Venezuela's narcoterrorists get rekt

Maduro's regime has only hours left.

Venezuela's navy vessel sunk after trying to capture damaged passanger vessel.

Trump: US to deploy anti-drug Navy ships near Venezuela

Chevron's Venezuela oil joint ventures cut fieldwork - “All contracts and procurement processes by (joint venture) Petropiar have been cancelled.”

Yesterday afternoon there was an explosion and a fire at the No. 10 tank at the Petropiar improver in Anzoategui

Venezuela fuel shortages hinder food delivery amid coronavirus quarantine.

Maduro Vows to Unleash 'Bolivarian Fury' on US if Washington Targets Venezuelan Leaders

US charges Venezuela’s Maduro, issues bounty

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better be some helmet cam jungle firefights on liveleak after this

Venezuela's oil production

Attached: oil production.jpg (512x287, 28.72K)

Miss Venezuela Mariam Habach

Attached: mariam.jpg (559x911, 217.57K)

can't decide which one is worst, CIA backed scum or socialists...

Needs to eat more, but looks nice

Just different flavors of shit. 60 years ago I might have said CIA backed, but we've all seen how that usually turns out - especially in South America.

about to get comfy

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Imagine what you could take from these people who are undoubtedly evil as fuck. Money, drugs, guns, vehicles, assets.... Fuck.

We only have oil for dinner

Assets are unimportant. The real objective is political power over the country.

Is this some “way the dog” shit or are there Chinese bases in Venezuela?
I cannot believe that this is only about drugs.

free the venezuelan people

Finally Venezuela will be free.

This is the venezuelan navy vessel that sunk itself after colliding against a damaged passanger vessel,

CIA backed.

Russians bases.

Chinese soldiers have been photographed at airports, but russian soldiers can be seen anywhere you go if you see carefully.

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>Venezuela's navy vessel sunk after trying to capture damaged passanger vessel.

what comedy

the WAY of the dog indeed

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With the amount of oil Venezuela has they can afford to be socialist. Free healthcare and education and massive housing subsidy for lower income peeps.

They are kings, more oil than the Saudis and canadians. I swear OPEC is weaponized by the elites.

gonna fund rebels in Venezuela

post bitcoin address and timestamp

Chinese designed and built warship too. Now we know they are shit.



Maybe I could finally leave this shithole and go to Colombia.

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Maduro is no Gadafi, also Venezuela has very shitty oil. No market.

Just legalize drugs you fucking retard republicans

And they can all go back to their country!

isn't every single border from your country closed?

how much does it cost to go to columbia?

i sent enough for a hamburger

If true I guess a happening during corona chan. Was actually happening. Just not the one anyone expected

Are the Venezuelan people going to be okay after all of this? Do the majority of them hate Maduro?
I thought this country already had enough oil, so I don't get why they have to be such a dick all the time.

Still wouldn't stop them. Even if it happened tommorow. Crack for sale at the 7/11

Curently Venezuela's oil trades at $6 per barrel in the market. The cost to extract it is above $10 per barrel.
However, the country used to be the best in the region despite low oil prices in the 90s when we were not a socialist country.

It is still possible to cross if you know who to talk to.

It costs at least $70 from where I am.

Thanks for the money user

>Needs to eat more

shut the fuck up, fatass


such a neocon wannabe term

Venezuela is idiocracy in real life.

Iranian backed fuckheads in Venezuela.

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The country is going to be okay. The people wants Maduro gone so the economy can grow again and establish a free-market-oriented economy and abolish the socialist one.

There is still a small minority supporting Maduro, like 10% of the electoral turnout, and most of them do support him electorally at least only because of the handouts.
The country won't go to war against a foreign country because of Maduro. I wouldn't say we hate him, but there's a lot of resenment against the destruction he has caused in Venezuela.

I personally don't hate anybody, but I wish he could be captured and face justice.


>Venezuela's navy vessel sunk after trying to capture damaged passanger vessel.

OMFG I didnt know it was possible to be this inept.

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Kill yourself Soros

Stay safe faggot. The hard times have only just begun.

ha ha the venez bitches have no where to run...or land their jets!

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Stay safe user, I’ll be rootin for ya

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Says socialist faggot Canada.

I hope they kill all commies! Good luck Trump!

And why do I give a fuck if some cracker, nigger or spic is smoking crack?

Explain how I’m wrong?

It's getting scarier here. A cornered animal is dangerous and so will be the regime. They will tell the death squads and paramilitary to kill anyone they see as a threat. I wish I could have a firearm right now.


Pathetic, you're the worst kind of scum. Ready to sell out of your countrymen for a few pesos.
I hope maduro forces track you back.

Also the ameican empire won't touch venezuela. No if they want to get nuked from China/Russia.

Beliefs his government’s evil is somehow better than others. Maga turdd

This is Iran level of ineptitude.

Bro, I'm super drunk and stoned.... 2020 happenings just keep coming, one after the other. I'm legit going to jizz myself without my cock even being touched!

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Mierda negro ahora de donde coño sacamos la gasolina ? prepárense para morir por nosotros como los americanos mueren por israel

Based Nationalist.

There's two sides to every story I'm not doubting the Venezuelan gov is trafficking drugs and treating their people like shit but why is it that all of the sudden the U.S have a problem with this. Is it because they are allies with China? Also U.S involvement in south of the border has always been shady. Anons can anyone link articles or something to red pill me

This is to save the kids right?

Maduro is colombian. And there's a bounty on him for 15 millions of american dollars.

Anyway, I don't think he's going to be captured but instead El Aissami, a foreign libanese ally of Maduro, will get surprised anytime soon.

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In what fucking universe? Venezuela is a failed state.

Cuba will get liberated by Venezuela once we overcome our own crisis.

Venezuela has countered the U.S. in many issues becoming a major threat to american interests and to their safety.
The financial, logistical and weapons the venezuelan regime has provided to anti-american terrorists has not gone unnoticed for sure.
The country is harboring FARC, ELN, Hizbollah and other terrorists organizations.

You kidding but millions of children are at risk of dying from starvation here in Venezuela.
Starvation has increasing as a cause of death among children. It's sad, they're innocent.

>File: Screenshot_1.png (69 KB, 1022x414)

Thanks user, stay safe fren these are tough times and I hope you make it another day to continue shitposting

coming to nuke ya loser

"TUN TUN" means "knock knock," which is a campaign Maduro has launched against venezuelan citizens who oppose his regime.

"Knock knock" because Maduro sends death squads to knock the house of dissidents to arrest them.

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Please off the mentepollo Maduro please

Libe what ? Negro nosotros los liberamos a ustedes de que hablas lol acaben con los mutts para que sigan regalándonos su petróleo
Maduro #1


Holy fucking based I'm surprised America didn't invade sooner, all that oil and an easy casus belli

mamaguevo mang, mama me la pinga

No u

The worst scum is the one that celebrate a foreign country invading is own motherland. I detest scum like maburro, but I hate wimps how can't overcome their political problems by themselves even more.

Why are there no news about the war anywhere. The fuck tought that would be big news

do cubans have wifi in their houses yet or do you still have to go to etecsa hotspot?

while people are scared the US government is having a great time and doing shit that would be unthinkable in normal times. giving people's money to corporations and now invading a country (I bet venezuela's tremendous soil ressources look yummy). never let a good crisis go to waste.

>Taco taco taco taco taco burrito guacamole Maduro
Whatever you say you commie cube saltwater nigger

Vete a atragantarte con la pinga del novio negro de tu esposa y súbelo a b amerifat cornudo
oooh I can see that someone knows a couple things lol, no we got 3G and 4G now fuck going outside to shitpost

kill several commies on your way to colombia pls

Hey I know that one!
Since Castro has starved your people for so long, I bet you'd consider 70kg to be obese kekekek

Fuckin kek, I thought Americans being beta brainlets was a meme, we're basically a middle finger to you fags and you can’t do shit to us pussy nigga

Hadn't Venezuela become a cesspool of international terrorist organizations, and taken hostage by foreign powers like Russia and China, we would have done it by ourselves like we did in 2002.
The case is that the country is already controlled not by the U.S. but by other countries.

It is not like we just vote out Maduro and done. There will be an armed conflict to overthrow this regime.

There were some when the bounty on Maduro's drug cartel was announced, but nothing is being reported about the anti-drug operation.

Venezuelans are lazy and unarmed

>loves in abject poverty to show the Americans who the boss is

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Russia uses active military for training a lot; let's say some shit hole company buys an s400. In our industrial complex they send people like me; but we're employed by the company. Raytheon SSD, Lockheed all have similar support programs.

starve ? topkek I had to diet this year because i was getting a beer belly only lazy poorfags starve, go on now tyrone has arrived go get the camera

And your country released a bioweapon that will kill million of innocent lives. You also implemented a puppet leader that treats his own people like shit. The U.S definitely isn't the most innocent country but china is complete scum

Commies will be killed at sight

Fixing the mess the Bushes, Clintons and Obamas got rich on.
I only hope it ties back into Mena someday. I don't care if they're all dead by then but it'd be nice to have some disclosure for all the dead investigators and used up useful idiots.
Remember this operation next time you see a "good guy" CIA ayy disclosure thread.