This man bought 20M N95 masks to sell for a markup, but the FBI raided him and took all 5000 boxes of masks. I thought America was a free country wtf.
This man bought 20M N95 masks to sell for a markup, but the FBI raided him and took all 5000 boxes of masks...
I saw the video of the FBI raiding him and I kept telling myself "This cocksucker has to be a Jew".
All Jews deserve death.
This is like an satire piece, kikes never cease to amaze me with their rampant Jewry.
How exactly does a Jew get 20M masks?
I'm my sides in orbit, just look at this fucking muppet.
jews= crazy ass public enemy
Seizing the assets of jews is the most moral thing the state can do
Connections. Jews are a tribe.
>according to sources
it was only 300,000 masks, but they chose to use the 20 million figure for sympathy.
Can you sauce that shit mah nig?
there were still ancaps on here unironically defending him
KYS yid charlatan
It’s called the free market for a reason you communist cocksucker
Mark tress is an absolute Chad.
650 violations in only one building with 20 units. Most of the others need a hole bunch of buildings to even come close.
There were ponds full of masks, a cart on tracks filled with masks, and occasionally bears would arrive with masks and eagles would fly in with them also.
>"It's unbelievable", I say with more than a little mischief in my eye, "but it happened."
The dude is a jew of the highest order, but allowing the government to seize shit is dangerous. In this case, I don't mind so much because it's limited to sanitation supplies during the pandemic. You know there's another jew in a political office somewhere wondering how far they can stretch this property seizure, right?
So he buys mask before the disaster, because he has a high IQ and can anticipate problems. Giving the market the signal that masks are in "high demand" before anyone even coofs. And of course when shit hits the fan the monkeys stole the masks from him.
>Huuur duuuur the evil joo
Kill yourself.
Just did some research and that building doesn’t even have any tenants. The list is a sham.
Fuck you kike
Eat shit jew scum shills, fucking apes shills and faggots of tainted blood.
Fuck you and burn in hell, literally + it's real
> New wants to make money of hospital.
What a cocksucker
> Hospitals still charge hundreds of thousands to treat citizens.
Blame the Jews! Vile as they may be, your healthcare system is pretty good at charging too much too.
that's a crime, user. you're not free to break the law
He inserted himself into a supply chain without adding any value and drove up the cost.
This is the definition of “jewing “
>living in jewyork
>gets assfucked sideways by chaim and his kosher gang
you wanted the cake now EAT IT
Guess you're not free to fuck with people for profit at least.
>smart jew buys something that will be in high demand for obvious reasons
>while the fats believe the "it's just a flu bro xD" coming from trumps mouthhole
>Better steal that shit because we were too retarded to properly prepare
I actually feel bad for the jew rat.
He was given the masks to offload as they were originally stolen from a warehouse in New Jersey. The Jews in the northeast are basically a cult organized crime syndicate. They do a lot of bad shit with housing and HUD as well.
Nice refutal, commies.
haha when i saw the usual (((Feldheim))) posts bout this earlier, I couldnt have imagined it wouild have turned out so glorious
Yas Forums was right again.
it's call a state of emergency
6 million for sympathy*
Why do they persecute me so?
oh fuck
>buy stocks, currency, commodities, precious metals, artwork, collectible items, real property
>perfectly fine
>buy something the normies are emotionally invested in
>suddenly not ok
Planned Jew psy-op to make it seem like Jews are not above the law/goverment when in fact they own both law and government.
Ahahahahah cant make this shit up
How much do you want to bet some of the masks that went out the back door at the hospital ended up in his possession?
Show your flag, schlomo
aint nobody got time for that petty hording shit right now, especially new york
Thanks broski
It was 20 million in my mind.
I don't know if that is true, but this would change everything. In OP's pic it says the "crime" is hoarding, not dealing with stolen goods.
You don't have any proof that he's a Jew.
don't answer back faggot scumkike liar jew ape piece of shit daily cum eater shill
who is that girl?
Why did you suck off a nigger?
yeah thats why.
You are a fucking retard.
The FBI will be forced to apologize and compensate him for lost profits. Mark my words, screencap this.
white nationalists are seizing jewish businesses! This can not continue!
Every doctor who says that the coronavirus is fake, is threatened to be killed for that.
Bill Gates created a fake virus that caused plenty of panic with the help of the media.
No wonder that it's fake, if the governments know that most of the people are very dumb and lazy, so they'll believe anything right away and will never investigate it.
bwahaha jew on jew crime, folks.
Lmao, Yas Forums is just a bunch of losers.
>hurmm fuck communism
>buh buh buh fuck capitalism too
Inb4 some faggot starts prancing around saying that "joos doing joo things isn't capitalism just because they're joos".
It's mostly true but the picture in OP is a different guy (the hoarder spells his name as "Baruch" not "Boruch").
The actual guy looks more "onions mouthed Funko Pop unboxing video producer" than Hasidic.
This is why those kikes on normie book keep pushing the CDC to enforce face masks
>you dont have any proof
fuck off kike
Just buy him the masks. I don't see the problem here. You are paying top dollar to buy chinese masks, why not do the same with him ? The market will fix it.
Nuke Poland, then put up flags of Hitler.
Remember the 6 gorillion masks goyrim
It's anudda shoah!!
This user has a fucking point. We had 2 months to prepare and were still going to FUCKING DIE because we didnt start producing masks UNTIL THREE FUCKING DAYS AGO!! Im literally going to bury my dad and grandma because we have NO MASKS. I GIVE A FUCK AT THIS POINT.
It's in the OP, you fucking kike. Day of the rope is coming for you, schlomo.
Whoops, I spelt his surname as "Feldstein" instead of "Feldheim" when I was titling the photo but it's the right guy.
kurwa speaking like he is highIQ
don't fall for the kike mask scheme
cdc for years has said marks make no difference if you are healthy
>Allowing the government to seize things
Well, get rid of civil forfeiture.
Nice car you have user, would be a shame if we caught you with a bag of dope...
>person A: fuck communism
>person B: fuck capitalism
>he's just a smart investor that values capitalism
>jew does jewy things fucking over non-jews
>expects "muh capitalism" propaganda to defend his jew actions.
Into the gas chamber you both go.
Stop trying to justify a fucking murderer kike you souless jew sacks of hay, get the hell out NOW.
What advice can you give the aspiring non-jew landlord. Pic related just made my first investment.
>Mad because a Jewish man is a better businessman so wants to curb capitalism and civil liberties
>pole is so butthurt at commies he'd rather become an americanized consoomer jew slave
Yes kids its illegal to price guoge in times of natural disaster.
This guys should honeslty go to jail for doing this during a pandemic. What an idiot.
You got that from googling, I know because I saw the exact same link; that's not the Jew, that's Timothy Wilson and he appears in the "related articles" at the bottom of the link you clicked.
Are the Doomers on here paid shills for people shorting stocks?
Makes ya wonder!
>buying loads of stuff and marking the price up is smart
Keep telling yourself that, Jew.
He deserves "Jew of the Year" award from the ADL, in all honesty. Name ONE other person jewing as hard as this jew in 2020. You can't. He's King of the Rabbis. Ruler of Foreskins. Despatcher of Dradels.