America has the world coronavirus response in the world
America has the world coronavirus response in the world
Canada has the world's worst shitposters.
A post that’s Made in China
What happens if you compare America to all euroniggers combined?
surprised he put down the cp long enough to do some analysis
My post back in February predicting it.
>taking China’s fake numbers as gospel
>not taking into account population size and density
Based retard
>What happens if you compare America to all euroniggers combined?
This and checked. If you put all of Europe together they're way worse off and still smaller than the US.
If true, you're a prophet.
No they're not
Europe has 30% more people and 2/3rds the land, ie they're far more densely populated. And they cannot coordinate an EU response.
Also all our deaths are mostly in New York.
New York isn't really an American city.
It's a global city. The UN is there.
So yea it's got problems. It would.
WHO is using fake numbers. Flu kill rate is calculated by an estimated infected number. Covid is only using confirmed infected to get the death rate. Bill Gates virus is less than flu so far.
>America has the "worst" response when compared to countries with 10-30 x less people
wow i am frankly shocked
The population of Europe is more than double the US.
Why are people shocked that a country with a large population and honest reporting has a high death rate
Krugman is an economist. He knows better. This is just deliberate smearing. In any event, the US is off the exponential path.
No u
The US isn't that far off from countries with a fraction of its population. Another lying jew.
It's about the spread, which absolute population doesn't weigh into much. The US has very low population density
>one of the most if not the most interconnected country in the world
>knows so little he thinks the testing was remotely accurate globally to where setting days up like that is appropriate
we have the worst "intellectuals" in the world. worthless niggers searching for only the answers they want.
No, that would be the EU.
Put Canada in with the u.s and it should be about fair.
Why are kikes so interested in turning this into a competition? I thought they hate competition?
>No, that would be the EU.
The EU isn't a sovereign entity, regardless of how much you try to pretend it is.
EU is based. Fuck off, mutt.
Has a lot to do with stupid fucks who will never do what they are told.
Hey be fair. Turkey has a worse daily growth rate.
Not in NYC, which i believe is where most of the deaths are?
Still, they were warned, and were infected much later than a lot of other countries, so they should've been prepared
Doesn't matter. North America is slightly bigger than the EU and EU still loses.
while other jews were dealing in precious metals, his ancestors dealt in jugs. lel
Irrelevant. The argument was about population size - and the same dumb argument can be used against you when you try to cherry pick one small country out of the EU to compare to the USA.
the US is currently at about 1.4 corona deaths per 100k population. the murder rate is 5 per 100k.
large kek
>New York isn't really an American city.
>It's a global city.
>The UN is there.
is this how the brain of a magatard works?
this is your brain
EU is shit. Socialized medicine has failed.
>EU is based.
>Doesn't matter. North America is slightly bigger than the EU
Love how continents and polities get totally messed up here. What will he bring up next? Greenland?
The objection was over population sizes not
>muh sovereignty
the EU is full of Europeans. Europeans have fared poorer than North Americans.
>Irrelevant. The argument was about population size
No the argument was about the response of national governments, as depicted in the graph.
so our gal isn't even more deadly than the average nigger?
call me when she starts killing more people than automobiles, then I might start to give a shit
not scaling by total population
krugman is a moron
We can play these games all day. You can say Germany > than the USA and then I can say South Dakota > Germany. It's just cherry picking - and in the end when you normalize for population sizes Europe is doing very poorly compared to North America.
Correction: America has the most HONEST coronavirus response in the world.
Why is the media using the term Coronavirus instead of COVID-19? Coronavirus is a class of viruses that includes the common cold, COVID-19, and other viruses. No one recovers from COVID-19 because, like HIV does, it weakens the immune system so people get ill/die from various diseases like pneumonia. The COVID-19 virus permanently inserts its genetic material into a person's genome.
cheng show us china real numba
>literally forging quotes
cringe. why are EU haters so dishonest?
>EU is shit. Socialized medicine has failed.
Now the EU has a common healthcare scheme. Who knew?
Hello, boomer, how are Poland and Hungary doing?
You still can't figure out what Krugman is talking about. High school drop-out?
he would be a moron if it were unintentional.
truth is, he's just another filthy deceiving kike
big world coronavirus response in world world, the USA
thanks for the quality content, leaf.
>US no lie about corona number ;-;
theres no fucking masks or lysol in the stores. havent been for weeks i go to grocery stores feeling so vulnerable
a better question, is why arent they calling it the chinky pox?
Well then if you want to compare apples to oranges you're going to have to use the only metric which makes them Constable comparable - per capita.
And now we get to the crux of the matter. It's just libshits trying to do gay little cherry picking games to prove that their socialized medicine > the USA's half-socialized medicine.
It's not. USA is doing better. End of story.
Im so glad Im not a Eurofag. Nothing worse than you pathetic soccer-playing homosexuals.
>America has the world coronavirus response in the world
World has the world coronavirus world in the world, worls world world.
They don't want to do that. They want to compare small populations to large populations and when it's done in reverse - only then do they complain about it. They're totally self-unaware.
>cringe. why are EU haters so dishonest?
>not scaling by total population
It is scaled, holy shit. It's a growth rate. You think America and Italy have more people than China?
Anyone else starting to realize coronavirus is a bullshit sham?
Because they're all strapped in chink money lmao
Believe it or not, but Trump isnt some autocratic dictator that can pull all the strings. Specific departments are responsible with actions against epidemics/pandemics. Trump is just the face people are going to blame
We also have best testing in the world, so of course we have more.
>jew fags says only look at number and not per capita because orange man bad
nice to know it's killing jews and liberals
It's not scaled. Look at the Y-axis. It's total number of cases, not per capita or anything else like that. The divisions are doubling time, that's true; but all that means is the USA was affected later.
Learn spelling you communist hack. It IS un-self-aware
>leveraging tragedy to take pot shops at MAGA man.
jews are discusting