So, relatively simple question: What the fuck going on in Hungary?
I need some information, links on media, personal onion exfoliation, whatever.
Magyars, explain yourselves.
What the fuck going on in Hungary?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're basically becoming like your failed country. An oligarchy that right wingers get excited about because they don't let niggers and muzzies in.
Truth is Hungary is peak europoor, and Viktor Orban is to blame. He spends a shit ton of the money he gets from EU grants and Hungary tax dollars to make his friends rich. He does this by allowing them to take the extremely expensive government contracts to build stuff like railroads museums and shit like that.
>Andy Voina
>Ischtvan Gorontschi
>Ischtvan Tibortz
>Lorinc Meszaros
These friends that he made rich use their money to promote Orban's ideas and fund his propaganda.
Heres why I don't get too excited about it
>Hungary's population is decreasing because of how shit it is.
>Tons of people live in poverty and he is to blame 10 years of doing nothing in office besides being corrupt
>Healthcare makes US healthcare look fucking amazing. Tons of hungarian doctors ran to germany for jobs because of how bad it is in Hungary.
>40% live in poverty
>44% can't afford basic goods
>Unaffordable housing which is crazy considering how shit the country is.
It's not just about keeping your state an ethno state. You actually have to make it good. Orban has failed to do this year after year.
>Insinuating building national infrastructure and cultural monuments is a bad thing
Fidesz is using the Kung Flu crisis to grab even more power. They claim these special powers are needed for a successful defense, but they already had a 2/3 majority in parliament, a constitutional court stacked with party bootlickers and the president of Hungary (himself a member of Fidesz) signs any law without question anyway.
What they didn’t have was total control over local governments - and that is precisely what they are using these new powers for.
Orbán is a narcissistic psychopath, who masquerades as a nationalist/conservative, while he, his family, and his inner circle robs the country of its wealth. Luckily for them the opposition is a totally useless bunch of commies, globalists, idiot liberals, brain dead EU-worshippers and retards like Jobbik.
>Being a fucking brainlet and only taking that into account.
He often overpriced the infrastructure projects on purpose to enrich his friends. Now he will probably not be able to get more EU grant money because he spent it on stupid shit like building a soccer stadium in his hometown of 1500 people. As well as a train station in his hometown that had been discontinued because it wasn't worth it. He's not spending it well. The parliament building was badass, but a ton of it was fluff to enrich his friends.
Now other parts of his country are failing and people are leaving you can check Hungary's population it is decreasing because people don't want to leave the europoor lifestyle.
Sorry I'm not a fucking cuck. If Trump spends the infrastructure bill on stupid bullshit like that I will be pissed. Idc if it's him I'm not a braindead follower like some of the people on this website.
Questioning authority and government is good, retard.
you got one thing wrong: the train is closed only due to the epidemic, otherwise it’s operating (at an extreme loss, obviously)
You misunderstood what I wrote.
The train connected to his village in the 1970s was closed due to it being barely used and unprofitable. A public contract was dished out to Meszaros to build a barely used train section.
>Building worthless shit to make his friends rich while your country remains peak europoor.
Sorry you have to do better than that, and actually create a functioning country. Hungary has a based population, but Viktor Orban continually screws them over.
Fuck off kike
Cope and I **COOOF** on you
So basicaly he doing nothig but enjoys power for himself? Or there is something on country-wide that can leave such impression?
>your failed country
>Truth is Hungary is peak europoor
Gibsmedat links statistics, or at least tell me where I can find it
>Orban has failed to do this year after year.
Any bold examples (Crimean brige? French chesess ban? The Great Internets Killswitch?) or he is just bad ruler overall?
nothing is going on to be honest with you
government declared emergency and turned the country into half lockdown
>schools are closed
>shops close early
>no gatherings
and shit like that, theres a curfew, but its not a curfew because you dont need to prove why you are outside
under cover of the emergency, they can rule by decree, which they havent done yet and to be fair there is no need either because they have a 2/3 in parliament and that can do almost anything already
the economy is shaking but the government refuses to do what other cunts do, paying the wages of the affected workers while theres an emergency, instead they support business owners by taxcuts, theres no public data on unemployment numbers yet
our currency nosedived against the euro and the dollar, 330HUF for 1EURO -> 360 HUF for 1 EURO, very painful if you want to buy something foreign
i know it looks bad from the outside but we are very afraid of this virus shit, ppl call for total lockdown, soldiers and cops patrol the streets and they are welcomed
some burgers here are talking about oligarchs, one of ydays laws is that the cost of the project to renovate the budapest beograd railway is going to be made secret for 20? or smt years
so virus scare+impending economic collapse+corruption=poor shithole going to be even poorer, but its white right?
well, not really, about 10% of the population are gypsies and the numbers are increasing, like a fucking virus
Damn. I honestly didn't know things were so bad off there.
>>It's not just about keeping your state an ethno state. You actually have to make it good. Orban has failed to do this year after year.
You will never be able to do that under (((capitalism))). No matter how "based" you or your country is, it's fundamentally designed to make sure the kikes and their shabbos goys are the only ones who benefit.
I’m fairly certain he can’t even enjoy power: he wants the people to love him, but at the same time he despises them for losing the 2002 and 2006 elections. Deep down he is aware that the he only won in 2010 because Gyurcsany fucked up massively - so now he does everything out of spite.
The real trouble however is his inner circle, which is exclusively filled with criminals and idiotic yes-men.
Imagine being this delusional
imagine being this blind and/or stupid
Hungary has a long way to go, but its still better off than it was a decade ago. Orban is far from perfect, but when faced with what else is offered, he is a saint.
t. american diaspora descended from '56 refugees
t. knows fuck-all about what’s going on in Hungary
Yea, you should be the one to talk. Yes he's an autocrat surrounded by yes-men, no argument there... but the other bullshit wives tales you're pulling out of your ass is just as idiotic as Fidesz blaming Soros for everything.
>30years of freedumbs
>nothing to show
>14years of orban
>he is a saint
you arent a diaspora btw, you dont speak our language
Beszelek magyarul, elobb tanultam mint az angolt. Csaladom is van otthon.
Ha mast nem fogadsz el, tudd hogy a nyelv bennem el tovabb.
Inb4 English board and no vowel accents on American keyboard
Hungary is suffering because the epidemic of course
>but it is on the economic outcome coming from neighboring countries and their closed economies
>all of our neighbors having bigger problems in their healthcare systems than us
Hungary been closed in time, unlike others
take your propaganda to reddit shill
>take your propaganda to reddit shill
take your propaganda to reddit shill
>take your propaganda to reddit shill
take your propaganda to reddit shill
>take your propaganda to reddit shill
take your propaganda to reddit shill
>take your propaganda to reddit shill
Your stats are false, with no source.
You are right about the corruption but i'm ok with that as long as i don't see any niggers around me.
Hихyя нe пoнял.
if you are not profiting from the rampant corruption it is all so depressing, best is not to pay attention at all
he can find sources.....
>all leftard media will say as their masters ordering
>do not fall for the lefty media
they quincing because the emergency powers
Our government having a super-majority for the third time in row
>all of the opposition are total imbeciles, like having an armi of Bidens
>I'm fine with getting cucked as long as the bull is white.
Exactly, this is why I think Russia and Hungary are so pathetic. Can you even take pride in your country when you have to do it willingly and your leader would put a bullet in your head for fun?
I left off the accents because I am phoneposting.
Basically just says I learned Hungarian before English and that I have family in Hungary that keeps me apprised of the situation. Also I was there last year to see it for myself.
Gypsies continue to be a literal plague though.
>You are right about the corruption but i'm ok with that as long as i don't see any niggers around me.
yeah yeah
this is how FIDESZ won, closed/enforced border control
>the stupid left were pro-openborder, and forgot the Hungarians are B A S E D
You are just like the nyuggers who vote for him
>He had plenty of time to steal money already, compared to newcomers, he won't steal as much :))))
I don't take pride in anything i didn't achieve myself, if you have half a brain, ambition and are willing to work hard you can make it here too.
I managed to have a nice life and i'm happy to live somewhere without, jew worshiping, dick cutting, fag and feminist propadanda and niggers.
Corruption can be undone in one cycle, immigration can not except if you take extreme measures. Also, I find the mixture of insight and weird German transcriptions of names in this post most peculiar.
Not having mudslimes and niggers is worth it
Here is statistics about population from HungaryToday. Basically college graduates are leaving and birth rates are shit. Orban's party has tried repeatedly and failed to get hungarians to make babies.
Heres the statistics on % of hungarians living below poverty line at about 4.2 million. Also talks about how the Hungarian Central Statistical Office stopped publishing statistics on poverty level.
For the most part it's unclear your poverty rate because the press in your country is controlled by your government. Also you stopped posting your poverty statistics lol.
why did they voted for him?
>free csirkefarhát?
Literally the only thing that matters is that hungary remains hungarian.
Loss of wealth or loss of life can all be made whole again but if you racemix and destroy the people then it is over for good and you cannot salvage it.
You cannot easily undo immigration, you can easily undo corruption.
we could have both
Because I speak German and have hungarian friends that is why I know about Hungarian politics. I primarily live in the US.
>i'm ok with that as long as i don't see any niggers around me.
>gets lynched by gypsies for walking through "their" streets
>at least they weren't niggers
Exactly, I'm saying Hungary could do better.
Unironically yes. In my region they went around in villages and bought them free drinks in the pub for votes. In commieblock cities they bought them with free or much cheaper 10kg potato bags.
We already have "immigrants", close to 2 million, yet they are fine cuz they are gadolig amiright?
>yet reading hungarytoday and hungarianfreepress
You been deceived, these are far left libshit craps
if you really want to know the situation, read more "diverse" media
so I been sold for the same right?
>also basing the third super-majority in row on minuscule hand-offs
Orbán man bad? :DDDD
ok i apologise
You know you have a point when they start to insult you, heh.
Also "super majority". They got it with around 50% support last time ain't they? Didn't you wonder how that can happen? Lemme help you, they played around with the vote zones/districts, so even less than majority vote means they still win somehow.
Now if we check their voting base, over half of them are gibs hungry gypsies, nyuggers or white trash, and plenty of sunflowers(napraforgók), because they managed to suck up to some local Fidesz boss, so it's nice for them.(Nemzeti mutyiboltok példaképpen)
Tldr: semmivel sem jobban mint a nyugati "ellenfeleik". For them it's niggers and akbars blowing shit up and raping, for us it's gypsies, but we got huge corruption too as a side gift. I hope he ruins this shithole even faster than before and we can be over this "period" soon as possibble
Did you even read it?
Second line:
" In fact, KSH now claims that when it published statistics on the poverty line, it would have been more appropriate to refer to the demographics in this group as simply having “modest incomes.”"
ALso this is from 2015 and more recend data shows it to be way better.
Nice try.
Only if the government in question is retarded and useless, otherwise you are.
>40% live in poverty because he made his 4 friends rich
This argument is still shit just like when it's made by Russians. Like bruh, they better fucking trillionaires if it had that much of an impact.
communism will happen again, 56 will happen again, we will be the boomers of the future, forever telling shitty wartime stories in shitty pubs
Based Hungarian.
A will say there is min.50% gypsi population in Hungary.
Whic also always vote for Orban.
they officially moved the based department to hungary
this desu, any political or economic damage can be healed over time except demographic change. look at the USA, once you go from basically an ethnostate (90% white) to 56% white its irreversible. this is why its so important for western euros to wake up while theres still time
>in my region they just flew over my house
Not an argument.
Hungarians, lend me your ears. I must ask, would racially preserving Socialism of a fascist nature benefit you? One where your country men will be able to have jobs, better education and more restraints on oligarchs while giving strength to industries?
It doesn't sound like capitalism is working out for you. Honestly though, avoid the liberal form of Communism. That doesn't work for a reason, ofc.
Take your tanks and find out, Chruschtschow.
go to a hospital and look at how many newborns are white. you don't know a single thing about "demographic change". and diversity is actually good. if it weren't for the germans and the turks, we would still look like mongols
>oh no, there are people with a slightly darker shade on muh streets
>Meszaros ~400B
>Hungary yearly budget ~20000B
yeah, that's only 2%, nothing to be mad about, that money is right in private pockets not invested so the population can benefit
So what if I'm jewish? Is it a crime to be jewish? NO. And you don't look like your hungarian "ancestors" who came to pillage and kill to the Carpathian Mountains so diverse genes are good. There's a reason that we jewish hungarians achieved so much. It's because we incorporated the best of every nation we went to. Would it be a bad thing if hungary became more diverse? No, it would be better.
a legnagyobb dolog amire figyelni kell az a migráció, ha olvasod ezt a threadet, a legtöbb ember belátja
ha te nem, akkor nem értem mit keresel itt...
>Meszaros ~400B
>Hungary yearly budget ~20000B
>yeah, that's only 2%, nothing to be mad about, that money is right in private pockets not invested so the population can benefit
dats rite