Anyone else noticed we are being raided very fucking hard right now? From shareblue to discord tranny fags and Reddit...

Anyone else noticed we are being raided very fucking hard right now? From shareblue to discord tranny fags and Reddit. They make nonstop anti Q threads for no reason, anytime anyone thinks something outside what they want they go
>take your meds
The question is fucking why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Then there’s the mods and jannies removing every other actual good thread but letting them keep their blacked, anti Q, etc threads while everything else is deleted or moved to /bant/

Because you guys are cancer

Next question

hey! u mean me?:(

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Fuck off shill you are an actual kike go fuck yourself back to your cuck post on reddit and posting about how you lick nigger balls on discord.

There are always fags here. But tonight is extra faggy.

I don’t fucking know you

OP is an fagget

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Because of the USNS Mercy and children being rescued from underground dungeons

It’s getting really fucking bad, worse than anything I’ve ever seen atleast. They’re even raiding /ptg/ more than ever today

Nice when's your 19th birthday Tyler. I'll get you a dictionary

I wouldn’t doubt that as being a possibility, god knows what the fuck is going on and being slid.

It's always like this. We are just in the busy hours and now you notice.

Fuck off charlie, get back to sucking nigger cock like you always love. I know it’s hard not to rage out when you see the word nigger, but it’s okay everyone knows who you are.

Pretty much everyone's at home on their computers, so would guess about 90% of it is bored faggots and the other 10% is shills trying to derail and control information.

It’s worse than anything though, like really really fucking bad. Each thread is raided harder than ever.

I found this pretty interesting

Checked and that’s a possibility as well.

It actually sounds interesting, but there are no real sources, so it rather makes it look very dumb, almost like self-aware.

I saw that but I’d love to know more info on who recorded that and where.

Yeah that’s the problem is it’s just that one SoundCloud recording from doctor motley but I want to see actual video of it just in case.

>They make nonstop anti Q threads for no reason
There is a reason faggot, Q is for sci fi larping retards that can't deal with reality.

The Qfags are the ones raiding
>don't think, trust the plan
>provide no evidence
>make weak excuses when predictions fail
>screech shill at anyone who doesn't drink the kool aid

They keep making it for no reason, and it can still be considered political since there politics behind it. But the anti Q threads are not fucking needed at all, there’s always 3 or 4 of them.

No it’s the kikes I have no clue on Q shit but making 4 anti Q threads for no reason is stupid as shit, and beyond fucking suspicious when I haven’t seen any pro Q threads only anti ones.

>discord tranny
do you know what a discord tranny is?

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it's the virgins on lockdown from school. it's going to be like this from now on.

>Q threads for no reason
>for no reason

bahahsh. q is a psyop. kys faggot.

Its just the usual chapofags coming back from their r*ddit bunker.
I dont think they even know why they do it anymore, its not like it accomplishes anything


Maybe everyone is just bored and sick of being at home. Other than trying to sink a boat with a train doesn't seem like anything remotely big is happening.

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So what does this accomplish?
Are you trolling le nazis ebig style?

Congrats you played yourself kike, read my other posts and stop letting your nose type for you.

>read my other posts
no. fuck Q and fuck u.

There has been a few weird behind the scenes happenings, but we don’t get to really see or know because these fucks are sliding shit, whether it’s knowingly or not.

Because they can't tolerate life that does conform to their world view so it's assimilation or destruction.

Day of the rake for you soon leaf kike.

Checked and very true, they’ve even been going at it in threads that tried to talk about the globo pedos.

>leaf kike
whiter than you, Tyrone

And the bernouts are pisses that their candidate has utterly collapsed.
Frankly I'm kinda upset too.
I really wanted to win the nomination so we could see the naive socialist's dreams crushed in a violent display of public humiliation.
At the very least I wanted a brokered convention so those idiots would burn down the DNC.
Dementia joe will lose in a landslide and the bernouts will cling to their delusions.

Pipergate thread just 404d. God damned tranny pedos all over twitter apparently. Nothing to see here goy

You do realize that the Navy is notorious for spreading rumors because sailors can't fucking keep their mouths shut. If there were kids being rescued that shit would be all over fucking Facebook and Youtube right now with videos and everything.

This is the fucking dumbest Q-Boomer shit I've ever read. I actually saw someone post about donating clothes because a bunch of kids are going to need them.

Of course, they have to steer and control the narrative because we are now all of society.

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Sorry aren’t you kikes not white?

Qfags have always been retarded, but picking on retards doesnt make them less retarded.
It just makes them angry and retarded

I saw that thread too, yeah somethings very suspicious.

JEW in my ID fml. For the 2nd time today.

Archive link?

That’s also a good point, but if there is some secret operation for that shit you think the sailors are gonna be able to talk about? Fuck no the national guard and government would not be allowing that.


But thats the thing.
They dont have the power to do either anywhere outside their echo chambers and college safe spaces.
Its literally just impotent screeching


Money should be drying up for the shill fags Q followers have endured for 3 years of this faggotry

Get fucked boomers. Quasimodo predicted all of this, and he's dabbing on every Qtards corpse

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This. Fucking ifunny watermarks everywhere

faggot shill
brainlet shill
yup yup yup
opposite. and shills are triple nigger faggots


an abomination.

le trolololol leaf poster

we were always going to win.

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Sorry. They follow me everywhere.

i try to stay ahead of them... see?

Seriously read my posts kike, this is how you fucking out yourselves you have no fucking clue what you’re doing, you’re worried about something so you raid without thinking this time.

>Sorry aren’t you kikes not white?
whose playing themselves themselves now?

That was such a stupid response I’m pretty sure now it confirms you’re under 18, get off the site kid adults are talking.

>The question is fucking why?
Panic, desperation, too many people waking up. If you'll notice they use they same buzzwords and tactics because they are literally running out of options.

Shills are aiding and abetting evil, murderous, and truly vile people/organizations. They will be spared no quarter once the knock comes to their door.


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this asshole is claiming jews are white. keep going, obvious shill

Okay nice reddit meme easily traced right back to a fucking subreddit, you dumb shit.

We are coming too close for comfort per usual

Jan 28, 2020, Arrest of Charles M. Lieber, the chair of Harvard’s department of chemistry and chemical biology
>Dr. Lieber was one of three scientists to be charged with crimes on Tuesday.
>Zaosong Zheng, a Harvard-affiliated cancer researcher was caught leaving the country with 21 vials of cells stolen from a laboratory at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston, according to the authorities.

Bill Gates and Charles M Lieber back in 2003

Sept. 1, 2015 Structural basis underlying viral hijacking of a histone chaperone comple
>Hongda Huang, Zhong Deng, Olga Vladimirova, Andreas Wiedmer, Fang Lu, Paul M. Lieberman & Dinshaw J. Patel
>Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can efficiently establish stable latent infection as a chromatinized episome in the nucleus of infected cells.

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Get outttttttt

>Just one year ago the US government suspended funding of research focusing on the most contagious viruses. But the moratorium didn’t stop the work of the Chinese on SARS, which was already at an advanced phase and not considered that dangerous.

Dec 29, 2019 Covert way to embed the record of a vaccination directly in a patient's skin

MSFT partnership
UN Global Identification Management
>In September 2015, all United Nations member states adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, including their commitment to “provide legal identity for all, including birth registration” by 2030.

Jan 20, 2020, At MIT, Epstein Report Reopens Wounds — And Prompts Calls For New Leadership

Oct 12, 2019, Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past

Aug 31, 2014, Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?


Interesting, I heard a possible happening on 4-4-2020 how true?

>the question is fucking why?
Gee idk maybe because some of our government officials are traitors and their days are numbered and they know it so they want to just sink the whole ship while rushing towards life boats and blame the captain.

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I have no idea. The possibilities, in my head:

>US reveals that it knows the virus is manmade, purposely released. Potential economic bioweapon, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars type stuff. A war then ensues and this boosts the US economy to levels never before seen.

>Intelligence surrounding the virus is kept classified and everything slowly goes back to normal. Stock market boom ensues this way, too.

What? The only way to stop sailors from posting shit on Facebook is setting what's called River City. Total shutdown of communications on the ship so they can't post or call. If you didn't know this, ships have internet access with computers to use so you can get online and post shit. They also have little payphones so you can call your girlfriend or your mother. But the thing is, River City only works while you're out to sea. When a ship is in port everyone has their cellphones, and you'd better believe that they are all on their phones posting shit online. If there were kids being brought onto a ship people would be posting about it.
>but the Navy took all of their phones
What, and are forcing all the sailors on the ship too? Then you should be able to go on the USNS Comfort's Facebook page and find posts from all the sailor's girlfriends/wives bitching that they are on total lockdown.

Trust me dude, I was in the Navy. If something is going on then people from other ships would already know about it because you were roommates with on guy in A-School and the chick he used to fuck knew someone on this ship who told her. That's how it works. There are no fucking kids being saved and brought on the ship or there would be tons of Twitter or Facebook posts from HMs talking about it. There would be pictures and video.