Yes, rent is theft.
Yes, landlords are thieves.
No, we don't need a parasitic middleman.
No, they are not providing a service the tenants can't self-fulfill (You probably think calling a plumber is a service).
Rent is theft
How are people get place for live without landlords and real state improvers?
So are taxes and welfare then.
Should be illegal to know more than one residential property unless it's a second one for seasonal use if you want afford it. Landlords and land hoarding has caused prices to skyrocket. Everyone would own their own homes if not for these kikes.
>inb4 complaining kike.
All the memeflags pushing anti-landlord shit lately makes me think chink shills are behind it.
You know there used to be a thing called "Georgism" in USA before they started teaching kids to support the current system on schools?
Why they provide the living space this is a service becuase they provided the capital to buy said space and if you don't like them buy your own property
Get a job, you broke loser.
>This PSA has been brought to you by discord Trannies united
>now we will continue with our regular Programming of dilating and filling the 40% quota
dont Forget to sage
The money to buy property didn't materialise from thin air, brainlet.
>has no idea that fiat debt is actually out of thin air
It's 50 now, thankfully.
Keep pumping those numbers up, you filthy perverts.
>No, they are not providing a service the tenants can't self-fulfill
Landlords screen tenants and provide a service to the neighborhood. If they let criminals move in the neighborhood goes to shit.
Rightfully agree, which is why I won't pay for your neetbux and tranny surgery as well
Your English is truly awful
>rent is theft
No, it's not you filthy parasite. Kill yourself.
Read Gaddafi's Green Book and also take the earthbag dome home pill.
jews and their bootlicking (((Capitalist))) servants will lose their power over you in regards to housing.
No, this money come from holding things others need to live/work until they pay you a lot for it.
Yet I know more about your country than you do, isn't it a shame?
I bid on a starter home a couple years ago. My bid price was 5k higher than the competition. But the seller sold to the buyer with an all cash payment by an investment company. A few weeks later the house was for rent. That is scalping. Just as shitty as scalping medical gear in a pandemic if you ask me. Fuck jews, fuck usury, fuck landlords, fuck the banks.
They should just be able to get loans for houses. The housing market is fucked and there should be more rent to own bullshit. Houses should be cheaper anyway. 900 a month to live in a small house in the middle of nowhere. It's ridiculous
Housing is a human right, monkey.
Read Gaddafi's Green Book and you might climb the evolutionary ladder a step or two.
Go build your very own mud but in africa then.
You signed the lease.
You knew what you were getting into.
Now you don't want the rules to apply for you, because your you a special little unique butterfly.
Sound good in your head.
But you live in the real world.
Pay your rent you filthy commie live off the work other people do and you call someone else a parasite.
Kike, kill yourself and it won't hurt as bad as when we come to do it for you.
>human right
Where does it say that you lazy bastard? Maybe if you save some money you can have a house.
You're an idiot
That's the price you must pay for not being born rich on the land of the free.
Yes, and I an exercising my human right by having a lot of housing. Pay me, cockroach.
Yet you'll keep paying it and get nowhere.
>m-muh chinese landlord cull coming! b-beware pigs!
Booohooo, i made poor choices in my life , I cannot work with my hands and I waste money on useless stuff .. stfu weak fag ... you'll never own a land . Clearly not my kind
Go live somewhere that gives you that human right, dummy.
I don't believe you.
Chang is the one owns all the properties in Australia, and you're not him.
>punish success
>reward failure
The essence of this retarded complaints.
>not capable of taking good economic decisions and improve yourself
>taking someone else's effots by force
You should die by a firing squad commie
I'm just here to spread the virus
Nobody cares what you believe, amerimutt. Go work hard and pay your rent.
So your remedy is propaganda by someone who bought a lot and is selling it for double the worth using an obnoxious billboard that targets the lower class?
Don't take advice from an English teacher creep.
It only ends in tears and a date in court.
>taking someone else's effots by force
That's the formal definition of what landlords do, getting others efforts by just owning things others need to survive.
Fuck off memeflaggot.
What people are supposed to just let you live for free in the property they own?
Go buy your own then.
If there's something wrong with the board, you're welcome to say.
Hope a homeless man coofs all over you, you jewish spirit.
A little late, 2010s saw people worked about 10 years with many having little hope to move on from apartment living.
I only see homeless people when I go throwing change at them out of my Bentley.
Pay rent
You dont need anyone elses land to survive. You need to be able to create regulated housing zones, like a town, wishing to do so without taxes to start up. So move to unincorporated area. But land holds inherent value in the US; because of things like war which demonstrate its value to the people of the land, and the presence (to some) of reality.
It's not that rent is theft it's that people are dumb enough to fall for it. If someone owns the building they can rent it but no one should be dumb enough to see this as a long term solution and should try to get their own home. Even more tragic that the chinks are buying up property on mass to rent to the national population. Have you tried not taxing transportation as much and building better communities for people to live in?
Buy an apartment then.
Show me 1 (one) instance of a thief having a voluntarily signed contract with the person that he is stealing from.
>They should just be able to get loans for houses
> Houses should be cheaper anyway
If you don't see the inherent problem in this you're lost
Get outta Japan, weeb.
trying to justify your leeching by saying you worked for it
You’re just part of the problem , plain and simple , you may not be a Jew but being a kike is a mindset
One that you have , like all leeches , you think you can extort another human
Literally nobody is forcing you to rent. If you willingly sing a contract to live under SOMEONE ELSE's roof, you have to pay for it. How is that so hard to understand?. Being butthurt about anyone owning a property and wanting to seize it is disgusting commie shit.
>You dont need anyone elses land to survive.
You need some land to live, no matters of others are hold all the land on the country and expect you to make then profit to use the land you need.
there is property everywhere, in fact there's free property all over the place
you want this property though, the one that I own in this specific spot with the specific things I own on it
so if you want the thing I have you can either pay me outright for it, or I'll loan it to you for a fee every month
this isn't hard. If you don't want what I have you're perfectly free to spend $12 on a tent and live in the woods.
but if you want the infrastructure someone else developed in a location you prefer then be prepared to pay for it. It's really not hard
>hoard land and then price gouge
>dude no one is forcing you
The houses are already built.
All landlords do is hold them hostage.
Fuck capitalists as much as commies.
>If you have the option to become homeless it's a totally voluntary choice.
It's not really an option and we both know it.
>live in a box on the street for Tyrone and the gang to rape you
>or coof up dollars for rent
"Lol you're not FORCED to rent amirite?"
The leech is you, you filthy communist. You expect everything for free. Fuck off back to plebbit with the other trannies and cry about your laziness keeping you poor.
If the choice is be homeless or pay extortionately just to have shelter then yes we are being forced.
Isnt it funny ?
When you finaly realize that These niggers studied for years, threw away their best years to be indoctrinated in this commie shit.
To have LESS in the end than a illiterate Peasant a thousand years ago ?
just think about it, they seethe because they CANT EVEN GET pic related, if they tried.
A disease ridden starving moron 1000-2000 years ago had what they cant get
Buy a house then fag.
When you rent you have no risk in the game you nigger.
>tent in the woods
Cletus and his cousins set those tents and their occupants on fire desu.
Which is funny because the gov is the biggest landlord.
How are landlords hardworking?
They sit on their arse while other people graft away to pay them.
I sincerely doubt any landlord worked hard for his initial investments. It’s a family game.
"(the act of) dishonestly taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it"
doesnt seem to apply here
Stop. I can only get so hard. Pay me your neetbux, commie.
It even comes with a designated head bumper, sweet!
You didn't build shit.
You can buy it from them if you want.
But your poor decision making means your a broke slob.
Clean your life up and you can afford the things you want.
But don't be mad that someone else built what you want and won't give it to you for free.
Commie scum
>If you get paid, you must be working hard
That's how people that doesn't work cope with it.
I worked for mine. Cry harder, cockroach.
Can we all just realize that the real cause of all this is unchecked immigration?? I mean, it's not like whites have been booming their numbers to need more homes...
>I worked for mine.
If you need to claim that on an anonymous image-board, I'm pretty sure you've not worked for it.
I'd gladly just kill all the faggots too poor to purchase land.
Thankfully coronachan will do that.
Buy a house then faggot. They're cheap, and they're close to a major urban center full of high paying jobs. (30 minutes from Chicago)
>I sincerely doubt any landlord worked hard for his initial investments.
Just live with your parents for a year or two and save your money, why is this so hard for you?
Nice fantasy.
Capitalists will get the rope alongside commies.
You extort you’re fellow man for money, you are a subhuman kike.
>major urban center full of high paying jobs
>build what you want
*authorities tear down your handmade cabin in the woods*
Lol just build it bro
Rent is theft? FUCK YOU.
When you were burning through your paycheck on consumer products and unessential services I was saving as much as I could, such that at barely 34 I bought my first property and I plan to buy yet another one before I turn 40!
You can't tie your shoelaces, let alone a noose, you larping retard.
What, you can't pay 35 bucks a month to be a homeowner and destroy landlords by being your own man?
>lives in Japan
>sucks the cock of landlords
How does it feel being a massive cuckold?
Wow, you actually sound evil. Like possessed evil.
Dude. Go to a church and accept Jesus into your heart before you burn in actual, literal Hell.