On his 19th birthday, Rodionov was beheaded on the outskirts of the Chechen village Bamut. According to his killers, who later extorted money from his mother in exchange for knowledge of the location of his corpse, they beheaded him after he refused to renounce his Christian faith or remove the silver cross he wore around his neck.
On his 19th birthday, Rodionov was beheaded on the outskirts of the Chechen village Bamut. According to his killers...
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Diversity is a strength, racist
*bell rings*
Thanks Mr user. See you tonrorow!
Chechen filth. God I'm sure some of them are good people but that Islamic filth is really, really something man. Fuck I'm glad that when I go to Russia I only visit the European parts, Saint Petersburg and smaller Cities. I love them and the good ones are safe and 95% white. Fuck Islam
How can these animals even think that God supports their barbaric deed? If anything damnation awaits them.
I hear the snowchinks at the other end are alright too.
I know they still hunt whales with harpoons.
Why does their cross have a faggoty bar on the top?
Fuck Muslims
Also, is this the guy in the shock video of late 90s early 00s? When I was 12 I downloaded something on limewire and it was the video of a russian soldier being beheaded
Based, God bless him
It's the Orthodox cross you retaded mutt
Just google it. Its a famous video
It isn't. I saw the video some years ago. But it shows the methods of those dirty animals.
I don’t want to see it again
This was the first gore video i've ever seen. RIP.
>Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow personally blessed the popular account of Yevgeny's life but worried that his cult would balloon into anti-Muslim rage.
Well apparently he has the same disease as pope Francis: pandering to globohomo.
It's not him in that video.
I think you're thinking of the Arebrenica massacre.
Tatar rape babies cristcuks need to get the fuck out of Chechnya. Chechnya remembers what happened to the native Circassians when they relaxed around a snow Mongol.
Also, Gypsy if you love russian's so much why did you leave the Union? Why don't you invite Ivan back into your country I'm sure he would love to have you.
Vladivostok is OK, too. It's just the places where the whites are not the 80%+ majority that aren't great
What's the bar used for during crucifixion?
I would love for us to leave and never come back. Stop funding you, stop sending you help. Enjoy riding horse carts again, low IQ faggot
First of all.
>619,007 (3.3%) gypsys
>19,401,658 Romanians
Uneducted islamist rat. I don't like either the west ot the east. I want my country to be as independent as possible. But, Yevgeny Rodionov was based as fuck, for not giving up on Ortodoxy against little jihadist rats. Same as Constantin Brâncoveanu did.
Chechnia is Muslim
Death to all of you kikes
lame excuse for sweettalking barbarism, you people belong in a zoo
>I would love for us to leave and never come back.
So would I, the west brought nothing to the middle east except kike's the Saudi's. And sham known as (((democracy))).
>Stop funding you, stop sending you help. Enjoy riding horse carts again, low IQ faggot
enjoy going back to using coal to run your factories and coal liquefaction planets to run your vehicle. If you do that you can keep every single penny of (((aid))) you brought the middle east.
Papis*st belong lined up against a wall and shot. for those who follow the pope worship at the feet of the black nobility and LARP as godly men.
>hey you westerner from the most advanced and sophisticated civilizations with the strongest economies, enjoy going 200 years back because you're not funding muslims anymore
your brain on room temperature IQ
my hate for mutts grows ever stronger.
>But, Yevgeny Rodionov was based as fuck, for not giving up on Ortodoxy against little jihadist rats. Same as Constantin Brâncoveanu did.
And it was even more based when the people of the land turned the Russian wanna be conquerer into a corpse. For when in Rome do as the Romans do, when in Chechnya fuck around larping as a godly man while wearing an idol and get shot.
He die for Ortodoxy. And he didn't changed his faith. This is bravery. If there are such circumstances, I would love to do the same.
As for you, you are hiding behind a meme flag, like a scared pussy.
This is the plaque with the letters INRI standing for "Jesus, King of the Jews".
>He thinks factories can run without material outputs.
>He thinks his economy's transportation industry can survive without oil. even though not a single European country exception Norway and Russia are energy producers.
putin killed all of their radical leaders tho, basaev took a school hostage and killed 300 kids to try to extort independence from russia. he was a real monster.
>Christian faith
Choose one.
We don't need muslims for any of this shit. You do realize you don't add anything? You're a net negative on many countries. Your tribes keep fighting each other, your people don't act civilized in western nations, your extremists treat people in barbaric ways, your Quran literally has evil in it, it's fucking retarded.
>On his 19th birthday, Rodionov was beheaded on the outskirts of the Chechen village Bamut.
Based Chechens.
It's supposed to represent the sign that hung at the top of the cross.
Belgian animal talking about barbarism, kek.
You're a Greek in denial
I'm sure he was a monster and I believe he was supported by NATO. whats funny is when these sociopathic or psychopathic people move to the west, they worship,fuck, reproduce with niggers and jews, the bigger, meaner, more powerful psychopaths of the land, at least their daughters do. I say this because I know a middle eastern sociopathic family and this is how they behave in the US.
Good take the your house of Saud and the kikes of Israel O(who were placed in power by the west.) with you and never return to Muslim counties ever again.
for western influences are a malignant plague on a people. And westerners are the most cursed, NPC, satanic people in all of history.
>Anything else than a savage
pick one, roach
Russians need to get the fuck out off the Caucasus region, fuck off you drunktard scum. Caucasus for the the locals, Russian imperialist degenerate scums need to go back where they came from.
You people were Tatar and Turkish cumdumpsters for centuries, you should not even be opening your mouth towards him you lowly Slavic animal. Lest the Turks in your country remind you suicidal snow niggers of your place,
No this is based if a Russian enters your lands. Makes sure his comrades are forced to carry his bodybag in their hands.
Only reason I pity him, It's because he was conscript and didn't sign up for that shit.
He got , what his mother Russia prepared for him. All the ammunition and weapons Chechen had, was given by Russians themselves.
If you think those animals belong in Europe, you should move to middle east.
correction: i dont know if he was a psychopath but everything else i said applies.
Jerusalem is a Christian land. You'll never get it back
Caucasus is not Europe you low IQ gypsy.
There are 619,007 (3.3%) gypsys in Romania. I used to feel sorry for you. All the lgbt rights, all the muslims, all the tolerance. I used to say, poor guys for Netherlands. But you fully deserve it you tolerant cuck.
Even more, the jihadis need to fuck off from Caucasus.
well, why do you think they eventually attacked a few russian schools? it was probably a sort of revenge for the "russian federation" killing thousands of their children.
Jesus you literally have it backwards. Also, I don't want to take the Saud and kikes with me, you can do with them what you want, we need to kick them out anyway. That's probably the only thing we agree on.
Fucking based every single fucking snow mongol mutt shit head deserves the same
Why do Abrahamic religions kill each other like they're completely separate beliefs?
Judaism, Christianity and Islam all come from the same blue print. Go back to start of all three religions and they're the same fucking thing. Abrahamic religions are cancer and the worst thing that happened to this world. You don't see Shinto, Bhuddism, and Hinduism fighting each other as much as you see desert religions.
I like his defiance, I'm not religious but it just warms my heart that there are people who even in the face of death will just say fuck you and dont give up their beliefs
Islam is satanism, there are verses who openly call for slaughter of unbelievers, everything is allowed in islam only if you shill it and spread it. That's why it must be stopped and eradicated. People are allowed to behave like savages because it's a religion made by savages.
actually Hindus and Bhudists are activelly slaughtering muslims in defence of their land, they are based as fuck, read more you uneducated basement dweller
Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all savage religions.
>uneducated basement dweller
t. no reading comprehension
I never said they didn't go to war. What I said is that those religions don't kill each other because they all have origins in Sanskrit Vedic Scriptures
no, in Christianity it's forbbiden to kill innocents, love is propagated as the ultimate value
I wish this was b8. It's not b8.
Please don't make me laugh. The first chapters are literally Jews killing everyone inside the city of Jericho. Also let's not forget the thousands of pagans and Native Americans that died for not believing in Christ.
not an argument
>Why do Abrahamic religions kill each other
Because they pray to the curse god known as "the evening star" or "Salice. It's like praying to Chernobog or to ice giants, you can't get much more retarded then that. And one of the expected results of giving souls and prayers to a curse diety is all the bullshit you see today.
Factories are result of European scientific and societal progress. Oil is just happened to be where goatfuckers live. It will be there without goatfuckers.
Are you referring to the video where they shove a knife on the side of a guy's neck and he lets out a screech? That's a pretty painful watch.
It takes a second to find this out you pleb
>sandnigger education
>what is Romanian oilfields
>what is GB oil reserve
>what is Denmark and Shell
The curse god clouds your judgement.
If that so, here it is.