What do you think of Czechia? Are They developed and civilized?

What do you think of Czechia? Are They developed and civilized?

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Eeeeh better than Hungary at least

Best Porn industry
Best Beer brewery
Best Capital in EU
Best Slav country


A great country that has suffered a lot in history, very rich in culture, engineering feats that innovated their fields and generally a good country in terms of politics (never invaded their neighbours like one specific country near them).

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respect my czech brothers

as a person who has been to czech republic, this country is the first world and is equivalent to west europe, i would say. it seems they lack only lower wages compared to western europe. if they had not suffered from russia and communism, it might have been as rich as west europe.

A Fucking Slavic shithole filled with Subhuman Slavs.

show flag kike

still seething they kicked out the nazis?

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>as a person who has been to czech republic, this country is the first world and is equivalent to west europe, i would say. it seems they lack only lower wages compared to western europe. if they had not suffered from russia and communism, it might have been as rich as west europe.
Based SK. I Love SK.

>First World

sinful people on par with the french

We good. Come spent some money on beer and whores. Then fuck off.

They aren't cooperating.
Thank you

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Yes and that is a bad thing, wish we could drop this larpy pretense and just tell everyone to fuck off

Yep, we were on the right track after the first world war, but unfortunately got JUSTed hard by (((communism))). Not gonna complain though, we're not as rich as we might have been but at least we stayed white and are keeping poz levels to a minimum. Ignore the non-white memeflags in this thread, they are just angry mongrels of lesser races.

Start by memeflag, sage thread!

dated a czech girl from Pilsen it's pretty chill there.It is quite developed not like western europe but not as shit tier as eastern europe. Socially they are very similar to western euros though atheism, and promiscuity are normal there like it is here. But at least they have practically no muzzies and niggers. I could imagine living there if it werent for the language barrier. Not going to learn czech.

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Been there on a class trip, hotel was rat infested literally, so we forced them to pay us another one, they called us evil nazis but they agreed, that one was not much better, but atleast without rats all over the place.

>Are They developed and civilized?
Their not

its allright

>City of sins and vices
>Only slavs that cuck to the west
No wonder you hide your flag

It's the porn capital of Europe only for Hungary to follow as second place.
Also has a bunch of Jewish and Masonic signs in Prague center

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The moment they become christian there will be plenty of muzzies, niggers, kikes and germans so... give it a few years

no it sucks, don't come here

very laid back chilled people...but i've heard many of the "mutt" niggers saying their women are an easy catch...

They're Slavic speaking Germs

>the language barrier.
Just speak german and add slavic words endings.
Srajbovat, fligenovat, editovat, designovat, fahrenovat, etc.

sometimes. I know a guy from slovakia and I don't really like him. Are Czechians like Slovakians?

slovaks are bros but all of them are alcoholics magyars

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You guys really likes money. And boomer are fucking strange

We have enough foreign cocksuckers here, stay the fuck away.

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It's a progressive, first world country, almost like Western Europe, which is why they have to invite immigrants.

Yes, i love them

is that "Thanks"?

I like them and they are also richer than us, their standard of living is almost like in WEu

They make hot women.

They seem to be based, brew good beer and are in general nice people, I do like them

Germani is latin name for western Slavs so shut up. Linking Germans to Scatinavians is modern invention, ancient authors differentiated between Germans and Scatinavians. GErmanic people are western Slavs like Landi, Brukteri, Dulgubni, Rugi, Lugi. Goths were never included by any ancient writer into Germans. Gothones are not scatinavian Goths but local slavic Choćkowianie, included even into Sarmatians (eastern Slavs) by Ptolemy.

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Too bad they are build for bbc

Czech is a beautiful country. They are a small country, but they have achieved quite an important historical achievement in Europe. I know they and Slovakians are unfriendly to outsiders(mostly Non-white people) though. Many South Koreans like Prague.

>they called us evil nazis

seriously? My impression in Prague was that they liked all of the German tourists or at least didn't mind them.

the Havel to Zeman decline perfectly represents the decline of that country

Nu-uh, Prague is just mini Budapest, fuck off degenerate

>Developed and civilized
Yes, but not overdeveloped and overcivilized, which is what makes them good.

>i am a jew retard who searched for the cheapest hostel on trip advisor and expected 5 star accommodation
i am sure there's no rats in Germany anywhere

this. The metro is pretty old but it works and they still have some commieblocks.

Exactly the opposite, Bulgaria. Hungary is well first in production of porn in Europe.


We are quite full, no one should come here.

Only black man

i think it's a pretty complicated feeling. wouldn't it feel like a korean or a japanese tourist to go to vietnam or thailand to traveling? or maybe it's similar to how americans or canadians feel when traveling to mexico or colombia?

Nah he is just butthurth Hanz. I bet it was banter and half joke because they were complaining and ripping him off

>or maybe it's similar to how americans or canadians feel when traveling to mexico or colombia?

not at all. The Czech Republic and Germany are connected through race, culture, mutual history, etc. Mexicans and Colombians import drugs into our country and murder our family members in drunk driving accidents

Nobody is rly butthuth about ww2 anymore.

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not even the Poles?

Yea generaly speaking when czech calls german nazi its just banter and not hard feelings.

I mean here and i think poles are using it as victim card against germans and as a leverage but i dont think they have emotions towards germany

>i think it's a pretty complicated feeling. wouldn't it feel like a korean or a japanese tourist to go to vietnam or thailand to traveling? or maybe it's similar to how americans or canadians feel when traveling to mexico or colombia?
I don't know how North American visitors are treated in South America, but I don't think South Korean visitors or Jap visitors are treated much better in other Asian countries. Some of them have a good deal with us and are overly friendly, but frankly, it's nothing compared to the treatment that white visitors receive. And Money is king in Asia.

thats really close to polish.

figures. I quite liked the Czech Republic and would like to return someday.

Lived there for five years. I miss it and want to go back. They hate Germans & Russians who invaded & raped them over the years. There are very few rapefugees the Czechs would not put up with that. Still have some commies in power. I learned the language... not that hard. Mluvim Cesky!

>I don't know how North American visitors are treated in South America, but I don't think South Korean visitors or Jap visitors are treated much better in other Asian countries. Some of them have a good deal with us and are overly friendly, but frankly, it's nothing compared to the treatment that white visitors receive. And Money is king in Asia.
>Muh Huwhite Powah