Mossad Agents are all Infected

How will Yas Forums ever recover?

Attached: mossad btfo ded.jpg (580x616, 77.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they'll be fine

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I think they need a new higher IQ chief anyway.

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Who is sneaking Weinstein out then after he dies from corona this month?

wtf I thought they were smart?

you and them are stupid...

Before you accuse them of being stupid think for a minute. Some opportunistic Jews bought millions of dollars worth if tests way too soon. The intent was GIGA PROFIT, but the Giga Jews later discovered the tests were no good and couldn't be sold for GIGA JEW PROFITS, so the giga Jew community/tribe concocted this scheme. The jew community/tribal network aka mossad and proxy affiliates, are purposefully taking the "fall" for the GIGA PROFIT JEWS so at least their tribe members will get their money back for the bad tests.

Isn't he the one who said Messiah would arrive in 2 weeks?

What will Israelis think when they can't keep up with the cremations? Like what happened in Italy.

>Mossad Agents are all Infected
this is exactly how Yas Forums will recover.


shut up kike

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Your mom is gay.

Board quality seems to have drastically changed.
>Jewish shills have died down slightly but chinese shills are up.
>Islam shills nowhere to be seen.
>The discord trannies are mostly too buisy doing other shit.
>The glowies were probably assigned other shit too.
There are some other factions but overall I think it's just mostly shitposting and trolling since most canons are sucking up basement air. You faggots actually manage to irritate me unlike any of the outside forces before

This shill OP literally doesn't even have a script lmao

There's a ton of Qposting. If it had some substance it would be great but it's all kinda worn out early.
What's Biden doing? I have no idea.

Cant wait for the Holocaugh to cleanse our upper echelons of "leadership" in this god forsaken country.
Also roll for 100% death rate among these orthodox scum.

People in NJ are absolutely furious at the kikes in Lakewood because they continue to disregard the rules of the goyim government and hold large gatherings. Not to mention the heeb that got caught selling masks for a gorillion dollars in NY(picrelated). They can’t resist a good crisis and people will be looking for someone to blame as this drags out.

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Messiah in 2 weeks? Who said 3 weeks? You’re crazy if you think you’re waiting 4 weeks.

ok ill roll for that chaim

do you know how much welfare these fuckers scam out of everyone. they pay no taxes either because they claim their home as exempt.

What's the hate about the orthodox? they're heinous scum but at least they're coherent, they actrually believe they are chosen people and God gave them that land. What is your legitimacy to occupy arab lands as a secular jew?

They really do combine the worst traits of the jewish ethnicity and the jewish religion. If there was any justice in the world we would wall off their ghettos and burn them down

> muslim logic
You can oppress and kill my people as long as you're coherent.

>What's the hate about the orthodox?
>they're heinous scum
you answered it your self
>What is your legitimacy to occupy arab lands as a secular jew?
you denied the UNs proposal, went to war and got your shit kicked in,thats our legitimacy.

I'm sick and tired of this shit. We should all get infected, let our immune system do its job and get it over with. if 0.2% of the population will die, shall be it.

Attached: Brazil’s Bolsonaro downplays coronavirus risks ‘We’re all going to die one day’.png (591x488, 315.68K)

They aren't stupid but they also put on an illusion of being super smart to intimidate others.
Their success is more due to fact that act tribal in non-tribal societies. Although of course some are very intelligent.

>you denied the UNs proposal, went to war and got your shit kicked in,thats our legitimacy.
The UN has no right to give arab lands to jews and everyone knows the UN rejected it but you bought some third world countries vote to make it happen. If you think your legitimacy comes from force, don't go crying when the next holocaust happens.

We wont, because your kind likes war, but has proven to be horrible at persecuting one outside of mass murdering of innocent civilians or being backed up by an actual western fighting force.
Also fuck your lands, all your countries are nothing but open air landfills and the ones that arent are propped up by oil money, built by slave labor and designed by western people.
Read Mark Twains accounts of Palestine before the state of Israel, it was a sewer fit only for subhuman Arabs.

there's quite a few FUD shills, promoting the "be afraid" meme, caught a kraut flag who posted this image when I was arguing with him, I re added the their filename to the image

Attached: imgbin-pol-4chan-brexit-european-union-united-kingdom-united-kingdom-mEyH8ALQx0Bgwb40UppFwUA1U.jpg.jpg (728x622, 96.28K)

>Mossad Agents are all Infected
still here desu
every time you post something with a "jew","kike","talmud","kabalah","metziza bapeh"
or even a jew pic.
you can count on me lurking here.
not always leave a response but still lurking.
i have a script that scrape Yas Forums constantly and filter all the "jew" keywords posts for me to look for...
have a great day op.

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How about you go back to your shithole Achmed ?

the cope in this post
>your supremacy is showing Shlomo
and your "country" wouldn't even exist if millions of goyims hadn't spilled their blood in fake wars for fake jews

Weirdly based, try not to rape any children this week though. You can do it, just one week at a time.

Yeeeaaaahhh. It was about 50/50 Arab Jewish. But those Jews were actually semitic. Rather than Eastern europeans pretending to be Jews. Phillip Roth points out in several of his books that the Ashkenazim rule Israel and the darker your skin the lower your chances of success .

You freed our land from the ottomans, Thank you. Now fuck off our land.

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You posted a cnd symbol. It was invented by Bertrand russel. It depicts a Christian cross inverted with the arms broken in a kikel. How very unusual and unpredictable. No one cares. Keep scraping

well that's ironic

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All you ever do is reveal yourselves. But now people are stirring. We don't like your magic tricks anymore. Wait. Your time will come. I doubt it will be the one your waiting for though

Jews barely made 10% of the Palestinian population at the beginning of the century.

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even the swastika lost his meaning its just something you can use to "symbolize" whatever u want.

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>its just something you can use to "symbolize" whatever u want.
much like the old star of remphan hey

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The Buddha knows what must be done and shall not flinch from his duty.

why do you keep posting that fake tweet?

Image unironically believing this, fucking kek

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Imagine believing the truth? I can see why you would find that funny

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Alternative banking imminent shlomo. Usurping you is going to easy. Only hope you have is finding other euro's to fight us on your behalf.

>das rasist

also, are you dense? arabs are the biggest racists in the world.

we finally found something able to beat krav maga

Wouldn’t this actually be great news for Yas Forums? I’m confused

Source: some cunt on twitter

Hehe 6 gorillion eh

>biggest racists in the world
everyone knows who the "biggest racists in the world" are Shlomo and it's not "the Arabs"

I tried to sell him a suit for $4,090.53, but he stubbornly refused

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That's true. The Arabs just want to convert us all to pisslam. Meanwhile our Talmudic friends generally believe that all Goyim will become there slaves in the future, willingly. And of course it's an ethnic cult so conversion isn't really an option.
>Inb4 Israeli flag denies it

Because he can't afford Yas Forums to be supportive of Trump.
>hahah look at what this tard said on /ptg/ haha
>Vote for some pro-migration anti-white elitist democrat, my go- I mean my guy!


Show me the body.

you sure he's not being told off in private for his false messiah naughty boy move ?