Western countries BTFO'D

Seriously, how can one chink be so based?

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Unfortunately, he is right.

Hard to manufacture for dead people

I take no paper tiger seriously

>being based
>being a chink
Pick one

this desu

Chinese Yas Forums is wild

Is eating cats and dogs banned in western nations? I don't know any law saying you can't eat them.

but he is ultimately right, giving up manufacturing for LGBT rights will be the death of the west

When the entire world gangs up on china, and rest assured the western world will absolutely gang up against china, I want to see if they hold the same discourse with the same smugness

>Is eating cats and dogs banned in western nations? I don't know any law saying you can't eat them.
you shouldnt need a law saying that

Doesn’t sound wrong, i work for a military base in Japan and it’s funny how this China chemical weapon is destroying America.
The military have no fucking clue what to do.

I hate chinks so much

why are chinks so arrogant

No one is going to war for the modern West. Fuck these nigger countries.

West cant produce its own basic needs like phones, computers and so on. We are useless and dependent on china.

Unless people start to learn usefu things and our industries will come back, we will end up as chinks bitch.

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What do we need to buy that Chinese make?

>manufacturing is impossible to regain

The worst that's going to happen will be trading off the capitalist 1st world nations for the 2nd world "developing" east european nations, and brazil being the new USA.

The military is 80% nigger and the rest is people who have been raised their whole lives being surrounded by niggers and jewish television.


I think it's because they've been enabled by "Western" tech and offshoring, which gives them some meaning in life.

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>we took your manufacturing
lmao more like porky moves his factories wherever work is cheapest. this is literal cope for being exploited by the west.

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But we already have plentiful phones and computers.

A lot of airplane companies don't manufacture in China or at least not as much as they would like to because the pieces are fucked most of the time.
There is a company here that moved to China and came back here because of that.

because they think they're worth something after being the world's asshole for 100 years and only now are getting better because they're slaving their people to death

they were for americans that's why

on a free market? it is, a country would have to go full iron curtain level of isolationism to do that and in the process will lose all of it's competitive edge and become an irrelevant shithole

this is so true. we need to move manufacturing back to the USA so mutts can start jumping off of foxconn buildings en masse.

Italy seems to have maintained internal manufacturing for most things....or not.

What gets purchased in Italy that's Chinese?

Do you see Nigeria becoming the next hub of cutting metallurgy, semi-conductor manufacturing, composites, second-gen biofuels, photonics, data transmission/storage, whatever? So why would the US?

>bragging about slave labor

I don’t want to hate on them too much because really there is no country ready to deal with this but it is sad seeing the most powerful military in the world being able to do nothing, their inability to even hide the fact they have people with the virus and their bases being overpopulated, making them perfect clusters for the virus.

it's like these people are asking for war

non essential manufacturing was given up. the usa still has full military production capabilities. china is exactly as strong as we let them be

Anyone have the wikipedia collection picture of all the wars china lost?

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>most powerful military in the world
tyrone go and rape some little girls like you retards always do there

ehhh. beats having a (((service economy)))

>Calling them "people".

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That's just it -- it's not really the most powerful military in the world. It just has the really important residue [nukes and delivery systems] from when it was the most powerful military in the world.

>What gets purchased in Italy that's Chinese?

people. the worlds fashion is made in Italy by sweatshop Chinese.

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Mostly tech stuff or any small/cheap objects, which are in everything. I don't know why they're bragging, because they work for cheap? That's not really a good thing. If we needed too, 100% of manufacturing can be done in the west. The problem is we don't work for slave wages like they do.

If there was a war/cold warn with China right now, western companies would probably move their manufacturing to India. If India was allied with China, then probably eastern Europe or South America. It would take a lot for manufacturing to be moved back to the west.

> took us 36 years to make cheap plastic shit
> we still eat cats and rodents
> we still haven’t figured out this causes diseases
Watch and laugh.

Because we haven’t put them back in their place.

They're insecure because of their small wangs

Hey Chang, yeah the rich fucks moved their manufacturing to China but we're still holding up, so fuck off

They import chinks to manufacture in Italy

I think that's another aspect that certain quarters of the US don't understand. This shit talking about how what was given up didn't matter and blah blah blah, has destroyed their credibility and any loyalty to the state. You can tell they don't get it.

The only thing these bugmen can be proud of is the fact that the rest of the world exploits their worthless lives for slave labor.

He is not wrong. Once the new silk road is set up China will have next to unlimited power over Asia and Europe

He is honest about what he wants, I like it, I wish the scum that is our enemies in our own countries would be this honest aswell, truth is that the US made China this powerful because they moved manufacturing there tho, obviously other countries did too because of the greedy fuck capitalists just have to have more and more money and consequences dont matter at all

Not much of it.

So what else?

It's called india retards. We already switched hubs. China will be making nothing by next year. This is why they seethe. They know soon they'll have to start eating babies again or starve.

The cheap trinkets niggers sell in the streets.

Emotional newfags on this board are clearly hating on success. Just memeposting and circlejerking bitterness
>-i-i hate chinks
>d-daddy can we nuke them already?

After the economical dominance, China now has the means to creep towards global moral/cultural assimilation, no matter how long that takes. They know the majority of Westerners take issues with the dog eating thing, this is just the beginning of their image cleansing campaign. Better start learning Chinese when you still can.

that hasn't been true for a long time
>The average salary for a factory worker is $2,056 per month in the United States.
>A person working in Factory and Manufacturing in China typically earns around 23,100 CNY (3 254 USD) per month.
chinese stuff is cheaper because of their infrastructure, logistics and laws
that's not something america can replicate


this, plus indians are total bros, fuck you guys for bullying them

>keep playing on your phone that i worked slave labor to make for you
>we took your shitty jobs they're ours now haha!
i like how we made chinks feel superior for doing our shitty jobs.

>Mostly tech stuff or any small/cheap objects, which are in everything.

But what do you really need? Do we all need televisions? No. So what else?

We already have phones and computers, but we need not swap them out for newer one's all the time. And what's so hard about making an all new future-proofed phone without planned obsolesce?

Like what inanimate objects do we really need?

>Watch and laugh

It's "raugh". Ratch and raugh.

>Asking the enemy to make your surgical masks.

Thanks globalism.

You seriously believe that? When their entire economy is based on the state dictating all facets of consumer spending?

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Yes, but what are they actually making?

>cant even produce masks or bandages on its own
>muh Military

mutts are like very small, very retarded children

I speak english and lead. Depending on who's standing in front of me.

>says the chink who is about to either get bombed to shit, or die as the insectoids rip each other apart

>It's called india retards.
Right -- not America. This time the capitalist class will be taking wage arbitrage with the country that most their surveillance state functionaries and technicians are from. They have a term in the tech industry called "getting Kimmed", which refers to East Asian workers rising as high as they can before they are locked in place by the Indians who the jews trust.

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believe numbers instead of shit that's been proven wrong a billion times? yeah
>When their entire economy is based on the state dictating all facets of consumer spending?
not true at all, people buy what they want, whatever state interference there is also exists in western states, or we're forgetting how western countries forbid huawei products? isn't that the state dictating facets of consumer spending?


The original question was: What do the gooks makes that are actually essential?

I hope you are correct

Wumao is legit Curtis Jackson.

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I wanna see if these chinks will still be this smug after corona passes and all effected countries come for China. Might as well bend over and spread them cheeks because the world is gunna go in on them dry

I feel physically sick after watching that gif

stop typing you retarded shitskin

yellow nigs gunna yellow nog

Tlue. Whele ale my mannels.

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You'd be surprised. Italy has been a center for fashion for a long time. They turned their fashion districts into third world sweatshops, importing chinks en masse. Also Italian law on 'Made in Italy' is extremely weak - clothing from couture designers gets made in Bangladesh or wherever and then 'finished' in Italy, i.e. a button is sewn on or a stitch added. As a result 'Made in Italy' means nothing and Italian fashion brands have suffered a sharp decline in quality. This is especially noticable in their shoes. Once considered the finest in the world they are now almost all garbage.
Disagree all you want, the products shoddy worksmanship and terrible quality speak for themselves.

They're still butt blasted over the opium wars lol. They call the period 1850-1950 the "century of humiliation".

>the furryredditfag was funnier
ccp needs to step up their troll game

Korean minority is going to chimp out, they're the ones who eat dogs primarily. Not sure who eats cats though.

let them get it out of their system, this is just how the americans cope, they whine a bunch on the internet and nothing changes