What is wrong with these guys? All they do is suck Chinese cock now. In fact, why is the Alt-Right in general so pro-Chinese all of a sudden?
What does China have to do with anything? We are ruled by kikes not Chinese.
The Alt Right has been telling its followers to not bully China over the Chinese Coronavirus. In fact Richard Spencer a few hours ago said that Taiwan should go back to China.
What the fuck are you even referring to specifically?!
Spencer was on the Killstream a few hours ago. He was pushing the narrative that China wasn't bad nonstop.
Huh. Well it /is/ natsoc, essentially. And ruthless, unpitying, without qualm - like we should be.
.. link, or better search terms? Who was his opponent? A quick search turned up dead YouTube channels.
China is literally having its people run around western countries carrying vials of bioweapons. At what point does Dicky Spencer and his TRS pals take the yellow dildo out of their asses?
Google Killstream or Ethan Ralph. There was no opponent, he was just a guest talking about Coronavirus.
I see no difference. They work together for a common goal, albeit with different motivations
Literally who cares? We should concentrate our attacks on our Jewish ruling class which built this globalist system, outsourced all of our industry to Asia and allowed open Chinese colonization of our lands. What is the point of criticizing some country on the other side of the planet when malevolent enemy nationals are ruling over us right at this very moment?
I can do two things at the same time, you smelly Chinkbug.
There is a difference, in that Chinese are totally indifferent towards us while kikes are fanatically determined to exterminate every last one of us.
Alright paychads, someone post it
China is not "indifferent" you fucking clown. They want supremacy.
China is dependent on imports for their food and fuel, they would not be a strategic threat if we ruled our own countries, we could just starve them back into the middle ages. Additionally, Chinese are probably the worst warriors in the world, they are small, docile, cowardly and clumsy, they pose no real military threat to any serious and healthy nation.
well james is asian, so it makes since he would side with his people
That does not change their intentions and attitude.
You know thats not true. They want us to be beneath them. Why else are they slowly buying everything out from under us?
I'm sure there's more but you get the picture.
Chinese are an irrelevant non-entity. Once we retake our nations from the kikes the Chinese will be at our mercy. They are totally dependent on us for imports and exports.
They are buying because international Jewish finance capital is selling our nations to them and making it illegal for us to criticize it. Chinese on their own are no threat and could easily be deported once we achieve racial solidarity and sovereignty. It is not the Chinese who are preventing us from organizing along racial lines but the international Jewish ethnic syndicate which rules over all of us.
>Chinese are an irrelevant non-entity.
In what fucking world? You guys are tunnel visioning big time.
And like I said in the OP, you guys are damage controlling on behalf of China. It's really fucking weird.
how bout that link though
>In what fucking world? You guys are tunnel visioning big time.
What threat would China be if we weren't ruled by kikes who desperately want to disenfranchise and impoverish the Aryan working classes of our nations by outsourcing all of our manufacturing to Asia? What threat would China be if our Jew-run schools and businesses didn't preference Chinese who then export all of our technology back to China? China's economic and technological rise is purely the result of kike parasitism of our nations, the Chinese are not fundamentally responsible for any of this. Don't let the kikes goad us into pointless hostility and war, stay focused on the people who have actual power over us.
They are deploying BIO-FUCKING-WEAPONS INTO WESTERN COUNTRIES. Holy fucking shit you Chink cocksuckers are deluded
There is, the belt and road initiative which goes from Asia to Europe, and their own African colonies via influence.
Don't think they're all nice like us either, they have literally not even general respect or even polite patience for other cultures, they see all as inferior to them. THEY MUST BE STOPPED AMERICAN
What were Harvard kikes doing operating secret biology labs in Wuhan? I'm more inclined to believe that this is an intentional Mossad operation rather than the Chinese deliberately releasing this plague on themselves only to get a few of us.
What is RS engame nowadays anways? He has ruined his name in a way that not many others can rival. No one with a sane mind would associate with him, so what is he trying to accomplish now? I think hes trying to raise his noteriety so that he can get the cash flowing in like before. But even if RS got money, no one is allowed to be around RS, because he ruined his name by saying seemingly batshit crazy stuff.
Any ideas
Pieck is a Strausserian!
So they expose you kikes with blackrock, debunk your Qosher psyop, so they're chinese ass kissers? Haha. Nice. Good try goldberg. Back to the temple with you.
Pieck will lead the NatSoc revolution
Chinese communist supremacy < jewish capitalist supremacy.
Post the show so we can discuss is
Post it pls
He's not going to. They just want to to despise it because they exposed the fact that the federal reserve went from jew owner to jew owner and the kikes used their Q psyop to trick dumbasses into thinking it was a good thing. All hail lord trump. Kind of the jews.
Great, so they're both enemies of white people. Why are YOU defending China?
Suck that Chinkdick
Are you the same poster that was crying about the Bernie shit too? Are you like paid by the RNC to countersignal everything they say that goes against worshiping Big Line?
Was he always an imbecilic dilettante? I've never seen his appeal.
>Why are YOU defending China?
Because I have a sense of perspective. Kikes are a billion times the threat that the Chinese are and kikes have a tendency to spark up wars between goyim in order to solidify their grip on power. Whining about China won't help us to achieve Aryan national sovereignty on the North American continent, it only distracts us from the real enemy.
Bernie was FTN's guy right up until he got slaughtered (again). Based jew, am I right guys?
>inb4 grugbrain lightswitchbrain retardspeak
I can criticize both. You can't. Go figure out why.
They shit on China all the time, calling the Chinese inhuman bugpeople and on and on.
Maybe they're choosing their battles.
i guess they and others like them have decided to die on the hill of defending how china dealt with it because they imagine themselves having that same authoritarian power.
they wouldn't dare question how deaths from corona are determined.
Paychads pls
Yes Jazzhands, that's your response for all criticism aimed at you. Now talk like a retard, that will really convince people you're a smart guy.
post it ffs
This shit has been explained to people like you so many times that at this point you're either braindead or dishonesty. So pick one.
If you have to constantly preface and explain your bizarre and contradictory arguments then maybe the problem is with YOU, Jazzhands.
Lmao this has to be b8. The prefaces are there because threads and people like you exist. If you actually think that FTN has ever endorsed China or Bernie, I'm sorry - you're just a retard. But you're even acknowledging the prefaces and qualifiers which just makes me think that you're trolling for (you)'s or you're just a shill.
The CCP is paying them. Vox Day and a bunch of people on Ron Unz's site too.
>The CCP is paying them
Do you have any verifiable evidence to back up that claim?
Do you understand why people question your motives when you constantly do argumentative 180s?
FTN couldn't stop sucking Bernie's cock right up until Super Tuesday, then it became blatantly obvious no amount of shilling would salvage his chances. Now you have FTN and Dicky Spencer constantly tone policing everyone to stop being such meanieheads to the Chinks.
So no, FTN, I will not support a jew and I will not support the chinese. Go fuck yourselves.
>FTN couldn't stop sucking Bernie's cock right up
They never supported him or encouraged anyone to vote for him.
>I will not support the chinese
ok cool, neither does FTN or anyone on TRS.
It sounds like the things you are worried about can be put to ease. Cool!
>Dicky Spencer
what is up with you kikes and always doing shit like this with peoples' names lol?
"Ayy watchya doin' there Dicky Spencah oy vey"
>So no, FTN, I will not support a jew and I will not support the chinese. Go fuck yourselves.
this is unironically true and anyone who denies it is a coping retard. The "alt-right" has been coming off incredibly weaselly lately because they wont admit they hate America and want to see it destroyed because we're not getting it back and it's working directly against us. They're still putting up this pseudo-front of being "American Nationalists" and they need to knock it the fuck off. Ayatollah Striker and their perpetual butthurt about being betrayed by ZOGnald is the reason they were all supporting Sanders (they absolutely were). Spencer has been shilling for the chinks as well like they're on team whites. How fucking difficult is it to say we don't like ZOG and we also don't like the Yellow menace?
Where the fuck is Ethnarch when you need him?
This is why Myth of the 20th Century > TRS
Why do you care about Spencer's feelings, faggot? I don't like him because he's a fucking glower.
Pay kings
>they wont admit they hate America and want to see it destroyed
They have said multiple times that this system needs to go under because it is not sustainable.
>this pseudo-front of being "American Nationalists"
They have called out AmNats multiple times, especially in recent shows
>supporting Sanders (they absolutely were)
No they weren't lol.
>Spencer has been shilling for the chinks as well like they're on team whites.
No he hasn't.
>how fucking difficult is it to say we don't like ZOG and we also don't like the Yellow menace?
It's not, they've made it clear that Yellow Peril is a problem that can't be forgotten about, they've even referenced Ethnarc's deep dive on them once again in a recent episode.
I don't, you're just retarded. I'm sorry man I can't help you, I hope it isn't too scary or difficult navigating life with such a small brain
FTN and Richie all shill that bullshit stay at home corona, because none of them ever did a day of work in their lives, richfags pretending to care about their people, like the fing commies.