E.U. Appreciation Thread

Thread to appreciate the European Union, a global force for peace and an emerging superpower. They also did a much better job of providing for their citizens during this epidemic than the U.S.

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No they didnt, Italy and Spain are done for. Only Hungary is cool, all the others are pee pee poo poo.

Love Yas Forums humor threads.

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You guys get your fires put out yet or

hahaha good meme, user.

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CoronaChan killed the E.U.

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Coronachan will undoubtably fuck up the U.S. way harder due to our president's incompetence.

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Skilled immigrants who cost Germany €50 billion each year. (Defense budget €47bn.)

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>Orange man bad.

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EU is a gay name for the modern german hegemony. Your last effort was much cooler. Hugo Boss did your uniforms. If the EU had a designer do their uniforms, it'd be some faggot and the army would look like...oh my god. Is that why the german army looks like that? Lol.

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You mean that EU that don't give a shit about their states so Russia,China and Kuba have to help ? What a great union holy shit.

Corona sneeze juice helped put em out.

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EU Parliament.

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Sick man glad to hear.

>a global force for jew

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Attached: Baroness Ashton will be paid £400,000 by the EU to do nothing - Telegraph.png (629x546, 487.64K)

Can the EU even provide benefits to people out of work during the Pandemic?
Im guessing no because Mohammad and Tyrone need the gibs.

Attached: EU funds spent on Caribbean music festival - Telegraph.png (632x528, 707.99K)

>Millions of Europeans of African descent.

Yeah my dog magically transforms into a Horse when it sleeps in the barn too.

*clink clink* *ahem* FUCK europhiles and FUCK the EU

For all it's faults, it's certainly better than being subject to other superpowers

We can only blame the EU's fault on ourselves, but we do have a vote in this.

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Imagine you're a historian in 3000AD and need to write about this.

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Jokes aside, Europe still NEEDS a union of some kind in order to protect its states from falling into the spheres of influence of USA, Russia, China and Turkey.
Obviously the current state of the EU is a mess, but a complete dissolution would be worse for everyone.

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Goodbye, bureaucrat nigger. Won’t miss your unfuckable ass

Is this gender-equal?

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>one of the most corrupt European countries shitting on bureaucrats

pathetic and delusion-pilled

Ruined in 2015 and destined to go nowhere now that GB left.

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Fuck off

"There is no common European identity beyond an inferiority complex to the United States."

(Henryk Broder)

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Why do you hate yourself so much kraut?

so this is what your government officials are spending time on during a severe crisis

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Death too the EU let burn.

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hating politics is different than hating your nation and people tho.

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muslim tier

>protecting the diversity of European cultures is bad

literal subhuman-IQ tier criticisms

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>the diversity of European cultures is bad
Eu tries to impose EU culture, which doesnt exist, it is a neologism.
They front fucking massive afircan and arab immigration so dont even try with that fucking bullshit you homo.

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>Thread to appreciate the European Union
Sure thing Hershel.

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>muslim tier
so pro Eu then? idiot

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>criticize EU because its supporters celebrate "unity in diversity"

>next criticizes EU because it wants to impose EU culture


Anal sex will last longer than the EU after this virus is done. The EU will be gone a year from now.

>flag burning is totally cool, bro

no, it's retarded shitskin actionism

>politician said something I don't like

gee, let's dissolve Norway because some politicians are pedos I guess

EU celebrates NON-European diversity, it seeks to destroy European native cultures.

What do you think cultural integration and european values imply you fucking idiot?
look it up.

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lefty imperialist faggot

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>EU celebrates NON-European diversity,

You are making a retarded claim and then want me to look it up?

So this is the power of anti-EU retards..

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>A global force for peace
>The European Union

Okay schlomo. Come back to me when shitskins and mudslimes control 51% or more of the population.

The EU is probably the worst thing that ever happened to Europe in modern times. The old trade union was perfect. We’re individual countries that prosper by competing with eachother. It’s this dynamic that made Europe powerful. By unifying is politically you’ll turn Europe into a sleeping giant.

Did you Europeans forget that everyone with even a hint of ambition and self reliance left your shit continent for the new world at least a hundred years ago, or do you just ignore it so you can sleep at night? Your gene pool is made up of subservient peasants and aristocrats so inbred they can't see straight.

It's so adorable how you're always ready and raring to baselessly criticize Americans when you lot of prattling retards can't even run your own economy, muster anything even close to a competent military, or even preserve your own culture in the face of the hordes third world rejects you let stream into your continent.

You can keep clinging to the false sense of superiority you've somehow fashioned yourselves from the ruins of empires that stopped being relevant before your parents were even born and blaming the Americans for all of your problems right up to the day when you finally pull your head out of your ass and look around to see the shambling corpse of European culture for what it really is. Most likely right after Russia gets done shit stomping you back to the bronze age, or the Muslim hordes tear down the Vatican and put up a mosque

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>Eu tries to impose EU culture

That is simply not true.

>Florence major
>my government official

Florence and Prato are literally colonized by unreported chinese workers and chinese factories, he is just an unpatriotic chink lover

EU trying to impose a European identity is a retarded claim?

the state of you..

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KYS kikel

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>Florence and Prato are literally colonized by unreported chinese workers

woah, so YOUR government is to blame and not the EU

mind = blown

>make claim
>make another claim
>no source
>and still no source


>That is simply not true.
for fuck sake, do you need me to steer your EU loving faces into the screen as i link to the article?

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Whatever helps you sleep at night, Hernandez.

how is that (pic) wrong and how is it EU-related you fucking kike?

Most butthurt mutt of all time, don't you have a southern border to defend? Seem to have let a fair amount of people slip through lately.

wtf trannies, a cross dressing lawyer, an orthodox jew and a cyclist?!!

Wikipedia level bullshit.
There's no such common cultural heritage.

How about Italy?