I can't wait to have a daughter, it's gonna be so much fun!
I can't wait to have a daughter, it's gonna be so much fun!
Look how beautiful they grow up to be. Nothing can go wrong!
Nooo wait what's going on?
What's happening
Both daughters dressing like sluts now?
Noo stop this!
What the fuck is happening?? This was supposed to be an amazing experience.
Sage slide threads
ching chong
Your daughter will be made for the BBC
If you have a daughter you need to go in knowing she will fuck a bbc at some point in her life
Hello wang
Lmao imagine getting this triggered over a few pics.
triggered by pixels lmao
Wang this is Chang. It's time to abort.
10/10 lol
More threads like this
Based fucking thread kek
I dunno why you shills keeping posting this broken jewish whore, you can see the smiles are fake, those kikes have been gutted.
Don't panic whiteboy, they are in GOOD hands.
You've convinced me op. Can't wait to have a daughter
This is fucked
Unpopular opinion: I think tan lines like this are icky
Man this nigga looks retarded wtf lmao
I would disown my daughters if I ever saw something like this. BELIEVE THAT.
that fucking (((honker))
omg she so cute and look how happy they are! whats the issue kids are great!
her eyes dont look right. is this some kind of an mk ultra project? she looks like shes past whatever comes after your soul is completely gone
mm even better I see I raised her right!
still not based enough to honor kill them like other cultures
quit stealing everyone elses wheels and go invent your own you stupid nigger
Built for BW daddy C
Who is this
Fucking disgusting belly buttons. Unironically would not fuck.
Are these girls Swedish?
Isn't it funny they looked alright in the solo bikini photos but washed up in that one.
The nigger effect
*hits pipe*
What do you mean by "washed up"?
why you keep posting same shit tho. Posting nigger threads wont make white girl fuck you Chang
Used and abused
Look at these gene-stealer goblins.
Fucking hell they look almost human
Thong tanlines make me diamonds
>mutts doing the work for us
you tell us, rabbi
Coalburners always have a look.
Drop dead gorgeous.
Brazilians get the worst of race mixing. Don't get IQ from whites or BBC from blacks.
*hits pipe*
> some years later
And they always have an outcome.
Drop dead.
mutts law
handsome af
This is how to mess people up. Khabib would be proud
even with all the stolen european genes, you can still spot the rat-like facial features of the jew just like with the levantinian arabs.
your women would all leave you for black men if they had the opportunity to do so.
Why do I find this thread so fucking hot. Please help mee
you dont' need help. you need help cumming
I am in love
you are scum
Fuck you I'm going to cum to the thought of her being ravaged by black men
Shes so fucking hot