Trump throws sanctions at Iran, puts a bounty on Maduro's head without any reason but China literally destroyed your economy, and caused thousands of deaths that will peak at hundreds of thousands and all americans do is call it "the chinese virus", they even switched to "wuhan virus" because they are afraid to offend XI. When did you realized the mighty USA were just bully small nations and act like cowards when it comes to China?
Why are americans so impotent regarding China?
How gay is this? A fucking committee. When has a fucking committee ever done anything worth two fucks? Sessions shut the fuck up you fucking Alabama nigger.
They're just playing tough boys. they're completely impotent. Just compare it to how they put a bounty on Maduro's head and call him a terrorist. What has he done to America? Nothing. Now the Xi has annihilated your economy and caused thousands of deaths, harvested your medical supplies in january and lied about how dangerous the virus was. This crisis taught us about the real face of american leadership.
The reckoning is coming.
Most of our politicans have been blackmailed by either china or mossad.
Why is everyone trying to get us to hate Chinese people tonight?
Americans are complacent and believe that nothing ever happens.
We've been told by Hollywood that "War is Hell" and there's nothing more precious than life.
With thoughts like that, its hard to convince people to fight and die, even when its appropriate.
Because republicans and corporations love Chinese labor
Jeff Session's daughter married a chink
We have too many manchurian candidates here who are just SJWs wanting to carry water for China and just hate the USA overall. It's nuts.
Soon brother. A consensus has to be reached first, and it is coming fast.
Soon, a consensus has to be reached first and it's coming fast.
See And fuck you for being a retard and having to ask.
because an entire generation has been trained that any character flaw of another nation (that isn't white, of course) is an act of bigotry and racism. every politician is scared as fuck of not being electable based on the scarlet R[acism]. cultural marxism and social justice is probably china's greatest ally. plus every fucking white and (((white))) traitor who will sell us out for a few bucks.
It's crazy to think about but SJWs make the perfect manchurian candidate
But yet Trump has no problem threatening Iran, NK, Venezuella and other 3rd world countries, nobody prevented him from doing so. When it comes to China they all act like chickens.
China did fuck all to our economy. And we, unlike the chinks, have nothing to hide. The fact that you are here, posting in an american site, is proof that the US still is the nation around which the world revolves. Unlike china we have no need to hide our dirty laundry. China could never find enough make up to make its face acceptable.. What kinda impotent fuckall releases a virus to start a war, then sends paid shills to try to convince the world they are the hero. The CCP is fucking retarded. They've made themselves into a pariah. Your diaspora will be shunned if not sent back or killed. Your nation will starve as trade dries up. And while the chans have forgotten Salvadore Pais and the HUAC I assure you that your history books will not.
Fuck the CCP.
中国确实对我们的经济造成了影响。和我们不同,我们没有什么可隐藏的。您在美国网站上发帖的事实证明,美国仍然是世界运转的国家。与中国不同,我们无需隐藏脏衣服。中国永远找不到足够的妆容来使自己的面孔令人接受。中共是他妈的弱智。他们已经成为贱民。如果您的侨民没有被遣送回去或被杀死,将会被回避。随着贸易的枯竭,您的国家将挨饿。而且当大佬们忘记了Salvadore Pais和HUAC时,我向您保证,您的历史书籍不会。
Why doesnt your fag ass do something about anything?
Apparently we even "Hijacked a shipment of masks" from you, were keeping them btw.
Cuz jews make shekels with China.
USA is on China's payroll.
>not hating china
you outed yourself chang.
>Apparently we even "Hijacked a shipment of masks" from you, were keeping them btw.
Cool, it's too bad you can't do anything about China except calling the covid19 the chinese virus in impotent rage fits. trump even had to thank Xi for sending him shitty paper masks after harvesting the good masks from your shops in january
Agreed. Its pretty demoralizing. They have taken my nation, my nationality, and I am left with nothing. I hate them so much, but I cant afford all the bullets necessary for a proper cleansing.
I feel like all that is left is to take care of me and watch the fireworks. How do you feel about it user?
Based English teacher even hates chinks.
Pick your gun and go fight, redneck
Obviously is not the time, people are too busy right now, but if USA let this shit pass, it will be so embarrassing, China has to pay.
No one on Murdoch's Fox News is threatening China except Tucker, obviously. Compare this to 9/11. If Xi apologized and explained what happened that's one thing, instead they're running military drills and shit throwing on Twitter. Trump looks weak. Ivanka's kid sings Mandarin songs to impress chinks
> Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.
Because american kikes have been selling off the country to china for decades and trump is pretty much the only major figure who even barely spoke out against them
Show flag kike
you should be more pissed - the Chinese stole 5G tech from you idiots, and are selling it back to EU bloc countries at a discount with spyware
Trump found time to put more sanctions Iran, a bounty on Maduro's head and is going to fight cartels on the mexican border but there's no time for China who is the direct cause of a global pandemic.
>Obviously is not the time
Except it is. US military and Navy not disclosing cases anymore. Meanwhile Trump threatening Venezuela and Iran. Doesn't add up. Cops falling sick. Leads to civil unrest and possibly soft civil war. That's exactly what China wants. And we're forever broke unless China kicks a trillion or five.
You sure about that?
The United States military is probably arguing for preemptive nuclear bombs on China right now. They know god damned well that was an act of war.
We be plottin shit, keep sleepin
We don't need a war to move factories back to America just the willpower
>"Vaping deaths" with identical symptoms close to US biolab
>Israel has been working on a vaccine "by pure luck"
Yes yellow man bad, goyim. Hate and fear the yellow man. And take your vaccine like a good boy.
They caused it?
Hey guys, look. A potato.
That's what they do
You're alright, burger. Hope you make it. I hope all of us anti-globohomo make it. Fuck the spineless Jewish cheeto though.
>The United States military is probably arguing for preemptive nuclear bombs on China right now. They know god damned well that was an act of war.
i hope you're joking. They only threaten with nukes against non-nuclear countries. The US will never consider a military action of any sort against China. They would like some economic sanctions but they've got nothing.
We want to like you, Europe, but you Eurofags act like assholes so much that I wonder if we have any common cause with you at all.
They deliberately downplayedt he gravity of the virus, they didn't prevent their people from traveling abroad and they tasked their immigrants to harvest medical supplies from countries they knew would need those supplies in the next month.
I remember Israel saying the vaccine would be ready in two weeks. why did they stop talking about it?
All true but we knew back in November. We just didn't do the right things at the right times. I was bitching on Jan 3rd because there were still something like 5 flights a week coming into the US from Wuhan.
i hate chink products, they break almost immediately, my grandpa used to tell me that you burgers used to make pretty nice products in the 50's, he had a f series truck junked on his back yard, never sold it.
Wow thanks for that demoralization fag go kill yourself
I honestly don't know.
Butthurt burger detected.
If Trump is too weak to mount an effective response against the Chinese he needs to be gone. We need to be prepared to bathe the entire Chinese landmass in nuclear fire. I'm prepared to kill those Chinks by the hundreds of millions.
Probably just paid Kushner shills. Trump is getting desperate given how incompetent he’s been looking lately to even his most diehard supporters
>Kushner shills
Kushner's daughter Arabella was taught Mandarin and sang to Xi.
The jews make more money from cheap shit made in China than locally made stuff. They say it's not sustainable to manufacture locally, then how come they could do it 50 years ago? They lie, it's perfectly sustainable but the jews would never make nearly as much profit. Apple sells their iPhones $1000 but you're telling me it's too expensive to have a factory in America?
They have nukes too, I hope you're prepared to live in a nuclear wasteland just to teach them a lesson.
>I'm going to ignore that Soros factory in wuhan though
>China literally destroyed your economy
It was israhell, that created the virus, not China
They literally pay our politicians with paper bags of cash.
It's insane.
But then again, I think the Chinese government themselves have a conflict of interest to the people.
>We be plottin shit, keep sleepin
This is exactly why I don't have a problem if what China did was deliberate. This nigger country and its nigger government is anti-civilization. The people running it and most of the people populating it need to be exterminated.
>The jews
yeah its mostly their fault, but now its two devils telling you that you cant make shit in your town, you need to comply with government regulations and one of those is having your factory, shop or headquarters in china or india, why? every one says its cheaper, but i dont believe that. i think it goes even deeper then that.
Trump is kind of a fucking retard though and Xi probably promised him a Trump International in every Chinese city and he believed it.
Boris will be leading the War against China if he survives, and then we're down to ScoMo.
Darkest Hour etc etc we've done all this before I ain't even fucking worried.
Anglochads always win, bring it on you slanty eyed fucks
Because we don't have the appetite for war.
Literally no one wants to fight for a faggy trans womenyn run culture ruled by Wall Street kikes.
Chinks could bomb Alaska tomorrow and the government would still have problems recruiting for a draft.
This is not a cohesive country anymore and no one has a stake in it, from the Bernie Bros who feel fleeced by bankets to the White Christian who can't hand out a single redpill without being pecked to death and blacklisted by globohomo.
If you haven't realized that this country and the west in general isn't completely beholden to corporate interests I don't know what to tell you.
We pay corporations to fuck us CONSTANTLY. CONSTANTLY. BILLIONS to corps that offshored all of their fucking labor to create shit that kills us or makes us less healthy and the second their schemes go belly up they get a fucking handout, funded by US.
I'm as anti Israel as the next guy but why wouldn't China retaliate? It seems that all China did was covering up. they probably know where the virus came from and don't want to take the blame.
Deliberately dropping a contagious virus is reckless.
If that's what it takes.
And while you're at it investigate Adam Schiff and the DNC for shilling the China narrative.
Boris Johnson and Bolsonaro are just wannabee Trump, they were acting just like him, downplaying the virus as a nothing burger, mu herd immunity, then they realized they had to go on lockdown too and they're making impotent threats as well. These leaders had no problem going to the UN to put sanctions on 3rd world countries but they only make empty threats against China.
This guy must be getting blackmailed hard
>Because we don't have the appetite for war.
Tell that to the people in the M-E. America has an appetite for war against countries thathave no weapons.
America is a capitalist nation. It means that a state as a whole serves to the Financial Oligarchy and their interests. How can America commit a real aggression against China, if it would cause a great damage to the Capitalists and their assets there?
Even Trump isn't that dumb