucked/cock in the ass of a man. Now that you’ve had your heterosexuality validated, go find people helping make medical supplies for the Coronavirus and help them out.

Yeah you're a faggot.

This was terrible.
You’re a faggot.

Sorry pol. This is not the validation i seeker nor the response I expected and wanted,

How can I make it up to you guys?

Do you want to see me spread my butt cheeks or show my dick?

I got a boyish sissy body

gay or not, you're obviously a degenerate piece of shit hanging out with other degenerates, and you should kill your friends and then yourself, for the good of mankind.

Stop wasting your time thinking about what other people are doing. Your stories in this thread serve no purpose whatsoever. Who cares what they did.

TLDR No one cares you fucking queer

Most of my friends in college were gay.
Many people gave thought I am gay.
I love pussy, and don't find dudes attractive. Simple as that.

So you are probably gay

Gun barrel in your mouth.

What the fuck are you talking about, who gives a shit stop having a quarter life crisis and do what you want. If your a faggot deal with it, nobody cares if you are except for moralfags. Your free text style of writing is an abomination, simplicity key and should pertain to one post unless anons ask for further details. Never put cont. that shit is a big red flag of text walling.

Either way but a dildo and try it, feels good kill yourself, feels bad kill yourself. Either way live your life homo.

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No. I want you to get off Yas Forums, find the people in your local community who are making masks, face shields, and other personal protective equipment, and start helping them make it. Get off Yas Forums and actually work to make your life better instead of fucking around here waiting for you to be validated. Again, you aren’t gay, but if you don’t go and help in this time of crisis, you are a massive fucking faggot.



Bailey is still so fucking hot

>I’m one of y’all.
>trump election etc etc
bruh if you weren't here for the boxxy days you are not "one of 'us.' " There is no "us" anymore to even speak of, directly because people like you told people like yourself about this place.

All the people here shitting on you BEFORE you finished your blogpost, are the exact kind of cancer your kind brought to this place. It's "our" fault really, for enticing people like you and giving into resorting to reddit advertising and whatnot.

Anyway, have some help from an "oldfag:"

You're a drug addict with a broken life. You need some serious help. Go get to a narc user, work your shit out in that cringey little group, get out of the group, and stop being a drug addict. From there, find a girl, and fuck her in the pussy. You already have a job, just get clean and fuck a girl in the pussy. Then you will have validated that you're not a faggot.
IRL people are cancer. They're like the people who mostly post on here, and are in this thread. These people are normies, and are exactly the kind of friends you had. Don't listen to them. Listen to me.

Quit. Your drugs. Keep working out until you're very fit. Find a girl, fuck her in the pussy.

>b-but user, I want friends!
SHUT THE FUCK UP. Nobody cares. Get over yourself and get over your loneliness. Fix yourself. Then, when you're up to it, and over it, go to conventions or whatever, and make friends with people.

There's your help user. I'm not your friend. You're not "like me." You're a failed normie, just like the other failed normies in this thread and on this board. Fuck them, and fuck you for crying here. But, there's your advice. Good luck user, and quit this place, you're not "one of us."

Almost none of you reading this are "one of us." Because you have no idea who pic related is, and only learned about epshit when he got arrested AGAIN. You're all literally beneath this shitty user.

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not your personal blog faggot.
if you have to ask, you are.

Nigger learn to write, I don't understand

you're not a homosexual faggot but you still are a faggot

off topic post nice! Cool thread bro! my email is "sage"! SMOOCHY SMOOCHY

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>inb4 tomorrow morning
local californian homosexual boy found dead and doped up, more at 7

It's actually a red text story you stupid cunt, and I ain't reading that shit.

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Nice tits, who is she?

this shit has nothing to do with politics faggot

I really cant understand what you wrote

Meth makes you paranoid and irritable. I seen it happen to a few people. So yeah, meth is actually a drug that will fuck someone's actual personality. Other drugs, not really never seen it.

If you don't wanna suck a cock or get fucked you probably arent gay

>degenerate druggie who ruined his mind with hallucinogens projects his gayness onto everyone around him and has a breakdown because he's brainwashed himself into being a self-loathing homophobic faggot

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>Could I be gay if my closest friends are?
You can be if you want to.