
Can you guys explain to me what the appeal of weed is to you? Every time I smoke I just get anxious and paranoid, I doubt I have ever had a good experience. Not saying I care whether it's legal or not, guess I just don't get the appeal.

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Marijuana is clinically proven, in peer reviewed study after peer reviewed study, to make people stupid, impulsive and hostile. Don't listen to all of the BS and propaganda from the people who flip out at you whenever you bring this up. Those people are literal fucking drug addicts, and should be treated as the literal fucking drug addicts they are, because they are dangerous and braindamaged. They made these decisions themselves. They chose to do this to themselves.

INB4 "hurr hurrrrr Reefer Madness dude!" and all of the other lame pothead cliches that you people think are cool in your braindamaged, diseased minds.

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yes you're right after smoking a little bit of pot i can no longer control myself and hate this benevolent loving government

Sounds like it just isn’t for you. I never feel paranoid or anxious from it. Well really no more paranoid and anxious than usual

Basically if you can curb the anxiousness and paranoia somehow, then its quite enjoyable. Some people just have this reaction to it and will never like it. For others it is pleasant. I personally never get anxious from it.

yea some people get anxious and paranoid the first few times. Most people dont, its a nice feeling, better than drinking. i just relax listen to music or enjoy the show on Yas Forums

Same, OP. Here in Brazil it is illegal, so the majority of marijuana that is smoked here is pretty much garbage. But still, I get paranoid everytime I smoke and doubt it will ever be different too. I fucking hate it, every time I try.

>socially awkawrdness
>feeling llike I can't get outside of my head

And the list goes on...

>Every time I smoke I just get anxious and paranoid
What you perceive to be paranoia is actually the drug allowing you to see more possibilities. Picrelated is a white widow plant I grew in my closet about 6 years ago.

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>Every time I smoke I just get anxious and paranoid
You're smoking too much. Either take one single hit and no more or find much less potent weed.

I smoked weed as a teenager for 4 or 5 years off and on. Near the end I was just like you, it made me uncomfortable and paranoid. I would just accept it and move on, It's ok for a little enlightenment but long term it just slows your thinking.

Weed is not addictive and different terpenes help with different things. Some people like drinking some people like smoking. Humans have been doing this for thousands of years.

u need to smoke it at least two days in a row, because when u stop the first time usually is a bad trip.

and if all u do is trying over after a long time , is like u repeat the 1st time.

anyway, weed helps u concentrate in 1 thing, like lurking Yas Forums, watching videos, listening to music, and it makes it more enoyoyable. Music appear to last longer, same thing with sex.
U feel a 2 minute song lasts 10 minutes.
ur mind goes at 1000x the speed but ur mouth might be very slower than usual.

food 2 hours after weed tastes like heaven, so try to avoid smoking too much after eating because u will want to eat again and u will become a fat person.

if u are not weak it wont make u procrastrinate.

Agree with the stupid part, but I wouldn't say that I or my stoner buddies are impulsive or hostile. Probably the exact opposite.

It’s a dose/response thing. Smoke a significantly smaller amount, you may enjoy that. If not it’s just not for you, oh well. Like any drug if you do it regularly it’s bad for you but occasionally can be very fun and is relatively safe.

you are overwhelmed with guilt that you dont like to think has reason to exist. SSRIs and xanax are probably more your speed bud.

Check em, truth

Different strains affect different people in different ways.
I haven't smoked in over a year, but when I would smoke I foubd it a great way to relieve stress and sleep.
I have bad insomnia (why I am here now) and would help me shut my brain off so I could go to bed


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Yeah I started to notice this too after a while.
Still the best sleep aid I have ever tried though

Weed is indeed addictive, although in a different way than hard drugs. Try smoking weed every day for several years and suddenly stopping. I have tried to quit several times. I quit for 6 months and was miserable. I try to only do it only once a week now to keep myself from being high all the time.

Doesnt look like you sleep well. If only there was something to help you sleep better...

>hey guise, last time i drank an entire bottle of tequila all by myself i threw up, wat gives

Bruh. Unless you're used to it, you should be doing a couple of puffs tops. Also, American weed is like your food. It's just too much. Once CBD rich strains are commonplace, you'll probably enjoy the experience more. Try something with like 50/50 thc/cbd ratio if you get the chance, you'll probably enjoy it more.

>inb4 weed is degenerate

Weed is literally biblical and God gave it to us for a reason, we have just forgotten how to properly use it instead of abusing it.

so much bullshit in this thread. legalize it recreation on fed level and watch the money flow like never before. boomers are fucking stupid tho

Checked and kek'd

Addiction is entirely dependent(lol) on one's personality. One's mileage may vary

Only NPCs have a good time with marijuana. Want to see if your friends aren’t real players and just another bunch of robots programmed by this simulation, smoke them out and check their reaction. If they “chill out” they are actual soulless NPCs, not even kidding. Notice how every stoner is a complete and utter low IQ loser. You never see millionaires smoking weed, they do blow, adderall and all that shit but you don’t see one that’s addicted to marijuana.

Edibles made me have a full blow psychotic episode, triggered hourly brain zaps (aka mini seizures) and ongoing chronic depersonalization/derealization which is probably the most evil and distressing psychiatric disorder in existence after catatonic schizophrenia, not even exaggerating. Fuck the faggots that shilled this shit all the time as the wonder drug, i should have smoked meth and would have been fine

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infect me bby

I only get anxious or paranoid if it's late at night and I'm alone. Just makes me happy. Doesn't really make me stupid once tolerance is up, a little slower yes. It makes monotonous activity tolerable

Then why the fuck did you do it?

I have never smoked or ingested weed or tobacco in my life, nor have I had to. I have had people peer-pressure me to try but I ultimately turned them down.

The things were that both have negative health effects (physically and/or mentally) and most of the people I know that did weed were failures, Leftists or did so because of selfish desires.

As for anxiety and paranoia, certain bodies react to it as such but there have been studies that have shown that certain strains of weed can make people as paranoid and anxious as schizophrenics.

weed is for niggers.

>Plant from India is for Africans

I know a guy who gets sorta schizo on weed, like really really bad. He said i helped him at first but then when he got used to it and did it all day every day it sorta developed into full blown schizophrenia tier behavior.

I'm a software developer. Sometimes I try to go to sleep at night and I can't stop myself trying to figure out a solution that I have been stuck on that day. That's were a little weed helps me, I can clear my mind, I can almost feel the tension falling out of my kneck, back and shoulders. I get a decent nights sleep.

I simply don't believe this guy, call me an addict all you like it just doesn't align with my personal experience. I would bet that I'm doing better than you are.

It started off fun and games, smoking doobies, growing a few plants at home, I thought I was living the good life. Now I'm forced to go to work every day and clock in like a normal wagefag at the warehouse I grow weed at for my pathetic 6 figure salary. Oh God why am I such a degenerate?? Please help me get off this devils lettuce!

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I used to get like this. Now I just feel nothing and empty and warm. It's kind've good. And I still freak out. But now I don't care and it just goes away. It's like it's a fear and eventually I just ride it out. desu weed doesn't appeal to me anymore anyway

because weed doesn’t affect you the way it affects morons

shame you had to grunge up your lungs tho

I only smoke when it's late and I'm alone otherwise I get anxious and paranoid.

I like the kind of weed (sativa) that gives you that 'aha' feeling, like things in your imagination seem real. You can watch a movie and be totally immersed, or just look up at the stars and think about aliens, and it plays out like a movie in your head.


i think i am slowly becoming an alcoholic. if i had access to legal safe and affordable cannabis flowers i am almost certain i could cut back my alcohol consumption by quite a lot.

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you need 50-50 CBD:thc strains

most of you would kill yourselves if you didnt have weed im guessing

I have literally zero clue why people want to alter themselves chemically.

do you all hate yourselves that much?

You smoked too much with no tolerance. Once you build up a tolerance the paranoia effect becomes dulled.

I'm taking a tolerance break and it sucks, constant mental and physical pain, plus I have these weird cold and flu symptoms that weed usually helps with.

Well I hate to be another guy who says it because I hated hearing it when I was wondering the same sort of thing but...
It effects different people differently. I remember a time I actually enjoyed smoking weed and would go well out of my way to do so, but now I can't do it without the experience essentially being a 6 hour long panic attack with hallucinations and paranoid delusions. I used to smoke with a guy who said it just made him feel really relaxed and he thought it was strange when I reported my experiences to him. Some stoners actually envied this, saying I was saving a ton of money by getting blasted on a half gram but others felt sorry for me not being able to just smoke a blunt and chill like they could.

Tolerance helps diminish negative effects, but on one hand its hard to recommend inducing negative effects to enjoy something but it does work. Mainly it all depends on your inner monologue, your thoughts and feelings. If your are comfortable as yourself these things don't manifest. I'd try really really low dose of hemp edibles(high cbd) rather than high thc bud. its ok not to like weed though.

you're smoking shitty weed, I would call it PGR but apparently you don't have that there. Also before you develop a tolerance you experience psychedelic effects which can include paranoia and anxiety. Also if you're under 25 it might just have a bad effect on you even as the high since your brain isn't fully developed yet

I like smoking heavy indica before bed. Weed isn't "fun" like it used to be though, I wish I had acid.

Cannabis has cured my sexual dysfunction. Had some sex abuse stuff in the past so sex in general caused major anxiety. In long term monogamous relationship here and getting physical is important for that, pair bonding, oxytocin, ect.
Not everytime we bone but when I'm extremely stressed and it time to mate then yeah I'll eat some edibles.

Too bad this isn't a medically approved condition, should be.

Smoke weed everyday.

but see I already live that way sober

Honestly its vaguely inconvenient because I have trouble focusing

honestly I think its normal, most people who don’t drink or drugs seem to get this and have the same focusing troubles

honestly I think civilization is built on addiction and dependency, where people can only enjoy themselves chasing a fix

I only smoke it to get paranoid...am I doing it wrong?

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It’s shit, mentally addicting and totally overrated unless it’s some good ass shit that makes zone out and you meditate and relax. My only problem with weed is that I eat too much shit while high and I get a bad stomach ache and headache the next day

> 43 participants
> statistically significant number representing millions of pot smokers

> Getting anxious
> Shitty weed

It's the opposite, the higher you get the worse you feel without tolerance.
Modern weed is FAR too strong I think, you take a couple puffs of a joint and cannot speak a coherent sentence for an hour. That's too fucking much.
It's like 15 years ago everyone was drinking beers, now they are drinking beers with the same alcohol content as strong wine, but in the same amounts.
It's too much man

I like it because it makes me feel balanced and focused mentally. I'd rather be drunk but I can't be drunk 24 hours a day.


This shit literally made me lost my mind for 6+ months. I have no idea how i even manage to go to work and do my daily obligations. My dp/dr is so strong that time is off and delayed, my body takes action before my brain compute it as an action. Constant flashbacks and daily panic attacks whenever a memory from the bad trip pops up. Constant delusions about death and existence, like solipsism and alikes but since my brain is stuck in panic mode these thoughts are computed as imminent danger. And much much more.

It’s gotten much better, but only because i have crazy mental resilience. If i was a faggot I would have killed myself long ago. Media never told me that weed could trigger psychiatric disorders, only shoved this shit down my throat like it is the miracle cure for everything bad in the world.

I have a degree in physics and my GPA was 3.9. Magna cum laude. I smoked weed the ENTIRE time I was in university.

where the fuck are the mods this is not political you fucking drug addicts

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Most studies do use a smaller sample size, bro. They get replicated over and over and over again though. There are buzzphrases people like you and people who are normally on the left or ostensibly pro-science use to dismiss facts and science when it starts to get in their way, like "correlation does not equal causation!" and "small sample size!". Sometimes these arguments are valid and true, other times they are not.

In this case, there's a fucking metric fuckton of research on this topic, and it's pretty obvious that weed makes people fucking stupid and aggressive like dumb fucking animals. Not only that but it's the sort of thing you don't really need "science" to tell you. But instead, you can just see it in your daily interactions with potheads, or seeing people who start smoking pot regularly just completely fall to shit and their lives fall apart all while swearing up and down "the weed is GOOD FOR ME BRO STOP BEING IGNORANT BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Take your meds

A lot of cans and mights and maybes. I have smoked weed often since 19. It has negligible effects when compared to any of the drugs my doctors would give me, Adderall for one, that is total anxiety, distaste of eating or sleeping, a nightmare that lead to 2. Zoloft, which concluded in my paranoid episodes, hearing roommates judging me through the walls, which caused dr to prescribe me 2 weeks of anti psychotic medicine (zyprexa) perhaps (xyprexa) these pills caused me to totally lose all semblance of self for many years afterwards. Weed is harmless compared to what they give at an average clinic

Nobody cares, loser.

That literally means you're a brainlet. Not that smoking weed is good.

The older I get the less it appeals to me. When I was a teenager smoking weed physically felt pleasurable and it did make me think differently and stuff was funnier. Also always seemed to help me relax (though I realize that isn't really the case).

Nowadays I really only smoke if I'm just at home chillin, might take one or two puffs while playing a video game or something. Any more than that and I end up getting anxious and paranoid.

>Michael J. Roche
And into the trash it goes

>but see I already live that way sober


>Can you guys explain to me what the appeal of weed is to you?
The appeal is now in the purified extracts. I no longer light the plant on fire and inhale the smoke. Turns out all I need for a professionally diagnosed and incurable psychological condition is about 50 mg of CBD in solution under the tongue every morning. This is an effective mood stabilizer. I no longer need to be a "stoner." Clarity and focus now reign. Pic is what I am using. $132 per bottle, lasts around two months.

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There have been times when I was angry enough to kill someone, then I smoked some weed, put on some music and pushed that anger away, no fucks given. It makes me completely non aggressive.

How many times is the first few times? I have my mmj card and have gone through 3 eighths and a bunch of concentrate carts and i either feel next to nothing or uncontrollably tired and still don't feel like doing anything.

what does CBD help you with?

It only makes you paranoid if you're a brainlet

It's for niggers because
1. It does what is needed for them, makes them think less
2. Shiet muh weed gang gang shiet dawg
3. Makes them think less of the outcome of others (weed is an introspective drug, so naturally hood niggas smoke it and feel better about muh hard life shiet fuh the ops and crackas)
4. It's cheap.

It used to do the same to me but after doing it off and on for a year it finally clicked. I think its because youre not used to the feeling and/or youre smoking too much. Its like when you were 18 and threw up from a really small amount of alcohol

The same Roche that makes prescription pills and that?