What it's like working at a car parts store

>day 15
Some sort of blaxican came in and demanded a return for non-returnable interior detailer because it was not a spray on exterior shine like he wanted. We give him store credit and he buys clear spray paint, sprays it on, and comes back in a few hours later upset that it's sticky. It accuses us of scamming him, demands more free spray paint, and leaves.
>day 43
Trendy looking black woman comes in needing help fixing her power window on her '96 windstar. Cable is broken, so the pulley motor can't pull. Due to the car's age we don't stock just the cable, only the whole assembly for $100. She can't afford that so we tell her to try a Ford dealership or a gun store. After selecting a couple other things in the store, she cuts in front of six people to checkout. I go on the second register to ring people up (intervening in these cases cause monkey attacks, which hurt our insurance premiums) while she is rung up separate. She decided that tin solder would be a good enough subsitite for cable, and she doesn't believe us when we tell her it's not really wire. She buys it, but instead of pulling out of our parking lot she just sits there shooting off texts until an angry mexican got out of his car and threatened to kill her.
>day 68
Older hispanic male enters with a car battery. We test it and tell him it's bad (in spanish), but he refuses to beilive it and wants us to charge it. We do so but the machine rejects it. Two hours later this is shown to him and he accuses us wanting to sell him a new battery. We tell him he is correct and asks why would we cheat him like that. We ask him why he is in a car battery store if he doesn't want to buy a car battery. He then asks us to repair it and

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we refuse.
>day 82
Overweight blob comes in, eating from a clearly expired yogurt cup, and wants to know what tool it needs to remove an engine. This is when we notice it's not wearing any shoes. We tell them we don't know because he hasn't told us what vehicle it is. It says it doesn't know, so we ask how are we supposed to know. It then asks why a car engine would have to need special tools if it is just a "metal thumper", and we tell him most car engines are propretary and require some amount of special tooling which we can rent. It then gets confused, asks why a metal thumper wouldn't go thump, so we ask him to try spraying it down with starter fluid. We hand it to him, so he sprays himself and his mouth with it. He got to keep it.
>day 105
A group of 4-5ish mexicans and blacks come in to get a payout for recycable mobility scooter batteries. We ask them how they got them, they said it's from their parents' place. We don't go much further, until they dump a bunch of things from the shelf onto the counter and start deciding what they want to buy. This is when we realize they're going to rob the place, so we tell them to empty the bag and go put it near the door. They refuse, but they back off of the product as they look for their "credit card". By this point one of them is totally out of it and staring out into space, which is when I notice a bunch of guns in the bag. Since the person holding it is less than 5' away from an armed security guard (who at the time was giving an old mexican lady directions to the nearest bail bondsman), I tell them to relax. They then back off, take all the candy from under the counter, and walk out. The guard keks because it's all expired so it's not really theft. Later after work I witness them tweaking out in a ditch.

>day 127
Jew walks in and wants to swap his battery for a new one at the end of it's warranty period. We refuse so it gets mad and demands to talk to our manager. The manager tells it to leave. It then slams the battery on the ground, breaking it open, and demands a new one. Manager refuses. It then stands there for about an hour until it realizes it actually did screw itself out of a working vehicle, wherein it tries walking to a nearby gas station for help. The car (an early 90s mercedes) is then towed.
>day 151
Psycho lady walks in and tells us she knows what she's doing, that we have to listen to her and she wants the code in her mercedes read. We do it, gas cap is bad. She then demands a printout of the gas cap, comparisons to other gascaps, and a review of it by the staff. We give her a printout but tell her we don't drive German cars so we don't know. She calls us stupid, explains how her dad taught her everything she knows, and that we should shut up and listen to her. We then ignore her, helping some dumb nogs fish a dead rat out of an airbox instead, so she gets pissy and leaves. She gets pissier when she sees the local crackhead lighting up next to her vehicle.
>day 173
Local nogs shoot fireworks off at each other in the empty streets. One of them goes down, and because it's not wearing a helmet doesn't get back up. Ambulance parks a block away until a cop secures the scene, and then the EMTs pronounce it dead. It's mom comes into the store and asks us if we sell stationary for her funeral, we tell her no we are a car parts store. This confuses her so she starts singing.

>day 198
A mexican litter walks in and all the children steal the hand sanitizer. They then try reselling it outside the store, until the police (mostly black) show up and arrest it's mom. This causes them to panic and try slashing the cop car's tires, which leads to batons coming out and some rodney king shit happening. The cops then come in and take a bunch of sodas and wonder how their friend, who was previously busted on a gun running charge, is now a security guard.

I need a new job.

>Trendy looking black woman comes in needing help fixing her power window
How was the smell inside the car ?

Today, OP was not a faggot

All fake till proven otherwise. Still better than 90% of today’s threads.


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good thread

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I actually ready this shit blog out of boredom caused by a shit board

Hilarious, but I hope you carry a gun. Never relax

i luv you

You remind me of myself and my friends from a different time, OP. You made me feel nostalgic. I hope you have a good day

What shithole do you work at?
I was a delivery guy for a few years, never had to deal with that level of diversity.

I delivered to indian stores & resturants so I learned a lot of bullshit & scams. Also about health violations.

Day 82 must have really faltered your hope in humanity

I believe it. I briefly worked at a dealer and constantly saw some retarded fuckery. The best ones were the brain dead chinks who would drive brand new diesel Mitsubishis off the lot, go to the service station next door and immediately fill their cars up with petrol. That happened 8 or 9 times in the 3 months I worked there.

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One time I delivered around 20 cases of Ice cream to an independent store. The products were new to the store so I offered to put them in the freezer & organize them nicely.

The mystery ethnicity person said just leave it there outside the freezer where it was around 80F I was trying to explain that ice cream needs to go in the freezer right away. they didnt understand the concept of signing the invoice either, but I got it signed with a check.

My boss got a call asking if they could return it cause it melted all over the floor.

> It then gets confused, asks why a metal thumper wouldn't go thump, so we ask him to try spraying it down with starter fluid. We hand it to him, so he sprays himself and his mouth with it. He got to keep it.

What the fuck. Why is so much of the population actual subhuman retards?

>>day 173

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>metal thumper
What did he even mean by this?

On another occasion a "distributor" with a pickup truck & standard hot box canopy bought a bunch of products from me at the same price that my customers pay to have the product delivered & stacked.

He then proceeded to try to sell them to my customers at 40% markup.

He came back with some disguesting packages a week later trying to return it.

Thank you for the story OP, sorry your job is shit

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My brother had an old diesel truck & an economy car. He was too cheap to put gas in his economy car so he mixed used motor oil with gasoline for the pickup. He ended up replacing the batteries, fuel filters, and alternator And he made me drive to his work several times to tow start it cause it wouldn't just start on shit. he would shout about how he cant afford gas for his car & had to drive the truck. It would have been far cheaper to drive the economy car. Also the engine blew on the truck.

Who knows what retards mean about this shit. They need to have a cop to take the license & impound the cars from all of those idiots

beautiful user.

Fuck me, I thought shopping at the parts store was bad. Apparently it's even worse working there, who'd have thought?

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No, no, I'll believe it. I used to work at a dealership and now I dispatch roadside assistance, what OPs describing is exactly how consumer's behave when it comes to matters automotive. I believe every word of it, except possibly the bit about the black lady singing. And I don't think even that's impossible.

You wouldn't believe the shit I've had to deal with.

Great stuff

That is so true, back when I worked the rental car roadside line, one of our most frequent reasons for incoming calls was the "diesel vs. petrol" question. European visitors, if they were unsure, they'd call in and ask, and I'd tell 'em, "Your car runs on 87 octane petrol, here it's labeled at the pumps as 'regular unleaded gasoline'. May I help you with anything else?". Asian tourists, though? They'd just guess. Every time I ever had to set up a tow because a foreigner put diesel in a gas tank, it was somebody named something like Ling Xiang who did it.

Usually the "gas vs. petrol" calls were the easiest, but one time I had one of your angry countrymen demand to know why he hadn't been proactively told that. I was like, "Sir, 98.5% of passenger cars in this country run on gasoline; that's a real statistic, I didn't make that up, you can Google that. We all just take it for granted, that gas is for cars and diesel is for buses and tractor trucks. No one would think to mention it, because it's just the status quo we all know and familiarity breed contempt. I don't know what else to tell you..."

It's metal and it makes thumping noises

One time my car died in the road & there was no where to pull over. So I put on my hazard lights & called a tow truck. Some asian woman nearly hits me & blasts the horn saying get the fuck out of my way. I reply my car is broken, please just drive around. Her: Why you not move? Me: The car is broken it cant move please drive around me. We argue for 5 minutes She eventually goes around me.

Same thing happens several times.

Tow truck took 3 hours cause he was in another part of town which had intersecting streets with the same names next to the chevron.

Those are cool. I hope I find some good USA or German ones.

>Tow truck took 3 hours cause he was in another part of town which had intersecting streets with the same names next to the chevron.
Oof. That sucks. I can top that, though. I once got a callback for a failed dispatch, that had failed because of the tow truck being sent to the intersection of 1st and Main in Medford, Oregon, while the customer was really broke down at the crossroad of 1st and Main in Medford, Massachusetts. Yeah, the customer was super-pissed about that one.

That's what you get working for a national company like a parasite.

My car was in seattle, dont remember the street names for sure, but it was like MLK & 10th but one was in sodo & the other was in a different part of town. Anyways really sucks when everywhere is the same. Chevron Starbucks teriyaki & subway all nearby. the tow truck driver was on the phone like I got my lights on, im passing the Starbucks im right by chevron do you see me? Me : no its all dark no tow trucks here. Him oh shit I forgot about the other mlk &10th street. Is it over by that bridge? Ill be there in a few minutes.

>corporate cocksuckers
>bad customer service
Pretty typical, unfortunately.
The worst is when a shithole town has streets with the same name. Columbus comes to mind
>Innis Rd, north side
>E Innis Ave, south side
People are retarded. I make sure my dispatchers ask for directionals, the street suffix, and the ZIP if the customer knows it. I don't need my guys pissing around aimlessly when we have two dozen calls on the board, and I don't need some mouthy chink or nigger getting smart with a 250 lb driver with a shotgun in the drunk.
I hate kikes, niggers, and shitskins. They don't belong with us on Earth.

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This is one benefit of technology. The last time a car broke I was able to gps my location & text it to my driver. Got my car picked up in under 1 hour.

Quality bread

I fucking Kekked my sides are orbiting

These are all gold.

This should work

My dispatchers are just as retarded as my customers, can't tell you how many times I'd go to one city, drive 2 hours west to another city, then drive 2 hours back east again to the city I was at earlier AND pass another tech on the interstate heading west to where I just was. That rant aside my favorite thing is when a big city has multiple unrelated streets with the same name just in different zip codes or when a customer literally doesn't know their address and try to tell me they're by the walmart off bumfuckstreet in a city an hour away from me.

Kek fucking based user. Thanks for sharing. Where tf is this at? These images conjure all to easily in my head, place near me just like that.

This is a good thread.

The one advantage in living in a country full of idiots is that you can laugh at them years later.

Since I delivered to small ethnic business, many of them did not understand American culture & standards. Many times I delivered to resturants with terrible sanitation. In the kitchen It was typical to have temperatures over 100f a greesy floor covered in dirt & there were barefoot women of all ages sitting on the floor mixing roti dough in plastic tubs. One would do something & pass to the next sometimes they had runny nose or cough. When it came to the part where you flatten the ball of dough into a round, the woman mashed it into the floor, perled it up & put it in the stack for the cook. also the kitchen was a mess, there were bugs, dirty knives were left on the edge of the counter. Last nights curry which was left out was reheated with some fresh spices tossed in.

i'm sorry user

Checked. Currymuchers have awful hygiene, pretty much all third world scum do. Hell even lots of native born Americans know jack shit about that.

OP what city are you in? This sounds like it could've happened down the street from me. Either way, thank you for sharing your experience of working in an urban car parts store

cool story op

The last times ive gotten roadside assistance, the driver texted or called me to know exactly where im at, & I txt them based off of my gps & take a picture from behind my car showing the area. That way is pretty fool proof.

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>The diesel nozzle is even bigger than leaded nozzles were, so it would never fit in the gas tank of most cars.
Why dont your pumps have separate nozzles for diesel like the civilized world you worthless larper?

Same, shit sounds really probable around Jimmy Carter Blvd in metro Atlanta.

One store got busted by the health department for selling expired food. They kept trying to sell it at full price. Indians are used to this & check the dates on everything, so this store lost business, everything was expired. The health department got together with some other health department & forced them to cut open all of the stuff & pour it into a dumpster.

Another store bribed the health inspector & sold things that expired 10+ years ago.

Yes this is all so true, pajeets do some of the shadiest business, even shit way out of the game's league. Makes me happy when they have to pay for there bullshit.

Actually in America they have a big nozzle for truck diesel but the gas station for cars has a small pump that looks the same as gas pump except its green.

they do

Any job where you count days like a prisoner is a job that should be quit.

Oh my God, thank you for being proactive enough to do that. You have no idea how many calls I get, the customer doesn't even know what city and state they're in. They'll argue with me that they're on the interstate, not in a city, because they don't see skyscrapers around them. I've given up trying to explain that you're in the technical boundaries of some municipality practically anywhere in the country, unless you're in a national forest. It's just not worth the effort and they don't want to hear it.

Last time my car died and I needed a tow, I called up my roadside line and gave them my exact address, what side of the parking lot I was in (north), what storefront I was closest to, and told the dispatcher to make sure to tell the tow company that I'd have a flashlight with a magnetic base and a blinking red emergency beacon attached to the roof. Finding my car was easy as shit, Jack. I know how many points of failure there are in the chain, I took steps to mitigate every one.
>People are retarded. I make sure my dispatchers ask for directionals, the street suffix, and the ZIP if the customer knows it
Hey, corporate or not, I can do all that. I just usually don't, because so many of my customer's are hostile boomers. But if some user's little sister calls in, broken down on her college campus? If she's polite to me, I'm gonna gather all that info. I'm gonna establish whether or not her car goes into neutral without being started, and get any secondary callback numbers she's got, and listen to the symptoms and make by best guess as to whether her problem is a broken serpentine belt or a bad transmission, or what. By the time I make my outbound call to a guy like you, I can tell you everything you need to be prepared for the job.

For a good customer. Assholes, I auto-dispatch and let nature take its course.
>I hate kikes, niggers, and shitskins
Harsh, but fair. Harsh but fair.

When curry sells his business, all of the invintory is part of the deal, so new curry doesnt have to refill his shelves. and new owner often times will not throw out old shit. Then you have some black shit in a plastic jar that appears to have a mfr date in the 90s and the label is faded, & its covered in 1/4 inch of greasy dust, & that covers most of the store & I realized that this store hasnt sold anything in 20 years, one person buys the store it sells nothing, he sells the business, repeat. Never sells shit, never cleaned.

I dont want to sit in a broken car forever. the driver needs to know where im at & what I drive so that I can get home. And I assume that there are 3 other cars waiting for him, so I want him to know that im worth helping.

I behave out of self interest

This critical thinking focused approach that you speak of may as well be magic to the NPCs here, user.