Attached: UTAH COUNTY 4:1:2020.png (1185x326, 66.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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raid in progress?
fuck i should've got a short wave radio.

Wait. They have a county in Utah named... Utah? I mean a little fucking on the nose, but ok.


They used up all of their creativity by that point.

Why is a leaf telling us this?

How is this a happening?


Goverment is going to kidnap tons of people there tonight. Hopefully by daylight some will be left alive ):

Project Zyphyr. Burn it all down.

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What DUMB is (((under))) utah county?

True story when I was in hs we did a family road trip to Yellowstone national park, we had to drive through Utah. The actual city was insane, saw like ten people being arrested and lots of punk kids everywhere, probably edgy Mormons rebelling against mom and dad. Anyway, after leaving the city it started raining pretty hard. We were kind of in the middle of nowhere and the roads were flash flooding, we went across this one area where the water didn’t seem that deep and it started pushing the car as we got to the middle, we all started screaming and barely made it out of the fucking now niagra falls river from normal rain fall, literally instantly appeared. I thought we were all gonna die. That’s my Utah story, passing through Montana was much nicer and he trout fishing was awesome.


I swear the spelling on this shit gets more retarded the more it's posted.

power goes out bug the fuck out. remember this

I was attempting to delete the post when yours came in. When you’re right, you’re right. Apologies, fren.

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so Q was wrong about pedos getting rounded up, we are the ones getting rounded up
god speed

its Zcephayer


fuck off

Why yes, I do live in Utahville, Utah County, Utah, USA (Utah States of America), how could you tell?

Attached: utah chad.jpg (994x1200, 76.73K)

It's alright user, you're just retarded. You're among your own kind here.

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Feels bad man.

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Attached: smuggler tunnel utah.png (1172x678, 238.17K)

They're placing a nuke under yellowchan to blow her up. She blows up and Trump nukes China in "retaliation"

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard


Box elder county here

We’re having snow storms all this week. If you want a HAPPENING this month Yellowstone will blow up

Aren't they mostly faggot masonic Mormons there?


Is that Mr Utah?

Nothing new. Rocky mtn outages are normal. Like 12 hours ago there was one affecting 12k people. If you wanna solve a REAL mystery, tell me what those booming noises I've been hearing coming from the sky all day are.

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Project Heifer

I had a power cut yesterday for the first time in 3 years

Bear in mind the electricity grid are having a hard time with the unpredictable demand. Usually they know very accurately how much will be used, but with millions suddenly changing their lifestyle its difficult to predict

supersonic aircraft

I grew up in CA and recently escaped 7 years in LA and now live in SLC. Shit's pretty comfy up here during kung flu watching Cali burn to the ground. Living with 2 roommates in a 2 story house just outside the downtown area for $450 a month.


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the feds use canadian VPNs. its low lag and the canadian government is such a failure they are one of the only countries that cant track hackers

Lies. I'm in utah county right now. All is well. It is snowing hard though. After being like 65 out today, wtf.

Parent Anons,
Please take a moment to look around the house, any outgrown clothes, shoes, books, toys, etc that you have been looking for a reason to donate or get rid of will come in handy very soon. Consider getting them together and waiting for the 'call', so to say. It will be needed. Spread this message to the normie sphere as well please.


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Cheer up friendo

Can you explain why?

>I mean a little fucking on the nose, but ok.

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Problem is sorry to break this to you
California is just fine and you’re mega retarded
I even walked downtown with periscope live streaming today showing all the closed stuff but same amount of traffic and people out and about
I literally just went to the beach two days ago and it was packed

Some people are wearing masks but the homeless aren’t even coofing
You’re little axe to grind cause you couldn’t afford to live here without being a transient isn’t happening fella
Enjoy Salt Lake City though , I lived there for a good year for work and it sucked ass the entire time minus your jack Mormon cunts that love bouncing on random cock , why do Mormon girls love to swallow ?

Wtf you talking about faggot?

a bunch of bored people with guns what could possibly go wrong

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Killing power to a DUMB to raid it is what a Q schizo might say.


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I've lived in Utah my entire life.

I'm just realizing now how lazy and uninspired we ate.

Checked. I think everyone is just grasping for straws at this point

Internet was down too.

Attached: internet outages.png (734x575, 163.53K)

>power goes out in literally the middle of nowhere
You guys aren't even trying anymore

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There was an earthquake...

This is good news that nobody there is taking it seriously. Cant wait to see your numbers reflect that. This is the best news I've heard all night.

At least Utah renamed its towns and cities. We could have had a bunch of beaner towns like California. The downside is they’re all name after Mormon fucks

Post video

It's not happening until the number is over 250,000 nationally. Individual counties lose power all the time. There's literally >12k outages 24/7 on that site because 12k in a country of 3250k is nothing.

Doubt but still hopeful. What proof can you offer?

Yeah like a week ago


doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see why the power went out.
no, today.

saving the kids in the shadow power's D.U.M.B.s

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Holy shit, they’re shutting off the power to provide the only effective 21st century cover in places where Trump’s force recon guys are taking out pedos

Lets do this, please consider the message. If it winds up being nothing, then you can curse my name til your dying breath, but if it winds up being a message needed to be heard, youll be there to help. Deal?

pic related.

Attached: EQ.jpg (895x770, 134.02K)

You're right. I can't afford to spend my life paying 3000+ to live in beanerville. You got me.
Gonna go enjoy my siren, police chopper, aids-free night out here in the sticks.

Jesus, these numbers. I’m still not sure I’m following, user. Clothes for rescued children?

No eq today except in bouse idaho. Utah shows in your pic last 2 days. Not 2 hours.

NewYork did the same thing.

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they definitely took someone if the power and internet went out. can we find if anyone went missing?

Can confirm on no significant earthquake today.
t. In salt lake city as we speak.