Without sexual compulsion and lust, men would live simple, moral lives. All of the most heinous crimes of men are committed in the name of sex. Rape, obviously. Murder. Nothing brings murderous thoughts to man's mind like sexual jealousy. Theft: Men trying to increase their wealth to impress women. Competition, to the point of war, all in the name of trying to get sex from women of their desire. Men toiling away day in and day out, struggling to increase social status and wealth, struggling up heirarchies, and all spurred on by the desire of man to sleep with a nubile beauties. Look what what society has become. Temptation artifically amplified to disgusting levels. Young women on Instagram and TikTok worshipped like gods. College girls given tithings by their elder sugardaddies. Women lure men into their snares of slavery, trapping workhorses for themselves. And men let women down, viewing them only for sexual objects. Both man and woman desiring to be loved, but instead they will be left vacant as sex blinds them and binds them.
>Am I wrong?
Is sexual desire the root of all suffering?
Other urls found in this thread:
But what's wrong with suffering?
>Young women on Instagram and TikTok worshipped like gods
Yeah, by simps faggots like you. Not by me.
That's just how primates think. Desire to love and care for is what we all need but only a few get. That leads to frustration, ultimately. Not sure what's the new t*kt*k fad is about as I don't follow such degeneracy at all. All I want is a good wife that would care for me and who I can look after. Guess it's too much to ask these days.
No, want of knowledge is
Well yes, you are wrong. The driving force of rape isnt sexual desire. Its a trauma response and has to do with a need for control and dominance. Unresolved and unaddressed traumas in the psyches of basically everyone is the issue. Sexual desire is not inherently degenerate. Those who love themselves and are healed do not share their bodies with someone they wouldnt be willing to marry/spend forever with. Your attentions are in the wrong place, my friend. Just dont watch porn and dont fuck premaritaly, learn to love yourself and care about yourself, and youre set.
have sex
yeah you're wrong. these men didn't let women down, you did
>The driving force of rape isnt sexual desire.
Stopped reading there
I certainly wish I didnt have libido without lowering my testosterone
Even without sex we would still murder eachother as well as the other evil acts. Sure sex can be a factor as to why some people commit atrocities, but there are other things that drive people to commit the same atrocities except those that deal explicitly with sex like rape. But thing like adultery, that's just cheating and humans will cheat each other out of money and the like as well, so really no it is not the root of all suffering.
If anything suffering is caused by greed, even the sexual induced suffering because what is lust if not sexual greed? Find complacency and you will find happiness, that being said it is nearly impossible to find complacency as it is something that goes against not only human nature, but nature itself. Nature is survival and complacency is stagnancy and stagnancy is death.
No, what’s wrong with sex is civilization. Civilization oppresses men (particularly aggressive, highly sexual men) so that we can have an “advanced” society of neurotic, betacuck providers slaving away for roasties.
Greed is just a clamoring to increase sexual fitness. Very little is needed to live.
Yeah it really is.
If there were beings like us but with no sexual desire they would be practicing eugenics, and probably would have been from the moment hereditary was understood. Imagine the product of thousands of years of eugenics. They would be literally be gods by now, masters of the cosmos.
>Am I wrong?
Mostly your on point, but it's more complex than that. In that human cultures are not stable fixtures, they are complex machines that are ever-changing and constantly updating itself to survive an ever-changing environment. Now such changes can come through external factors like natural disasters or other competing cultures, or internally through technological innovation or - as you rightly observed - moral relaxations of old norms.
The crux of the matter is, you don't know what is an innovation/disruption in the moment (pic related), only in hindsight is such a judgment possible. Once more evidence has come to light, then it becomes "obvious" that an action is detrimental/harmful (either to the individual or the collective). The common mistake that people make is to regard such hindsight judgments as self-evident throughout time, which they are not.
To summarize, yes biological urges are contributing to the decay of society. However, they are also the very same motor that drives it. Hence, it is a ethical question of how these drives should be channeled, and this is an ongoing question to which each answer is always contextual.
I am dead because I lack desire,
I lack desire because I think I possess,
I think I possess because I do not try to give,
In trying to give, you see that you have nothing,
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself,
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing,
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become,
In desiring to become, you begin to live.
Very little is needed to live, yes but a)you still need to want that little which is inherently greedy and b)no one wants to just live meekly, people want to thrive and be the greatest they can be.
Sounds like you really paid attention to your cuckology class in college.
Total garbage post
No. It's women.
Men turned women into what they are. If men didn't want to fuck them, women wouldn't display their sexual wares.
>Is sexual desire the root of all suffering?
You have the idea backwards. Life itself is the root of all suffering.
You are a machine that is designed to reproduce. Suffering is an evolutionary tool that gets you to behave correctly.
No matter how the world was designed, you would suffer when you behaved in a non-reproductive way. In other words, just behave correctly. You're thinking too deeply about the problem. You're an animal. Behave correctly.,
kys nazi op!
Madonna whore complex is why I cant be happy
You aren't sexually attracted to virtuous women?
Wtf is this,
some sort of newfangled faggy Sith code?
>Those who love themselves and are healed do not share their bodies with someone they wouldnt be willing to marry/spend forever with
How does this presupposition deal with narcissism and sociopathy(?), guess what, such individuals usually tend to have highly favourable opinions of themselves
no. you have this feeling because every pleasure is followed by guilt and christ teachers used this to brainwash you.
All Leafs should be lined up against a wall and shot.
I cant love what I desire and I cant desire what I love
nice blog post faggot, one could say desire itself is the root of all suffering. Buddha figured that out 2500+ years ago.
Of course you can eliminate desire and meditate all day and shit but we both know that would be boring. The only winning move is not to play, but dropping out of society only means it will be led by other people
So what is the corrct course of action?
You might ask yourself if getting sex would solve the constant debate you have with yourself concerning sex. Fulfill the urge if it really means that much to you.
I'm on medication that has killed my sex drive and I can confirm op is correct.
It's like being sober, women have no effect on me.
No. Class society is.
Youre entitled to that belief. I didnt go to college nor take psyche courses. These were lessons learned the normal way, life experience. Life must be tedious for you, with all that inability to accept or even look at an opinion which differs from your own.
Life taught you rape isn't related to sexual desire? Thats what your rapist told you?
White people are the cause of global suffering. We were fine without you, we had a peaceful civilization
No, it's the driving force of all humanity and natural progress.
The problem is, it has been (((subverted))).
Made degenerate and disgusting.
Narcissism isnt true self love. Its an unrealistic elevated opinion of self. Narcissists dont truly care about themselves, they are unable to come into contact with the reality of themselves. Its why theyre so desperate from attention from others. Theyre unable to accept things which dont fit their narrative. Ive known a few psycho/sociopaths very closely. They lack empathy, and every one ive met has been a self loathing narcissist. These are mental illnesses. Health is in self love and acceptance. Those who are able to care about themselves will not do harm to themselves (drugs, promiscuity, laziness, etc) when i say self love, i dont mean the false self acceptance touted by todays liberals which centers around hedonism and ignoring ones faults. I speak of the true form of self love which is contact with oneself in mind body and soul. Seeing the faults and being better for yourself out of true care for yourself.
Stop blaming externals for your problems. At least OP is trying to resolve something within himself. You are stuck in victim mentality like a nog.
She said no, huh?
Ive known a lot of bad people. Well, bad isnt the right term. Ive known very sick people. And yes, part of what i have learned is that rape is a control thing. Incels want to rape due to their feeling of hopelessness and lack of control over finding a mate. Its a vengeful seeking of control. Masturbation is out of sexual need. Copulation with ones partener is out of sexual need. Abusing another is illness and trauma.
>A man practicing Dharma, Artha and Kama enjoys happiness now and in future. Any action which conduces to the practice of Dharma, Artha and Kama together, or of any two, or even one of them should be performed. But an action which conduces to the practice of one of them at the expense of the remaining two should not be performed.
Tl;dr sensory pleasure without compromising spiritual discipline and material prosperity is essential for enlightenment
You've redeemed yourself some with this post.
Gayest post of the year award goes to this fucking garbage right here. Fucking idiot.
Keep your masochism to yourself, freak.
no it isn't
Lust is one among many sins.
Pride exists among men too. But in the West, what you see is all of the greatest sins constantly interacting with each other to form a society of sinners, slowly poisoning the minds of the last who are not among the damned,
t. incel
Yes not many people see this but sex is the most inportany thing looking at it from a species stand point, we do everything in our power to reproduce every single living thing has the ultimate goal of creating off spring previously stronger than before, everything we do leads for sex while some of us may have life choices that dont revolve around sex it doesnt mean that every does most people are competing for a partner, personally myself im going to break out of this cycle and end my bloodline at this to persue outside goals of tranquility
Long story short op is right
No he has a point. Life is suffering, limitation is painful. Its bullshit that youre supposed to be happy. Youre not. Your purpose is to learn how to best live as a human, and pass that off to your community and offspring. Eventually humanity will reach its final evolved state if we dont go extinct. All you can do is find your own meaning and learn to find a life that makes the suffering worth it.
I see you. I understand what i said upset you. Care to let whats bothering you off your chest?
How long until?
>We were fine without you, we had a peaceful civilization
Starvation isnt really hunger its just a trauma do with a need for control and dominance. Unresolved and unaddressed traumas
If you starve for a month, you die. If you don't have sex for a month, you don't die. This isn't a life or death scenario, not eating for one day isn't a believable excuse to cannibalize your neighbour.
Is it a normal human function to desire to rape and defile someone? If you believe yes, have you ever been abused? Do you have a feeling of helplessness and anger in your life? Do you desire to rape? Is it only when youre horny? Take a look at yourself before dismissing what i have to say.
sexual desire is the root of all human action
Yeah, let's cut our balls and brag on Reddit about it.
Suffering can be a good thing as it can produce a stronger person and change within them. Sexual desire is part of the equation but not the whole story. Tell me, when a man want another mans belongings not to impress some woman but just to have them whether it be food, weapon, etc. is it all because of some sexual desires?
No. Fear is the other factor.
>Shill-tier rant about how lust is the root of all evil
The problem with you is that you have a part that is correct and one that is blatantly wrong.
Lust is something that can make human animalesque and brutal. But lust and sex are not the same.
Lust is when you want to fuck just for the sake of it. This also translates to worshipping women like simps or being angry as fuck as incels because you feel that lustful sex should be bestowed unto you by the mere virtue of being a normal person.
>desiring to be loved
Oh, sure, a girl wants to be loved, that's why she sucks cocks daily right? She just wants to participate in the lustful culture our media portrayed as splendid and glorious.
Sex for anything else than procreation is a perversion of its original meaning. Sex is meant to feel good so you evolutionary desire to have an offspring. To have sex just for the sake of it is lust.
>Is it the root of all sufferings?
No, but surely it helps.
>Its bullshit that youre supposed to be happy. Youre not.
Look, just because your life sucks doesn't mean everyone else's has to, or that that is the normal inevitable state of things.
Why would a man want another's belongings? Little is needed to live a good life. Food and water, and shelter. Anything more and it is to impress women of your sexual fitness.
For normal people, no.
For you, yes.
>Suffering can be a good thing as it can produce a stronger person and change within them
Suffering produces either sociopaths or broken losers, there's no middle.
>Narcissism isnt true self love. Its an unrealistic elevated opinion of self.
Ok, but now you've just shifted the problem to an epistemological (i.e. what is true) and ontological level (i.e. what is real unreal).
>Narcissists dont truly care about themselves, they are unable to come into contact with the reality of themselves.
How do you know that, this a strong assumption ... given that the individual themselves tells you otherwise
>Its why theyre so desperate from attention from others. Theyre unable to accept things which dont fit their narrative.
as opposed to? Human being make sense of their world through narratives, everything that does not fall within these narratives is regarded as false/unreal ... see issue about epistemology/ontology above
>Ive known [...] I've met [...] These are mental illnesses. Health is in self love and acceptance.
So in essense what you are saying is "trust me" ... guess how socio/psychopathy works. I am not saying that you are one, but if you are meant to explain away narcissism and/or socio/psychopathy you can't be using the very manifestation of these traits as rhetorical device, as this makes your argument tautological.
>When i say self love, i dont mean the false self acceptance touted by todays liberals which centers around hedonism and ignoring ones faults. I speak of the true form of self love which is contact with oneself in mind body and soul. Seeing the faults and being better for yourself out of true care for yourself.
and there we have it, you normalise your own characterisation and approach as "true" and "genuine", and no doubt you have a noble end for doing so. However, you haven't really answered my question. Let me give you an example of someone noble words:
>as long as there is hate in your heart there will be hate in the world
That's a quote from Charles Manson
I think there is a middle, but you already nixed that possibility. Darn.
Fear of what? That they will die without reproducing?
There's a reason people feel more at peace with death when they know their loved ones are safe or when they are with someone they love.
The human ego exists to protect future sexual prospects.
Which one? Also, define "suffering".
There are men that will take advantage of others and do evil things even if basic needs. Seems like a pretty shallow argument to say it is all for the sake of impressing some girl for without the presence of the girl all men would be happy and always get along with one another and a majority of suffering would disappear.
Give it until 2030 if we haven’t collapsed by then. It’s outlined in the protocols.
They are pushing incest through porn, then it will be bestiality and pedophilia. The bestiality shall begin with acceptance of furries, talking about how they cannot help it. And the pedos by creating Romeo and Juliet-type romance films between hebes and older chads