Contrary to popular belief that men can just age like wine, men past 32-35 ish have past their prime...

Contrary to popular belief that men can just age like wine, men past 32-35 ish have past their prime. Roasties under 27 or so generally don't want anything to do with them if it isn't for money or a lifestyle upgrade.

It's pure cope and MEMANTICS that woman want an older man. By older they mean when they're 16 they'd like a 19 year old boyfriend.

Not a wagecuck 38 year whose telomerases have starting rotting.

>He can make up for it in status and money

Even if that's true, most men can only hope to be a home owner and maybe be a senior manger or a good computer programmer by 35. You're not going to be a national celebrity. You'll never be a woman's best choice, they'll settle for you at best. Never mind 40+

Despite all of the bluster, woman actually CAN be 'that younger woman'. You see a well maintained 40 year old woman can be entertained and wined and dined by 40-55 year old simps competing for her. And cab obviously still fuck younger guys on the side.

Whereas the 40 year man is still pining for college age girls and 20s women and getting nothing

And that's the worst thing really. Back then you had a chance, but it's too late now. And there's nothing worse than too late.

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Stop projecting you cuckery on us you fucking faggot. Who gives a shit about what women think anyway. Just kys now

Already getting 40 y/o women coming at me in over-sexualized desperation. The trend, the knowledge that these whores will DESPERATELY REGRET their whoredom around 40 is based in truth, and I see evidence of it every day.

I literally can get laid anytime I want, but I'm not letting these disease ridden skanks anywhere near me.

As for younger women, I see examples of them dating men 15 years older. Not too common, but they exist. One is married with four kids, and he isn't rich, I promise you that.


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Literally the opposite, I’m 40 and gf is 23, my neighbor is 54 and his wife had her second baby and she’s 25. Also cousin just turned 50 and married his 29 year old gf. We’re all white as well. Maybe stop being a fat uninteresting faggot and you’d get a young hottie.

This is mostly true, but the reality is that the overwhelming majority of guys who aren't IRL gigachad will get fucked over by women anyway.

I feel like a man's focus should be more on unconditionally avoiding getting suffocated by women at a young age, regardless of whether or not this will ultimately lead to success, or dying alone. And I think only teenagers/coomers can really disagree with this.

>Stop projecting you cuckery on us you fucking faggot
>Thinking OP isn't a 38 yo roastie

I'm 36, my gf is 26.

t.roastie cooping and seething

literal cope-posting
off topic as fuck, flaggot

I'm in my late 40s and have been banging girls from age 18 to 37 (even a 17 year old once). All of them good looking. Some smoking hot. I'm not at all rich or wealthy. But I'm also not fat, lazy, ugly, stupid, or basement dwelling. Girls love older men.

fuck you al bundy, i like old milfs, teenage girls are annoying retards and you have to be a pajeet or a beaner to obsess about female virginity. I took an ugly girls virginity when I was 19 and she was 15 and it wasn't really enjoyable for both of us, overrated.

>my neighbor is 54 and his wife had her second baby and she’s 25

Yeah your wife is going to love caring for a 80 frail man when she's 50. Also at school their father being mistaken for their great parent lmao. That's what financial security is.

On the plus side, she doesn't have that 'long' of a con to go and will inherit whatever he got in probably no longer than 25 years if she can stomach having sex with him once every other month. Will also be fucking the pool boy on the side if he's well off

My ex told me she has a huge crush on the coach of Liverpool and thinks he's the ideal older man

youre right, but wait for the copers to come flying out of the woodwork thinking they can hit the gym at 36 and become a chad. Biggest age gap I've seen was late teens late 20s couple and the dude looked about 21 anyway.

People seem awfully concerned about women's eggs, and while that's reasonable, we ought not to forget that men's healthy sperm count declines with age.
By 35, a woman's healthy egg count begins to decline below 50%, and by 40 and man's healthy sperm count does the same. It's not as drastic of a loss as in women but it exists nonetheless.
Women will go for older men, but it shouldn't be sought after or counted on.

I'm almost 50 and I still date 20 somethings. I'm not rich, I am however tall, good looking and appear much younger than I am.
Rule one, don't be ugly
Rule two, don't be desperate
Rule three, be mysterious
Rule four, don't dress like a dipshit

>meme flag

aww, dried up roasty mad the dude don't wanna fuck her worn-out hole anymore
>but who's gonna raise jamal's baby

one must wonder: are these sperm count numbers skewed by lazy fat old men? Many guys let themselves go big time in their 30s. By the time they are 40, over a decade of slough and bad eating has damaged their body.
You cant compare them with athletic guys who eat healthy and regularly train.

>not being smart enough to manipulate women
The absolute state of incels.

I really don't know how true this is. Lots of guys eat terribly and are fat at 35, don't dress stylishly, look unhealthy, have a bad haircut.

I'm 35 and dress like pic related and get attention from women between 15 and 60 regularly.

Part of staying cool is keeping a healthy weight, keeping well groomed, and dressing decently. I also wear ties and wool pants rather than jeans or khakis so that i will look like an adult.

TLDR: dress your age, stay a healthy weight, stay well groomed. That's all you have to do to be ahead of 99% of men.

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literally get some outerwear from zara, get a haircut twice a month, and cut sugar out of your diet so you can stay a normal size and you will be ahead of 99% of men.

Lots of guys that I see are a healthy weight and are decently facially attractive but dress like absolute schmucks. I don't understand it. I see guys like pic related every day and even with 10% more effort they could be attractive to women.

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This. Most women in their 20s would love an older man. Some may deny it, but older men are always preferred.

I am White and believe virginity is very important. I will not consider marriage unless she is a virgin.
>Inb4 Slavs are not White

>Roasties under 27 or so
Roasties hit the wall at 25 with few exceptions my nigga

>Business casual with a denim coat
Why? Looks absolutely horrible

What's wrong with his style? How should a guy who is 21 dress
>Asking for a friend

denim coats are popular where i live. wearing a white shirt and tie underneath just distinguishes you from young people.

show a picture of how you dress, cool guy.

Fat coomer

does it have to be a white shirt? what colors are acceptable?

I am not hating the coat, in fact I plan on buying the same one. As I highlighted in my previous post, I don't think the coat matches well with his business casual attire

I’m 40 and I’m smashing a 22 year old. I do look a lot younger than I am though.

Incel thread.

Nah my dad started his own business in his 40s and went from just scraping by in a low level office job to making crazy bank.

He was already married and had kids by then, but he still managed a significant life upgrade in middle age. It's not too late at 30s-40s to turn your life around. 50s maybe.

To add on, I believe the denim coat with business casual attire is akin to wearing sneakers with a suit. It just looks retarded to me. But what do I know? I am literally a hermit who wears the same clothes everyday that turns women off lol

There's no such thing as a clearcut "prime," retard.

A fat, broke, bum 27-year-old guy is a loser. Twenty years later that same guy gets his shit together. He's now in shape, financially well-off, and overall successful. The latter can get high quality pussy that his younger self never could.

There are like 5 40+ year old women at my gym who are all hot as fuck. I'd fuck/date any one of them over these fat 20-year-old college girls who I see everywhere.

Your prime lasts as long as you put the work into maintaining it. The problem is that most people (both men and women) don't fight natural aging. They drink, never eat right, and don't work out. Of course, you'll look like shit at 35 if you don't put any work in.

my opinion is that his hair is not cut neatly, his pants are loose fitting, and his shirt is untucked and ill fitting.

The whole fit just looks sloppy and neither cool nor like an authority figure.

i'm not the best person for advice for young people since i'm somewhat of an oldfag and have spent the last few years thinking about what it means to dress like an adult.

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Go to bed Taylor

oki doki roastie

> if it isn't for money or a lifestyle upgrade

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Only kikes assign numbers to people

pic related is a step up from the basic schmuck. just tucked in shirt and slightly better fitting clothes.

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Those pants I too tight on me. Style fags always turn me off with their obsession with tight pants. I have always had baggy pants and will continue to do so. Especially now since I started to conceale carry

I don't care. I'm fit, financially well off and I fuck 20-something roasties on the weekends.

that guys a weak soiboi,. this is your aspiration?

yeah, i'm just saying that wearing clothes that fit decently makes you look like less of a schmuck. It's not much effort to go from zero effort to looking halfway put together. Poorly fitting clothes just make you look like a bum regardless of what your genetics are.

Pic related is an example of poorly fitting clothes. The guy in the pic is one of the bacon brothers who was a high ranking mafioso in my province.

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nvm, you are an ugly "fashion" fag lol. if you're chad and good looking you can wear anything and get pussy.

>The guy in the pic is one of the bacon brothers who was a high ranking mafioso in my province.
and while he is getting his cock sucked, you are posting about his bagging clothing on Yas Forums. are ya winnin yet son?

My dad is like 57, 5'5 bald, poor and too bright but still has 25 yr old qt GF. They are both redpilled.
But then again my dad isnt a simp. He can build a house from scratch without any internet searches, he can build kitchens, do the plumbing, electricity, fix cars, fix boats basically an allround fixer.

nah. i just follow the trend for outerwear and wear the rest business casual so i look like a respectable adult. My philosophy is literally just that the clothes must fit and the shirt should be tucked in. not rocket science desu.

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>reddit spacing

OP sounds like a scorned woman. Get off the internet, lady, and go feed your cats!

lol. you can be successful and actually look like a cool guy. pic related is jeff chang who is another gangster in my city after he got shot multiple times. his hair is cut and style is good. you can be a goon without looking like a bum.

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Having your shirt tucked in is a GAY boomer meme

are you unironically a gay chink? no shit you should dress well. why do you obsess over how celebrities dress? a little weird bud.

and shot multiple times with fucking what? a pellet gun?

they're just pictures that i remember from news articles. i just remember the first one because i lolled at the time about how the guy looks like a bum but is supposed to be a high ranking hitman and extortionist.

I'm white desu.

no lol. he got shot with a pistol. The pic just made me lol at the time which is why i remember it. the guy looks super casual. I think he got shot in the back and hand and he looks so relaxed about it.

We're all going to file something for the PTSD, right?

i have a gay brother and i wear all his fitted dress shirts, you are unironically right about dressing. but i think the biggest thing you can do is lose body fat to lean your face out. bitcehs love the hoodie look but probably only if you have a nice face.

chocse of wives I might have made, but by the trial of others I perceived them but as inconvenient commodities.

Found the woman