

Attached: 1585797231879.png (586x735, 347.69K)

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You tell me nigger.

There are thoughts in some people's heads, but not in the head of the woman who posted your pic related tweet. She is a schizo tardo.

I think I'm sick of boomers speculating and making threads about their speculations and I think it's way past time to fuckboff back to your shitty containment board.

This whole thing is just fake bait to get people to go on tw1tt3r right? i havent looked and wont bother lol this board is the worst these days

Nutrition might be the primary health care which is movable. The vent system might be at his destination. He might be in good condition so far and is being moved to a vent system. The picture doesn't prove anything


Possible fake.

Why the military?

who gives a single god damn shit fuck

I want to believe....


Checks out

imagine if it is all true? what a world. i like to get involved in the conspiracy shitposting, but it would be 9/11 times a 1000 if they really bust the pedo tunnels.

What kids in what tunnels you schizo fuck?
they dont need to shut the whole fucking world down to pull a few kids out of a few tunnels


It could happen. I think Trump is a genuinely good guy. He might be “big business corrupt” but is it so hard to believe that he would be disgusted by the pedo elite and close in? I have hope.

How the fuck are you still infected?


Who the fuck is she

Those schizos really believe there are 1m children in those tunnels to be rescued. Some of them are deformed.

You guys just said fuck it and gave up even trying one day? What was the catalyst?

Oh that's Liesl Schoonraad

Why are they being escorted by uniformed military personnel? Why aren't they wearing any PPE?


Thanks for that. Who the fuck is she?

Boomers need to hurry up and die from gook flu, they're even bigger retards than niggers.

Is this Q stuff a coping mechanism for boomers?

Checked and still gonna have to disagree with you on that retarded statement pilled

Because it's the fucking USNS Comfort. It's a hospital ship currently in port in NYC to help out. Those are probably sailors, HMs, because the Navy got rid of those awful blue uniforms.

u got pozzed

You're all going to be embarrassed as hell when we were proved right. What sickens me is not one of you will admit it, you'll just smirk, get quiet and move on to the next thing to debunk. Fat asses like you fedoras are cancer.

so did you for replying to me

I have faith in Trump too!

Attached: Trump Is Innocent in Epstein Affairs 02.jpg.png (616x854, 407.25K)

Wait i can just inject nutrition instead of eating like a faggot?

Tfw you wasted your years and didnt join the elite group that will kill the pedo cannibals.
Sad, very much cases in pol

i was already pozzed

i have faith the kids are being saved. a staggering amount of children missing in this country. child protective services a completely pozzed system

wtf i love Q now

I need a QRD on this lore

yeah, it's bad long term though

i think it is some mush they pipe into the stomach when people can't eat due to throat issues or being unconscious.

Wow trump a pedo and a snitching rat

National guard, I reckon. They've been activated in both NYC and parts of California.

There are a lot of fucking shills in here tonight. Seriously. The pipergate thread got blown up by them and now they're in here like "who cares if the US just rescued 3000 children from underground bunkers? Doesn't mean anything, take meds schizo, a DUMB full of children just flew over my house"


And what happens when you are wrong again for the 110th time?

What tunnel?

1st April was yesterday

Keto is the cure

big if true, HH!


Fucking kikes are shilling so hard right now. Look in catalog at how many useless women hate and other meaningless threads there are. This is YUGE!


can someone make a evolutionary-algorithm that looks for Twitter screen-cap threads and hides them? it's the most lazy shit...

Me too.

Attached: Screenshot_20200402-034956.png (1080x2220, 809.49K)

I'll stick a straw in that bitch and drink it like a capri sun

Not one single user has asked the most important question.
Why is this the very first image we're seeing with this type of medical response, in context of everything else leaked (dripped) in the past 24 hours? Theres a reason.

that's a lot of cum

so many shills

Even National Guard knows that they take their covers off when indoors. They're obviously soldiers in action

You say this, buuuuut...

lol first thing that came to mind too - can someone provide context to all of this?

>take their covers off
what do you mean by covers?

>He might be “big business corrupt” but is it so hard to believe that he would be disgusted by the pedo elite and close in
He loves his children, what do you think he would do if say a jeff epstein tried to touch one of them?


Shills have resorted to bumping slide threads because they cant argue against you anymore, and attacks no longer work either. Youre winning.