Why so many Slavic nazis?

Why the fuck do so many of them consider themselves 'Aryan' and support Hitler? LMAO, I wonder if there are also Indian and Nigger fascists somewhere

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>Why the fuck do so many of them consider themselves 'Aryan' and support Hitler? LMAO, I wonder if there are also Indian and Nigger fascists somewhere

Kosher cope is best cope

Even some niggers realize how great the White race is and will support the rise of the next Hitler. It takes thinking beyond yourself and the present.

Who cares,we hate niggers at least

Being facist is unrelated to being white, Poland is a jewish state and they are natsoc as well.

I fucking hate this board

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>Preferring your own people and race is bad
Fuck off and eat shit kike

But why would people support an ideology that literally treats them like human trash?

I'm Dutch you retard, and since when did Slavs become white?

This is one thing that bugs me about Yas Forums, it's the only reason why I'm still here looking to ask at the right moment.

All this unified "white" stuff doesn't add up. Slavs have very little in common with west Europeans. I mean, are Slavs, and Russians, even Europeans? They came to "Europe" little more than 1000 years ago and this is the result, while "western" Europeans are put in a box.

>LMAO, I wonder if there are also Indian and Nigger fascists somewhere
Pic related

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Honorary whites, like italians

I think it's like a spectrum. Slavs are between the white end of it and the region that includes Mongols and Turks. I don't think we should be too picky. Jews, niggers, spics, etc. are clearly not included though.

>A mutt school shooter

Pick one reddit nigger.

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The global judeo left considers them to be Nazis, therefore they are Nazis.
>But that isn't what Nazi means
You don't have world hegemony.
You don't get to decide what anything means.

What's the difference between European and White?

hitler made them the most based nation on earth

Why do you care? Are you a jealous shitskin? A hateful kike?

What stupid fucking bait

>LMAO, I wonder if there are also Indian and Nigger fascists somewhere

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Right? It's almost as ridiculous as american or canadian 'nazis'.



>"Aryan" has its roots as a term used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.

>The Iranian people used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures,

>and the word forms the etymological source of the country name Iran.

>Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.

>Strabo, in his Geography, mentions the unity of Medes, Persians, Bactrians and Sogdians:

>The name of Ariana is further extended to a part of Persia and of Media, as also to the Bactrians and Sogdians on the north; for these speak approximately the same language, with but slight variations.


>The Medes were an ancient Iranian people

>According to the Histories of Herodotus (440 BC):

>The Medes were formerly called by everyone Arians,


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i don't think you read mein kampf desu. hitler talked about how he felt sorry for russians because they were also targetted by judeo-bolshiviks. The "slavs are subhuman" meme just came out of post war american academia. None of the "interpretations" of american intellectuals regarding world war 2 have any basis in reality.

This is like their version of fireworks and independence day, it hasn't anything to do with Nazism

Good question. It can have different answers depending on your viewpoint. Are gypsies European? They're certainly not white. Swarthy Mediterraneans? Certainly European, but their "whiteness" is questionable. I think a "white European spectrum" rather than hard-outlined categories based on shaky premises would be more reasonable. However, I think northwestern Europeans of Germanic, Nordic, and in my opinion, also Celtic, stock constitute the commonly accepted category of who is "most" white. This would include French, Germans, English, Danes etc.

one of the craziest memes of post-war american intellectuals was the story of how germans believed they were the "master race".

David Irving was right when he said that none of the intellectuals are looking at primary documents from world war 2 era. They just make up stories and then quote each other to give the lies legitimacy.

And the last memeflag to mention the Medes also claimed that Medes today are Italians.

Slavs, germanic and celts are the same goddamn snowniggers tho.

The only difference is language.

It's like japanese, korean and chinese.

>I'm Ducth
That's mean you're German and therefore subhuman
And why do you impose this ideology would treat them as trash? After all Nazism is a ideology of a superior race and that superior race was chosen in the evolutionary way and sheer power. Germans were the first larpers to proclaim themselves as superior, they wanted to kill all Slavs but when actually dealing with them they ended up having their entire country completely obliterated and germans becoming a slave labor in the USSR

So I don't understand your point. Why after so many years of proves that Slavs are superior to Germs in everything you would think that ideology based on the survival of the fittest would impose a self-hatered?

Are you sure you are not confusing "Meds" as in Mediterranean people with Medes the ancient Iranian civilization?

But when the enemy talks about "whites" they're applying that to Greeks, Italians, Norwegians etc.

And "European" civilization was established and refined by the Mediterranean populations (Greeks, Romans/Italians and Iberians), and yet they have a considerable amount of people who don't look quite so "white".

Fake News

you guys listen too much to american intellectuals. just read mein kampf. It was a dispute between jews and germans and germans were fed up with jewish communists trying to take over their country - just like what had been successfully achieved in russia - which hitler empathized with in mein kampf.

the reason nobody wants you to read mein kampf is because there are so many lies about world war 2 that become apparent when you actually read the book.

when they were talking about race they were just talking about differences between germans and jews because most germans had forgotten that jews are actually a racially distinct foreign people.

thinking he wanted to kill slavs is just a fantasy. read the damn book you illiterate poolack.

Stfu and worry about your own country. Are you Surinamese origin by any chance?

look who is here, a member of jewish internet defence force.

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I see a mutt intellectual in the wild.

Read about the Generalplan Ost. Also why do you think that Russians were so brutal towards Germans at the end of the war? Because they endured their crimes.

southern europe has been invaded and mutted for thousands of years. this is common knowledge. Also, lots of real whites got killed in the french revolution for being "privileged". Raciology by that russian guy and march of the titans by arthur kemp both talk about that.

i think it's a fantasy and i think you're a jewish poolack.

also, i speak english as a first language so reading through the garbage intellectual output of america is very easy for me. It's just unfortunate that foreigners are gullible enough to believe the lies they churn out.

As I expected, mutts that shouldn't even been born can't understand basic things. Begone

No. The last (((meme flag))) to go on about the descendants of Japheth, one of which being the Medes, also claimed that they moved out of the Middle East and are now today known as Italians. They were allegedly an additional population among the Iranians, and Indo-European population, basically Italians in the desert before all the sand rats came along with their genocidal colonization practices.

>only whites can be nazis and fascists
kys nigger lover. 70% of your women marry niggers

>southern europe has been invaded and mutted for thousands of years. this is common knowledge.

Which is not true. They're as purebred as ever. So we're already off on the wrong track with this "white" thing.

i think it was the kikes that wanted to kill slavs and they ended up killing millions of them in holomodor, bolshivik revolution, gulags, sex trafficking, alcohol sale, etc.

Das rite poopskin

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>General Plan Ost
yet simultaneously when allegedly calling poles subhumans they were taking the children born of female guest workers from Poland to become a generation of Germanized Polish children.

>when the enemy talks about "whites"
Uh, what enemy are you talking about there, buddy?
We attribute the Classical period of Europe to the Greek and Roman civilizations because they were the ones recording history. With the invasion of Germanic tribes, the Empire largely fell, and European cultures evolved for over a millennia. Much of what now constitutes European culture was developed in France, England Germany and the Netherlands.

Tbh, it's a known fact poles have the most Ashkenazi genes in Europe.
They are known for cheating and stealing cars, which Jewish genes prove, they never lie

The only based and whitest Slavs are SouthSlavs(Croats,Bosnians, Montenegrins and Serbians.)
The rest are northern euro wannabes, Mongols and Jews.

hard to believe since jews have been around for 1000+ years in southern europe, gypsies 500+ years, arabs, and all sorts of wandering swarthoids. Plus endless incursions from turkey and north africa makes it unlikely that they are for the most part racially pure people.

Also forgot about based Macedonians

I'm not discussing the fact that Germans are low IQ and even their own ideology doesn't make any sense. I just stated how it was. They wanted Slavs to become a slave labor in their own "empire" but they ended up raped by the Bashkirs and Buryats

Das rite wh*te boy

Yeah, priding themselves of being a swarthy subhumans genetically born to be a criminal and people avoid when looking at a car plate.


half of the poles i see look like kikes. how can you look at vid related and not see a typical slimy kike?

Poland was at one point their main base of operations. Jews made their mark on poland, ukraine (particularly odessa), even romania. I actually think that lots of the romanian swindlers are of jewish origin and not gypsy.


Jews, blacks, asians, whatever. They all claim "White" as synonymous with European regardless of any intra-European talk about who and who is not "White".

Your soul remains where you die

vid related is better. dude 100% looks like a slimy hebrew.


you're either dumb or a kike, because only kikes conflate regualar nationalists with nazism and only dumbasses parrot their bullshit

they wanted to turn the eastern euros into Germans, I'd say that was even their goal based on discussions they had about "Aryan" poles where they essentially decided that poles with light eyes or hair were German descendants (85% of today's poland is light hair or eyes)

On its own plan is no more evil than Americans inviting Mexicans into their country to convert them into Americans. Doing it at gunpoint is another story though.

Those are some nice alibis, but the genetics dictate otherwise.

And yet, all this "white" shit still doesn't add up.

interesting hypothesis BOZGORE
> 23% of the population of Budapest was jewish in 1910
> Budapest was considered the jewish Mecca of eastern Europe
>the mayor of Vienna Karl Lueger referred to Budapest as Judapest

>61 percent of the merchants in Hungary were jews
>58% of the book printers in Hungayry were jewish
>42% of the innkeepers in Hungayry were jewish
>48% of the doctors in hungayry were jewish

This is an Indian member of parliament. I am not kidding.

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curious how "you think" but you don't have any sources
funny you forget to mention Hungary had and has the most Jewish blood

i can't imagine the genetic footprint of kikes like pierre woodman going through central europe raw dogging tens of thousands of girls.

Even the russians i meet often have blonde hair and a huge hook nose.

Pretty sure any "white" countries can larp hard as Aryan if they want it's not a big deal


Ah, gotcha. Well, I think for the most part, that is correct. Pretty much all Europeans, minus saami, gypsies and Jews should be considered white imo. Some are just more "white" than others, depending on what criteria you like to use. i could see how even turkic and semitic peoples might be considered by some to be "white," but i would draw the line before that.

you don't have to be at the very top of nature's hierarchy to support the natural order of life.

the slavs defeat Hitler and have shown themselves to be superior by way of combat

therefore they have a right to carry this nazi torch. if anybody defeats and conquers them in conquest they will then be able to be Nazis too, but not a moment before. that's the way it works.


Since always.
White is not the same as aryan, which is a bullshit concept to begin with.
The Ashkenazim are considered fallen aryans according to the occult beliefs of the Nazis, which came from jewish mystics.
Most faggots here know nothing. They don't even know who the ruling families are past the Rothschilds.
None of you are truly redpilled and no one seems to be trying to learn more.

sephardic jews and spaniards are so mutted that you cant even tell them apart genetically. how is that not the definition of muttification.

if you were sincere and not eager to spreadBS, you would've known Jews migrated to Romania at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th

in one county in the S, Jews as refugees from Balkans came, and in N Moldova, Jewish from Ukraine came as refugees from the Russian empire
in N of transylvania Jews were present because it was under Hungary

>Most faggots here know nothing. They don't even know who the ruling families are past the Rothschilds.
>None of you are truly redpilled and no one seems to be trying to learn more.

So, in your next post, list all of the higher up families behind the Rothschild's. A nice and simple list of family names. Go on, nigga

why can't you fucking people understand that the middle ages and later, times were uncomparably different?
current pandemic self-segregation/isolation is just a meme in comparison to the societal and cultural barrier between jews and "host nations" (don't know about all of them, but in poland for sure)
there were no mixing with each other, no romeo and juliet shit, your father could actually KILL you for making fucknoises with them.
Not you specifically but in general, those fucking brainmutts in here/pol/ are unable to comprehend that different times meant different mentality and a way of live
not just some fucking costumes and phrases
this is understanding of a 6 year old

unlike current christ-larpers, pagan-larpers and fadora faggots, people actually BELIEVED then, that jews were responsible for killing Christ
KILLING people for less offensive things was common back then


How are all Spaniards mutted? Are you referring to the Jewish population within Spain, or the migrants? Since when and how are all Spaniards mutts?

those are not nazis

Because they're awesome? Do you care if the hot thot who is 29 says she is 27 on her profile?