There's no difference, we're all the same.
They're the same
Right a cute
biology understander has logged on
Do you suppose it is within your reach to complete your thread in the absence of me receiving sexual stimulation from you orally? You are gravely mistaken.
Why are they so asymmetrical? What sort of chromosome damage leads to a face like left?
OP is a cherry picking fuck.
>but can you breed it?
genetically speaking the difference is just a few alleles.
rama rama
Find an attractive abbo
You can make your point without cherrypicking, you know.
Half or full ?
Left has a soul, right is a Finnish freak
Perhaps you would care to show us an attractiv abbie in order to prove that OP is cherrypicking.
not genetically the same but all Children of God nonetheless
no. i think the argument is that their skin color differs but that is where it ends.
Fuck off kike.
That picture is litterly comparing a bum to an attractive person.
OP worry about your own hideousness
We're waiting for the attractive abbo
>OP is a cherry picking fuck
Name? That skin tone says admixture
Yep really attractive
10/10 in bushland
Comparing humans to non-humans is cherry picking you racist fuck.
Found it in some autistic website just like this place.
>let me found the cutest white girl and ugliest black woman
You're committing comparison bias
Abbos are generally ugly af
lmao at foreigners saying "that's not an average abo, that's an outlier"
Left is beautiful too, differences in nature are BEAUTIFUL, racist devil
That's an abo, niggers are two steps above that, abos are the absolute shit tier in the objective and subjective racial hierarchy.
Why? The response/cope will inevitably be "must be half-white" i.e.
You might as well say the same is true about the qt – 'b-b-but is she really [insert race]'
Show them, Australia.
What does the average abo look like ?
They remind me of Pajeets.
Is the one on the left the result of microwaving the one on the right?
FINALLY this goyim gets it
smell imagine
She look like she smell like vanilla cracka ass wypeopo lmao
Not the typical face of an Aussie black person
Kiira best girl
Abos are pretty obvious in skull shape
One is hideous because her genetic make up has made her face disgustingly ugly and the other one is just fat
Just here to post some Kiira
That's because pajeets have abo admixture
Yes, both love black dick
One on the right seems like she might have genetics from east of the Maginot line, meaning she's probably not actually White.
Real Anglo-Sphere hours, Germanics ain't white, never been white, and never will be white.
that supposed to be better?
Also if you look at African Americans (usual admixture with Europeans is 20-30%) and compare with various native Africans, you can tell the differences in skin tone and facial structure.
What's with the push for third-world immigration when we white people already have our own diversity?
I could post an ugly old white trash hag and then a beautiful young dark skinned woman as well. So what?
They ARR ROOK the same
i've never seen an attractive nigger. Even if you post one that's young and fertile looking, they're still a nigger, which is the real tragedy.
Wtf is this train wreck of an image?
>What does the average abo look like ?
You've just posted a picture of them. That's what they look like.
she needs to lose that mustache or she'll end up like her abo friend
Half-Abo Mother
Quarter-Abo Mutt Goblino Son
Is bill Clinton innocent?
Why is there a similarity of appearance?