
>beta enablers

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There's not much that can be done about simps enabling this whole thing, but at least ethots will be out of jobs when VR porn gets advanced enough

How the fuck did we get so many simps though??? Like seriously, I don't know any guys paying women for this.

yeah you do but they'll never admit to it

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All women are whores and should be beaten into submission

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cant wait to spend my hard-earned trumpbux on some instagram selfies

This is why prostitution must be legalized.
At least that way most of those idiots would at least fuck something instead if this cuckoldry....

The endgame of sexual liberalism is the most alpha possible Chad with all women.

Male traits also act as intensifiers of attractiveness.
Confidence makes attractive men more attractive, but ugly men more threatening/rapey/creepy/etc.
Physical strength makes attractive men more attractive, but ugly men more threatening/rapey/creepy/etc.
If a man is seen as threatening/rapey/creepy/etc, people will constantly be trying to fuck with them irrespective of how well meaning they are, and this will eventually take a mental toll.
This conditions unattractive men into idealizing meekness as a desperate means of communicating to others that they mean well.
I'm also willing to bet that this psychological sink, in it's most extreme form, is why transfaggots are almost always MtF.
When Christfags claimed that casual sex was evil, they weren't wrong, even if they didn't know why they were right.

What is OnlyFans? Please don't tell me it's where all the cam whores have gone.

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This still happens even in country where prostitution is legal.
Unattractive men are physically repulsed by the thought of contact with women, as they have been conditioned to feel like everything they would be doing is rape.
They have spent their entire lives being berated as vile and disgusting, and fear that if they are seen to be enjoying sex, that this validates the accusations.
It's the exact same idea as white guilt racially.

Not just cam girls, but the average woman now posts nudes as well

The whore of babylon.

What's the reason why prostitution isn't legal again?

Thothub posts tons of nude and sex pictures/video leaks from Instagram models, onlyfans, patreon twitch, youtube etc. Don't pay money for something you can look up for free.

The paid snapchat thing got fucked in the ass so now they made their own platform specifically for nudes

>Why isn't prostitution legal?
They do the
>legal to "sell"
>Illegal to "buy".
shit as it is seen as exploitative.
Women don't want to have to fuck betas, they want to fuck Chad.
Betas are exploiting their financial circumstances, and hence it's a form of rape.
Something along those lines.

Men getting butthurt because women are getting paid. Essentially what this sums up to

This. hopefully someone improves vr porn

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it's where girls sell nudes. i mean frankly i don't see anything wrong with it. what else are women used for?

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Remember that most of these women have normal jobs.
Dividing their time between camwhoring and their actual job means less time invested in their actual job.
This leads to a pay gap.
This in turn leads to feminists campaigning for even more redistribution of wealth and power.

>yeah you do but they'll never admit to it
what kind of person would unironically give shekels for nude pictures of women when there are petabytes of those same images for free on the internet

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Intimacy has also been comoditized by sexual liberalism.

Oy vey goys, sexual liberation is beautiful! Are you some kind of virgin or something? OY VEY goy, make sure to give all your hard earned money to these strong proud individual women!

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>what kind of person would unironically give shekels for nude pictures of women
Apparently a lot of them, considering how profitable this is.

Ok guys, any user's who can do dance moves and own some motion capture hardware to operate the qt avatar and something to make them sound like a girl?
We need a Yas Forums onlyfans virtual waifu slut

Holy fucking based. I was just discussing this with a couple friends of mine. Apparently Islam was right.

I do. I feel like I have a real human connection when I give them money. It feels like I'm a provider. That feeling is worth the money I'm paying.

>those same nude pictures get sent to all her paid subscribers

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The problem is not these women selling lewd pics, the problem is the betafags buying them.This one is a classic

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Notice how it was a Leaf? I don't want to judge, but it's always a Leaf.

All the simps will gravitate to only a handful of the most famous whores and leave the rest penny-less. This might be ironically good for putting them in their place along with VR.

so why not just call them what they are, whore's.

k y s f a m

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Yeah, it's why I couldn't even type anything there

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I never said they weren't simps.


meekness is not the same as weakness, meekness means restraint from undue violence which is objectively the best way to live your life and the bible is 100% correct that a people who are meek will inherit the earth because sudden rash violence is an animal tier trait that cannot produce higher civilization.
Your thoughts created by 15sec of thinking do not mean that they are correct

this is the gayest thing ive ever read

All forms of prostitution, including internet prostitution like OnlyFans, should be illegal.

>No slut shaming females and going all out on insults
>No consequences for being a slut
>Promotion of being a slut
>No promotion of competition(aka sex dolls, VR porn for men)
It's a mystery guys i wonder why this keeps happening lol.

offer real policy solutions please that fix it, dont just say "haha what a weak simp". Yeah no shit, but how do we stop them. What law prevents a man from simping?

what neurotransmitter is responsible for this?

No matter how much I failed at life, I take solace in the reality that others have failed much harder

Friendly reminder to continuously and unrelentingly bully simps until they change their pathetic, grovelling behaviour.

If you “pay” a girl to jerk it to online, you are a degenerate kuck.

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Females hate competition and want the pussy value to rise, so they make it difficult to have brothels etc. If it did happen you would see the pussy value lower because there is more competition thus lowering the standards of women.

there is no intimacy in being one in a thousand
that was my meaning

It's the illusion of interacting with a person of the opposite sex. They want to be able to larp as if the slut sending them pics is their girlfriend. Which makes it sadder and more exploitative since they aren't looking for just sex.

You have to figure that most of those new sign ups were pavement whores pre-lockdown anyways.


It's not going to last. Simps will b
E broke soon.

Micah 1:7

I agree with you on that. It just makes me wonder why they would not seek it out through VR experience or get a nice sex doll. Men limit themselves way too easily. There is not much difference.

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I really don't know what's worse, the fact that this SIMP is paying thousands for pictures and conversation with a woman, or the fact that she is so ungrateful and thinks she owes nothing to anyone, I swear I don't know if I hate the cunt or the simp more here

This. It's also why a sly way to end immigration to advocate for "oppressed women" without children to be given entry priority. What white women go full 14/88.

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Small number of high quality VR headsets in circulation is the bottleneck here. Once one the major consoles comes with a VR as a default option a hugem market for VR content will appear overnight.

Based and Schadenfreudepilled

The money these idiots pay for virtual sex they can go and hire a top escort. Here a good one costs 100/120 € hour.

Yes basically you have to start demanding for immigration of
>Asian females
>Eastern European females
>Legalization of brothels
At that point white women's value would lower because men have more options to choose from and they would have to compete than the other way around.

Don't underestimate simps and their willingness to spend their entire salary on thots, all the ones they can find.
I remember screencaps of simps wasting their entire inheritance on thots, and not just the most known ones.
In fact if you look at any random thot she will have subscribers on the onlyfans or whatever.
It's worse than it looks bros

It's due to a growing male surplus in the world so men have to pay.

I wonder how many people have got thousands of dollars just by uploading porn chicks.

Do you know e-thots?

Sadly you are right. they do just need to be steered towards a better direction.

I signed up last night DESU to download a few free vids but it turned out they weren't complete. Not paying for that shit.

Wait no that was manyvids not only fans

A lot of perversions are just filling the void of marriage and parenting. Emotionally and financially supporting a woman is called marriage. Even within a marriage those "higher function" relationship aspects are different than the sexual part of the relationship. Simps are low testosterone enough to not care about the lack of sex in the relationship spectrum. The low testosterone is largely a function of obesity and level of meat consumption, because endocrine distruptor chemicals are present in high levels in animal fats.

For cucks, the "find men for a female loved one to enjoy sexual relations with" is a perversion of raising a daughter. It's easy for the cuck fetish to manifest even in men with daughters since unlike when "Sweet 16" type events were common, fathers these days have little say in their daughter's choice of mate thanks to feminism.