Trump 100% wont win this November. This corona situation will destroy the Republican Party forever

Trump 100% wont win this November. This corona situation will destroy the Republican Party forever

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Prob the lowest voter turnout ever, but considering many of his followers think coronavirus is fake, theyll probably be first in line. That, and theyll ingest fish tank cleaner as a preventative measure to halt the Chyna virus

Yeah one of the 80 year old democrats will win, suuuure

Ok, then people will vote Biden......oh no ...not Biden.

>Trump 100% wont win this November.

There are actually people retarded enough to think we will have an election in November

Oh yeh people will definitely gagging for change in times of panic and uncertainty...this shit has locked Trump in and Democrats will forever use Coronavirus as an excuse
>But she won the popular vote

Trump gonna do marshal law. Not like Biden can win anyways. Weird how Biden's me too accusations keep being muffled...

It's Her turn.

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Just imagine being american and you have to choose between


I`d like to stay, that dying of coronavirus is not that bad

the only chance he has of losing is remote voting

Wrong, faggot. An incumbent is nearly impossible to beat and during times of war and emergency, Americans don't like to change presidents.
Liberals STILL haven't learned from Election 2004.

[now with improved grammar same great price!]

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55% of america now likes the idea of Medicare for All

go back to plebbit you fucking faggot

Her election would bring on many suicides.

at least we have a choice in which person bows to israel

At least in Russia you can't even choose

>Putin 4eva

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Q threads pruned but this shit right here has been larping since the day Trump Stepped into the White House and kicked obango faggot nigger out

DNC primaries cancellation is looming. I doubt there will be elections this November so you're technically right of no winning an election.

if trump loses they're going to leak anthony weiner's laptop, that's why they have a senile pedo going up against him.

Trump will be the last president.

id post some supercuts of Joe Biden talking about how roofing nails are the answer to covid19 and facing the wall behind him during interviews but youtube/google has buried all of them

Trump has completely failed in response to the virus. Hes a laughing stock of the world. However, people will flee back to America once its wiped out and the china hegemony will be wiped out for generations.

Trump is a joke though all talk no action. Unfortunately no one else can replace him at this point. Ron paul would have done fine but the establishment destroyed him

delusional fool
seek help

Oh cool, now we have prophets here.

Bernie would have dealt with this way better. Enforced quarantines would have been done a month ago, defense production act would fully be rolled out also a month ago and medicare for all would have had people getting tested earlier

you're not fooling anyone you statist nigger piece of shit

Election will be cancelled (due to lockdown, not due to Trump), Trump will resume presidency, dems will revolt and there will be civilwar in American
screencap this

If you think Joe Biden is winning anything other than minigolf with his grandchildren for the rest of his life you're out of your mind

4/10 bait
try harder next time

don't care just send a check soon, also fuck republicucks and fuck democucks

Trump unironically is doing great in the eyes of the broader American public. Ignore Twitter. His briefings are generating huge ratings and polls show a majority of the country approves of the job he's doing. He's going to coast to reelection because he's visibly acting like he's doing something in the middle of a crisis, which is all the President really needs to do.

sorry, pandemics do that to people.

see, theres hundreds of thousands of confirmed cases of covid, and these people have thousands of dollars of medical bills all of the sudden

well congratulations

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Sad but somewhat true. Bernie is a piece of shit communist either way and his aspirations of power are as promising as Joe biden being relevant. Unfortunately for us all trump does not give a single shit about americans and is more than happy to ship in countless h1b workers to steal american jobs because it makes his economy numbers better. Trump is truly garbage but were stuck with him till 2024

>see, theres hundreds of thousands of confirmed cases of covid,

And theres millions of people out of work who have no time to get taxed out the ass to fund your nigger ideology. Look at Italy, look at Spain. Universal healthcare is dog shit. Kill yourself,

>Trump 100% wont win this November. This corona situation will destroy the Republican Party forever

110% agree

30% unemployment

3 x civil war deaths by covid19

You really think people will stick by him? USA is getting hit the hardest with the most cases and soon most deaths, and it all happened under Trump’s watch. Give it another 2 weeks for the impatient normies to catch on and see how much he’s actually fucked us

Why? It's the worse in Democratic cities and Democrats called Trump's early and strong measures against it racist.

Once again you fucking retards are going to get your assholes blown out, but you still will refuse to admit your faggot filled plebbit safe spaces aren't indicitive of reality.

Any time I watch his show its clear he has zero understanding of what is going on. Pence at least tries to understand what is going on but consistently grandstands because hes a career politician. Really would be better if we just had a general telling people what is going down because the White House is practically incompetent

Forget about Trump and give peace a chance.

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Read what I fucking said before sperging out you autist. I acknowledged his numbers are up but as time goes on and this doesn’t get better I asked if people will stick by him. Did you this response prepared or something? Are you a shill?

Bodies deaths just starting to stack up and the unemployment numbers are shooting though the roof. And you are siting a some poll? Ok shill ok

When 2 million are dead will a majority approve trump? I think his approval may go even lower Truman nixon bush before this is even done.

Meanwhile in reality Corona has only increased his approval

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Hi cia nigger can you motherfuckers please respond to my application your system is garbage to apply to

you fucking niggers have been parroting that same "any day now" shit since forever. Sort of like that bullshit Ukraine impeachment hearing that was going on during the early stages of the outbreak, you nigger piece of shit

>Bodies deaths just starting to stack up
Appeal to emotion pussy shit
>and the unemployment numbers are shooting though the roof
That is going to go around the necks of the faggot ass governors. Everyone here in Michigan wants Whitmore's head on a pike, not Trump's

BIDEN won't even make it to November!
Democrats and Liberals can only coof an shit themselves to death in their monuments to degeneracy. real republic soon.

Trump will win electoral college and popular vote easily faggot. Big city folks, non-Trump voters, are the ones dying.

we had enough to fork out a couple trillion to some corporations

>Meanwhile in reality Corona has only increased his approval

10 million job loses a week

But these DPRK style proganda polls using landline phones. Yup shill

Yes, insuring that commerce doesn't fucking die is way more important than giving you free shit you dumb fucking animal.

Isnt democrat shit holes being hit hardest by this virus?

the economy is crashing because they have $10 trillion in corporate debt. if you can't pay your bills, you need to exit stage left.

not to mention if my tax dollars go to bail out bank of america one more fucking time...


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You're retarded

Corona is literally the best thing that has ever happened to Trump

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the free market always needs saving doesn't it?
nice natural reflexive system you have there fatty

It's our way of being polite. Take a hint jack.

Isn't that what you guys said last time?
I seem to remember a lot of shills and kikes so happy about that huffpost poll pitting Killary and her goon squad at a 98% chance of winning.
And yet, here we are.

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im completely fine economically so far, in reality whats going to happen is people are going to feel the sting of having to rely on a government check for safety, which is going to leave a lot of bad tastes and light a fire. Normies don't like feeling like welfare queens, unlike your nigger ass.

>implying a completely gridlocked economy could survive in a socialist utopia

Banks in Italy are literally refusing to allow anyone to withdraw their cash or pensions. People are now raiding grocery stores in gangs. GG faggot

He absolutely needs to blame china in every speech just to de fang any attack against himself.

Wrong. The vast majority of people don't want illegals coming in here anymore and people are very, very angry at China. If anything Trump is too far left right now.

>lowest voter turnout
in blue states

Our great country buily and made by men only to die by a womans hands after these hundreds of years

these corporations have to rely on the government for welfare while they live beyond their means. should I really be any different?

The “destruction” of the GOP is your biggest concern right now?
That’s like worrying about itchy balls while you are having a stroke.

Ok liberal

>these corporations

Shut the fuck up you angsty teenager. You think normies would rather become welfare queens that can only buy shit from the state department store because amazon is fucked? Grow up

Lol no.

Also another funny thing

The virus is killing Democrats

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Not even the dems want Biden (only the powers that be do), and people don't like the change leadership in the middle of a crisis usually. His approval has only been going up as of late.
Trump will win, no contest.

This virus devastates New York and California, leaving them to sick to vote.

the stock market owes half of it's entire value in debt. 23,000 is completely artificial

It’s a fucking virus you dumb shit what do you expect him to do

At least he will reform the political process to include an IQ test.


your overconfidence is your weakness

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but seriously nuclear codes
at long last we can talk about the fuel efficiency of aircraft engines

Good thing we aren't some tiny shithole socialist state. One war and we'll be right back

I'd agree if his opponent wasn't a senile man

Obfuscate more faggot.
>you don’t wan’t tax cuts for wealthy!

That means you will be drinking saccharine in a gulag you pinko bastard.


>It's Trumps fault China spread the virus to the rest of the world.

Everyone got tax cuts you moron. Now watch as you try and LARP as a working class common man while trying to poo poo the fact that people on the lower end get 1-2 grand more in their pockets every year

Trump isnt the one shutting down businesses

The only way Trump can actually save people is if he implements draconian measures to contain it like China did. People wouldn't like him for that either. More leftists are dying anyway so this is the better outcome.

Most of the deaths are from states he wasnt gonna win in whats the problem. He is gonna give free money to people while governors kept shutting down the economies

You are clearly not seething. Also, I am not going to write in Hillary Clinton (pres.) and Bernie Sanders (vice-pres.) just to spite Orange man.