Should a man be legally allowed to beat his wife is she cheats on him?
Should a man be legally allowed to beat his wife is she cheats on him?
you should be allowed to seek retribution against anyone who betrays you.
> The nation where cuck culture and BBC worshipping was born trying to act manly.
drop your ego, put 90% into the relationship and leave 10% for yourself if shit turns south and it shouldn't be a problem
my female never cheat on me.
but i brutally beat her anyway.
Woman are equals remember?
first i have mine SEX
then i enjoy physical punch her.
then i do my well deserved SEX again with his hard damaged body.
In the old days if a thot was cheating on her powerful husband she and the lover were physically removed.
I wouldnt want to stay around a cheating cunt, then again some dude cant fuck and have 2 inches dicks. We're all animals and you thing is hillarious to look at.
Marriage is a contract, there should be terms and set punishments for breaking it.
Beating your wife is like scratching your own car when it breaks down.
What would that acomplish?
the other guy already won
No, adulterers should be publicly stoned
Topkek, what a fag. I shoot him in head with a shotgun.
What do you mean, if she cheats on him?
yeah, if you live in a jungle
if she cheats on you, that's becuase you're not satisfying her
The wife's family must pay restitution to the husband and the wife must be sent off to a nunnery or an equivalent for a life of sexless tragedy, never to bother her husband or children again.
Never been cheated on, a woman lied to me once about withdrawing cash from account and I body punched the cunt to oblivion so she couldn't stand. If a woman cheated on me, I would've scarred her for life...
Don't your people bury women up to their neck in the ground and then pelt stones at her head if she sleeps around?
i thought that WAS legal.
How do I report you to interpol?
You should kill them both then go visit his family and kill them then take your rifle and sandbag yourself in on an underpass and make the police work for your death.
Anything else is simp shit.
does anyone else remember before the changs took over Australia they had hard bants and a kill or be killed attitude?
I wouldn't. I'd just be done with her man. It's not worth the aggravation desu
>she cheats on him
women are retarded children. you can't hold retards accountable. it's the male who damaged your property that should be put down.
if men still protected their honor, there would be much less dishonor, for the penalties would be too high for most.
By going on to pornhub and typing twink sex
define "beat"
What if she's loyal, but really annoying?
reminder - If your woman cheats on you it's your fault. Women will always be attracted sexually to the most dominant man in their lives, other factors also play a role like social status and physical health and vigour.
Your woman would never cheat on you if you were that man, be that man or give up.
>if you live in a jungle
i didn't mean like... literally a jungle
but, yeah, they do that in some regions
married for 2 years now (5 yr relationship) - my advice: never leave disrespect or agressivity unpunished (use physical force if needed but no overkill). Give enough space without abandoning the control over the couple's resources and home.
The real question, Fren.
Is “should women be allowed to be judges”?
See. Think outside the box.
OP - shit posting aside, what would honestly beating women do? Nothing would change, women cheat because they're not getting attention that's number 1! They may cheat for financial reasons, but that's few and far between. They will cheat if they don't get attention AND don't feel as though they are protected. They will cheat if you bore them, so always get one who is in to similar interests as yourself again this goes back to attention. Otherwise, if a woman cheats on you, YOU made the wrong choice in woman and must live with that. NEVER commit to marriage unless you have ZERO doubt. I've been married for 7 years and with my wife for 12 years. Trust me, hitting a woman will achieve zero because it won't change WHY she cheated.
no you should be able to kill her
You shoot your boyfriend?
There's 7 billion people on the planet. You'll never be the best.
Maintain your frame and just move on if your girl fucks up. You should never allow a woman to matter to the extent that you'd be devastated by her leaving anyway. Focus on yourself.
If ur wife cheats on you , you are clearly a fuxking fag ... my wife already knows that if she ever play in my back , I'll beat the guy near death and I'll pay a huge butch to fuck her up ... I told her that in our first year ... I'm af 10yrs with her ... be a fuxking man and show her the way
>Should a man be legally allowed to beat his wife is she cheats on him?
Wat?? NO WAYYY. What you should be allowed to do is ask her if you too can get some action from him cuz 3 of her holes + 2 of yours= good fulfilling relationship.
You fucking retard.
In the days of old it was considered an obligation to stone the adulterer and the adulteress to death.
But seeing as we prize adultery today, getting away with what God has commanded you would be very difficult indeed.
say your wife cheats on you and then you beat her
how does that change the fact that she cheated on you?
No but it's the least a cheater deserves. Leave her after, penniless and on the streets.
>Should a man be legally allowed to beat his wife is she cheats on him?
Absolutely not you fucking retard, how would that fix anything? He should be legally obligated to beat his wife she cheats on him.
Women are still responsible for their own actions. Don't excuse them when they act like cunts. Hitting a woman doesn't fix anything but saying it's always the man's fault if things don't work out is bullshit. I'm glad things are working for you so far but plenty of people divorce after 20 or even 30 years together. Being bored is not an excuse to ignore your vows. Don't treat women like children and absolve them of all responsibility.
>just be the most alpha man your girlfriend comes in contact with
There is a lot more to it I think. You have to pick a girl who isn’t that fucking weak willed that she will fuck the first Chad who smiles at her.
You gotta pimp.
>always have something for her to look forward to such as marriage or children or a vacation. Even if you never deliver anything make it forefront in her mind
>treat em mean keep em keen. Always put her in her place and you have to WIN every power struggle. If she threatens to leave you can never show that it would hurt you
>listen to her and let her know that you care about her
>never question her loyalty because it breaks trust
>never show signs of insecurity. Honestly you should even worry about being cheated on but I know most guys can’t do that
>be happy, if she makes you unhappy then change her or break up. If you continue on unhappy she will cheat or you’ll just fight all the time
>women are retarded children. you can't hold retards accountable.
This is the same bullshit thinking that evolved into the white knight culture.
Both MUST be punished.
Not true. Some people cheat just to cheat. A change of flavor. I know for a fact I was used as a side guy once.
i tend to punch my females on the river.
most times after having SEX
sometimes i make SEX on the female first and then enjoy Waterboarding.
Being with a woman is kind of a cuck move. Women are unintelligent, soulless, incomplete humans. Real love and deep relations for a man is only possible with another man, women are all just cattle for reproduction.
You should always have this conversation with ur wife/gf : would you fuck with a black guy (no) and if you cheat on me , I'll fuck tou both up .
>i enjoy physical punch her.
>then i do my well deserved SEX again with his hard damaged body.
You punched the gender out of her?
Should definitely be allowed to divorce and owe no alimony.
nice guy cuck leaf
should you be allowed to beat anyone who hurts your ego? i don't know, are you some kind of african?
>whaaa leftists hit me with a bike lock bewhew they're so violent
>btw i'mma beat my wife if she hurts my feefees
Fucking nigger.
based and check'd
A man should be doing whatever is stated in the quran and old bible
Women need to be set straight they are programmed like that
Why would you bother staying with a woman who cheats on you?
you have no honor. you must be a jew.
A woman that has cheated should be caned in public by state authorities. The husband should have no say. A cheating woman is a transgression against the entire social order not just the man in question. The man she cheated with should also be whipped in public. You can't leave this decision to the husband because he might be a cuck or a Swede or something.
Built for Israeli vag
most likely cuz these cucks aren't swimming in options
No I am not a nigger.
I would just delete her entirely from my life and find another one worth of my time.
If sparing the rod is honorable then I’m the fucking Caligula of dishonor.
But you are the Caligula of spreading the cheeks, to your wife’s strapon
Leviticus 20:10
If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.