Sweden's minister of culture

>Sweden's minister of culture


Attached: Alice Bah Kuhnke.jpg (317x420, 19.2K)

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Minister of niggers

Niggers have no culture. Shaking your ass isn't culture.

would fuck


Shes in the EU parliament since 2019.

And shes a disgusting Swedish hating cunt.


That isn't Sweden's minister of culture, that's just some random porn image from your stash. Their minister of culture is actually far far more degenerate than that.

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my mistake she was the FORMER Minister of "Swedish" culture

Good to see that Rachel Dolezal found work


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>t. man with no culture recently ruled by a nigger

She’s an MEP now but this is pretty based anyhow

1.A foreigner.
2.A foreigner masquerading as a Male stereotype.

Adios Sweden.

>promote smoking

Absolutely disgusting

That's the cunt who wanted to melt down viking artifacts right?

We live in dark times that can only be answered by the red light of revenge

I looked all this shit up it's true. What the fuck

Why are you using ”” on Swedish? KYS

She did

Kom igen, tänk lite nu för fan

>Alice Bah Kuhnke
It's real!

Tells something about the state of the country, and the people for not wanting to lynch her on the streets.

Använd din hjärna din jävla jude.
Han använde '' eftersom hon hatar Sverige och Svensk kultur men är kallad ''Sveriges'' kulturminister.
Jävla hund.

Nice milkers.

Yes, the one who set in motion measures to physically destroy viking artifacts?

That's her.
Believe she wanted to close down a viking museum to open some feminist showroom shit on top of that.

Who cares about racist colonial artifacts? Shameful history, if anything you should be glad to get rid of it.

oy vey

Käft din svartskalle.

is she smoking a pretzel?


Swedes are northern European, the northernmost. That's clearly a lady from Africa fren

bra argument parasit

What’s wrong with that?

Stfu leaf

Under the counseling of pic related. The day of the Blood Eagle can't come fast enough.

Attached: nigger.jpg (1280x720, 64.46K)

Built for BWC

souless babies

Shut the fuck up you racist cis-privileged prick. I bet you're fucking white.

Do normies even react to stuff like this? I guess it's not something that would show up in MSM


Being called "racist" is a compliment yk

Yeah, in this case the outrage was huge. Whole matter was brought to light by Johan Runer when 5 bracelets were destroyed after an excavation, that was the start and end of such practice thank god.

this is rightful retribution for invading fingolia in the 1200s

Fuckin loved this

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Look at me, I'm the Marshal of Finland now.

Attached: the-marshal-of-finland-mannerheim.jpg (683x1024, 98.89K)


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Looks badass to me

Such a good actor to potray the Marshal, why do they do this?

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Canuk's law

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Fuck off faggot

Nigel's law: The more obvious the baitpost, the more demoralized those who respond to it become.


Some Finn

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Mannerheim was actually swedish, a great man

Attached: 07303c718257794085e04d847f01bda6.jpg (470x802, 49.87K)

Aren't you all? :) Bantz aside, truly a great man at the spearhead of just as great a people.

Attached: finlandssakarvar19403.jpg (640x912, 95.76K)

>Jävla hund

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Nah but we bros for sure, so much common history cant really be ignored

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I mean what the fuck

Technically, no.

Shaking your ass is considered culture if the group involved does it all and everyone reflects on it as 'their' thing.

I tried dumbing that down for the tards (not necessarily you).

>wtf!! i hate niggers
>w-what? germans did the same?
>i mean they did it for the WHITE RACE
>but the niggers can fuck off

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Old news, pic related is our current minister of culture.
Yes, that is dreads and yes she came out and admitted she tried weed.
I don't know what's worse..

Attached: iCtwe3v3Dgygy6Asn86eEqJJZ5o.jpg (720x450, 32.16K)

is she the one who melted viking artefacts?



I had a pic of her had to delete it. The smug was insufferable

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fuck off. They invented umgh... dish carrying lip modifications

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you know (((why)))

Actually german. But his family had lived in Finland for generations.