Doctors pelted with stones in Indoor, India
Doctors pelted with stones in Indoor, India
Behold, the new world superpower.
who cares about fucking india?
Don't throw stones Indoors. And don't throw stones outdoors either.
India looks like Syria
>Doctors pelted with stones in Indoor, India
but why?
besides being shitskins
That's clearly outdoors
How dare you bad mouth our greatest ally mutt? Syria is beautiful
It's eerie, modern building architecture next to filth, this perfectly describes the modern condition of the Pajeet. Modern dressing on Poo, it's art.
He was just trying to spread the word about the Loo and Savior.
do you mean in terms of ruins? doesn't make much sense, because pajeets are living in tents. their highest building is like 20 feet long
they're going to poo
>Behold, the new world superpower.
>but why?
because they are low IQ street shitters. They seem to be angry they cant go anywhere to worship cows shitting. Angry because of lockdown so they take it out on the doctors.
youtube description;
>Some of the people here are not understanding what Lockdown means and what is necessary to do at this moment. Not just that, they're abusing, trash-talking and stone-pelting the health officials.
Looks like they were trying to take an older woman away, and they weren't having it.
how BASED can 1 nation be?
This is you
That's what I saw in it as well. I'm not a poo though so maybe one can chime in. . .
They're all muslims. Notice the skullcaps
Want to guess why they're doing this?
Poos are fucking doomed
Wait 1 month
Those are Muslims. Look at the comment explaining why they are chimping out above and they are wearing skull caps. They aren't Indians and belong in Pakistan.
Jesus Christ what fucking ethnotype is that troglodyte ? Are reptilians being gene spliced with jews?
I hope corona wipes out all the poos
Why do you poos always blame everything on Muslims? Also go poo in loo
Can you tell us if it's sandnigger or india's language?
it's simple
we send in the Durgesh
Off the board Ahmed
>Indoor, India
did they name the city that so they can claim they shit indoors?
>Sealab reference
That's in Indore, MP. A major city in India. They're speaking Hindi
Oh look a butthurt chechen
Don't you have more 9 year old wives to rape?
The poos when united can destroy the earth easily with their filth....or unleash the ganges and kill us all in an instant
I still want to know what their motives are.
Muzzies spiritual leaders who were kept quarantine two days ago, started spitting on everyone, i think they have passed fatwa(commands) to not let gobermints inside their ghettos
1. Everything is okay.
2. Doctor appears.
3. Doctor says a guy is sick.
4. He wasn't sick before doctor appeared.
They go around the country to preach, now the gobermint is trying to find them. muzzies are hiding them and not letting in by stone pelting
Medieval cultures does not deserve space era technology, period.
These are mudshits. They had a huge Event despite the Lockdown, so officials showed up and ended the religious Event. They started going after the doctors and nurses now.
Hopefully this will lead to violence vs muslims and end them once and for all.
where in India?
They don't want their family members taken away.
Pretty impressed with how dousing yourself in shit is keeping your coronavirus rates down
Shot them dead
Oh pretty basic muslim logic.
I refer to them as one of the "butthurt cultures" much like chinks and North Koreans/communists in general, boomer Americans.
>muzzie goatfuckers mad they're closing mosques
Can the Sikh's just purge India of mudshits already?
they are the biggest cucked faggots
Mudshits in India should be deported to Pakistan or executed.
Literal barbarians.
>loo still outdoors
Can't make this shit up
It a human right to shit in the loo
> Superpower by 2030
>Doctors pelted with stones in Indoor, India
>walking through the shit covered streets if India in surgery room gear
I hope they burn those clothes the moment they get off the street
As a chicken farmer, I can attest that stronger shit will kill weaker shit.
That's the entire premise behind compost, actually.
looks comfy
t. Assad sucking Putins cock right now