Which race do you hate more?

which race do you hate more?

poos or insects?

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chinks because they copy everything and flood the western markets

The chinks are the most dangerous

Chinks. Fuck chinks. I can deal with poos but fuck chinks.

no poo ever gave me a virus.

We insects are objectively superior in every way. Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore proves how successful we can be when unshackled by Communism. The superiority of our genetics is unmistakable.

> Nationality is a race

Thanks nurgle u mutts are going down.

I’ve got it! The best way to strike back at China is to stop accepting Chinese nationals in our universities. Thousands of them leave home because there’s too much competition and come back when they’re done their degree. Just starve them.


Chinks hands down

Lmao who made this picture? Most of India hates China. They have border disputes all the time

In their own countries I hate the Chinese more. When they come to my country I hate the poos more


Pajeetism will rule the world

poos are easily exploitable labor and consumers, perfect for profits. insects are harder to profit from, plus more probable to create competitors. not to mention the virus, and the fact that their country is an actual competitor on the world stage vs. the west.

Poos try to integrate a little. Chunks stay loyal to the ccp. Another reason for


Although, they are filthy disgusting mutts, and not a proper race.

Pajeets by far.

scammers, small dick, ugly looking, bad smelling creatures.

jews, chinks, niggers, arabs, poos.
in that order

Poos only shit in their own toilet aka India chinks ESPECIALLY RURAL CHINESE will shit on the floor of other peoples countrys
Poos are actually nice people and chinks are fucking self centered assholes the only redeemable feature of china is tencent and sexy chinese women i would say china is far fucking worse thr majority of them are sub human slime

lol at this changstein

Who the jewish nigger faggot who came up with this retarded green shit, btw?

Whoever that was is definitely a retarded niggerfaggot jewmutt.

jews even if they rather are a concoction of races. if i must choose an actual race, it's the levantines.

Yea that guy is a faggot

I vote chinks. Nuke China 2020!

>Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore

Literal outposts of the British Empire that copied and pasted Western ways onto the given mongoloid population. Otherwise they're fairly profitable but polluted, sweatbox shitholes unfit for human life.

poos are funny


and seem to have some genuine decency and humanity.

Indians are hilarious, smart, loving, protective, loyal, and true leaders while the insects are a threat to the world

Jews are not Levantines though. Ashkenazis are mix of Iranians and Slavs

>which race do you hate more?


Until recently I would have said India because they annoy me. But that's all India is, ultimately: annoying. China is actively evil.

Yes. Fat cunts.

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Open your eyes chang

chinks, poos do whatever they want in there own country except occasionally scamming my idiot family

Poos are comical
Chinks are a threat to western civilization and need to be re-colonized

I worked at a university for like 5 years and let me tell you that chinks are downright alien to me. I worked with people from all over the world (Africa, Mid-East, India, South America, Europe) and the Chinese were the strangest.

I'm not immune to prejudice towards people from other parts of the world, but chinks were different in that I felt as if I could never understand the functioning of their weird insectoid brain.

Here's some stories:

One time, a chink stored her piss in jars and it stunk the room so bad that I could not even enter.

I once knocked on a chink's door and asked her to come out and she said she would, but took forever, so I peaked inside and she was just staring into nothingness.

One time, a chink flooded the floor with water, and when I went to investigate, there was water just sitting in the living room and no one cared. We had to evict the retarded chinklets.

Subletting was common among chinks, despite it being against policy.

We have these transit passes for students that are only for the stupid that draws them, so a chink immediately went downstairs and posted a sign out in the open bulletin board saying she's selling her pass, as if there was no one else that can read Chinese.

Chinks also cheat like crazy. For them, it's not even a concept that they find wrong. That's honestly part of their culture. Chinese cheat and consider it almost giving respect.

I had a friend that used to make a living writing economics papers for chinks.

Like, yeah, I get it Indians/niggers/etc have their own flaws, trust me I do, but the chinks are just... different.

Attached: chinariotcheating.png (966x934, 726.62K)

I hate those who hurt dogs

>Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore
HK and Singapore were effectively created by Britain as merchant hubs, and Taiwan has been given massive help by America.

Indians have brown power youtu.be/wM6L092e0jU

jews are an intermix of anatolians, caucasians, iranians, levantines, and in later times also europeans. this, since the beginning.
i mentioned the levantines as the race i hate the most. fanatic, ugly, resentful, delusional, coward (terrorism for instance is opposite of war, it is pure cowardy), but above all : fucking autistically fanatic.

Same thing bro i just made Indian hate jokes for the lulz

chinks obviously
poos are bro-tier


I feel sorry for poos more than anything

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This is the best way to put it honestly. India is only nasty towards Pakistan. China is godamn buboe

Insect changs are worse. Poos are generally pretty chill.


We are also always the smartest students in whatever university you attend.

I hate amerimutts the most. weak cumskin beta faggots

Anyone got link for the vid of that guys shit show of a I dia trip and a truck overturns

We are the Ruinous Powers AND the God-Emperor of Mankind. Your ilk is just renters in our galaxy. Pray we never get to removing taco xenos. The only good thing about your faggy country were the Nazis who went there.

Chink smart lol without your parents putting you in jails for study you are nothing

Pablo! Jose! Guillermo! Get in here! The chinks and pajeets are gonna fight! Come watch this with us! Yeah bring a pack of budlight too.

CCP chinks are the worst obviously.
>muh based pajeets
Clearly you've never met H1B pajeets, who are a very close second. They're almost as soulless and have this additional tendency to scam desu

What about their woman?

Terrorism is not coward behavior. They are act of violence against civilians when you don't have power enough to attack military targets. The real cowards are those who target civilians when they can attack military targets.

lol you are clueless. if you get attacked by a professional army and you are a farmer in some middle eastern shit hole you have no choice but to Resort to terrorism

Yep. Another worthless shitskin confirmed.

Americans obviously

Indians are funny. Majority of Chinese have no soul

I can't beat you up so I attack your sister

Chinksects for sure

They've been killing each other with "terrorism" for centuries over tribal bullshit. Typical desert mentality.

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I still love you, Ivan.

Without pajets how the world can laugh?

I don’t hate any race. I respect all races and their right to exist. I don’t like people who want to mix the races together and destroy them. Those people are insane.

All indians I met on the internet were/are actually cool dudes, I even have plans to visit India one day because of that. Chinks, on the other hand...

it is cowardy because it brings no actual advantages to you: you don't have the honour to recognize you inferiority in an actual war, therefore you try and "steal" some deaths from the back of your enemy, and you take them among umarmed people at the market or the railway station or the disco. this is pure, clammy cowardy. and what's even more coward about it, it's that you engage in terrorist acts against countries which are hosting you, while they could wipe you out from the face of the earth.

You don't love us, americans are russophobic as fuck on average(and we are burgerphobic as well desu), we're simply too different.

not true. you can just recognize your defeat and re-organize an army as european countries always did in history.

Trips of truth

This. I have no respect for poos.

I simply can't hate you no matter how many millions you kill desu, your language just sounds so nice