America is on track for 100 million dead by end of April

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fuck off chang, your propaganda is obvious

do it

My estimation has it leveling out at 12 to 14 million.. but that's not counting any second wave

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OP's exaggerating by 2 orders of magnitude, but not wrong if he said mid-may.

Total dead in America today is: 5200

This is a Fibonacci sequence every 3 days (almost exactly 72 hours)

April 4: 1500 dead per day. Total dead = (5000+800) = 5800

April 8: 3000 per day, total: 8800
April 11: 6000, 15000
April 14: 12000, 27k
April 17: 24000, 51k
April 20: 48000, 100k
April 23: 96000, 200k

Add it up, Simmah, plus Dahn, plus Nah, equals Simmah Dahn Nah.

But, define those deaths. Directly or indirectly?


So I assume you will never post here again if you are wrong, correct?

Imagine all the people

Attached: vaccine.png (645x363, 341.35K)

Copy pasta.


Now do linear retard.
Niggers tongue my anus

So how many masks are you trying to sell on eBay?

Good warlord rape spree begins in May. I know where I’m going.

>America is on track for 100 million dead by end of April
Those are fucking rookie numbers!

Attached: duh.jpg (2048x1115, 138.85K)

Dangerously based

I think the growth will be exhausted well before that, which also probably means the crisis will peak some time in the next few weeks, instead of drag on for months like some people are predicting.

Bullshit. If it killed 100 million in china we would know it and if it didnt do it there I doubt it will here

It's like how I never really fucked your sweet ass because there was a thin sheet of molecules between us, I gotchu

>If it killed 100 million in china we would know
killing 100 million in china is like throwing a lounge chair off the Titanic.
Those slant-eyed cunts breed faster than niggers.

Attached: OhJew.gif (303x282, 675.41K)

who gives a fuck lmao this only means those fucking boomers that's been hoarding property will all die out and i can finally buy a house that doesn't have a 5000% markup

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You're far more likely to be the chink.

>those fucking boomers that's been hoarding property will all die out
surprise, cockbag.

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Where a condom faggot

Could I please be among them? Fucking boomers are hoarding all the death.

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But no, fuck off, there's only gonna be 80k dead and it's not even for sure all covid19


You can hide tens of thousands of deaths when the Chinks control the world's media, but thinking you can get away with million(s) is pushing it.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-01 China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U S Intelligence Says.png (1160x242, 29.89K)

if 21 million people died in China the US is looking at a few million deaths.

>and thus, the problem solved itself

no you can't. Chinese investors will buy up all the properties like they have been for years.

what are you gonna do with all those cars with a manual gearbox? let em rust where they sit?

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this virus targets jews and whites

b but who will fight our wars
we're gonna need a new host

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>(((Jennifer Jacobs)))
that almost sounds like a jew name.

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pod people

I don't think you understand how graphs work

It's (((Bloomberg))) News, what did you expect?

Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976?

Attached: If_these_trends_continue_ayyy.png (601x378, 337.65K)

god this was some cringe ass shit.
who even asked for this?

This is why I'm not paying rent this month.

wtf is that? are you putting a combination lock over the ignition? lol fucking retard boomer

CNN now is on par with the 'National Enquirer' in 1982.
Difference is, the kikes pretended to be white in 1982.
In fact, most of them back then changed their names to confuse the goyim.

Attached: TheSneakyJew.jpg (3600x6044, 3.66M)

>are you putting a combination lock over the ignition?

Attached: MillennialBun.jpg (593x500, 87.49K)

>100 million dead boomers, obese spics and nigs
>tons of housing and prime real estate will go on the market
>no more welfare to eat up our taxes

thank you corona-chan!

Please provide your maths, please.


You're more likely to be a nigger spic jew or some combined monstrosity.

No need to hide their names if the goyim are already tricked.

fucking chinks

Do their trump bucks get redistributed to the survivors?

>You're more likely to be a nigger spic jew or some combined monstrosity.

Attached: Mounties.jpg (720x603, 97.71K)

Imagine the openings in jobs/houses/and future wealth if even 20 million died?

A guy can dream...

>hide their names
fuck off, phonenigger.

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OP is using fucked numbers. They are only using tested numbers, not like the flu where they use estimated numbers. There's no possible way in hell to get a good kill rate percentage with just tested numbers because there are so many people that aren't sick enough to seek doctor/hospital.

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Wow looks like a climate change prediction

Holy shit we're on track for 100 quadrillion dead by mid-July

Attached: holy shit.png (2092x972, 58.72K)

t. 39 y.o. balding wig nat with no kids

Another 9/11 call, big deal.

100 million dead Americans isn’t enough. How can we get those estimates up?

Stay in /ptg/ with the other retards please.

okay now i'm actually scared

Let's make it 200 million for shits and giggles xi hu wang lee.

the way the curve works, on the way down there will be another 100 million dead for a total of 200 million dead in around 4 months from here


well boys is it worth it?
will this kill that devil bitch COVID-19?

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>no you can't. Chinese investors will buy up all the properties like they have been for years.
That ain't happenen after Wuhan

This wave alone, 3 million dead. There will be 3-4 waves total.

Its just the flu bro


imagine thinking people like Jon Stewart, Mel Brooks or Woody Allen ever tried to hide their jewishness

But then again... 300 million of us died of gun violence according to Biden... we're all dead already.

Time to play Russian Roulette pussies.

Everyone put your Trumpbux on the table. Last ones alive by the end of April split the pot.

>300 million of us died of gun violence
well it's bound to happen eventually

I don't think you understand how Yas Forums works.

That's wrong because the Nigger University Forcast Model I'm looking at right here says 40 billion Americans will be dead by April 7.

>t. uses his phone for interweb poasting.
You're the nigger of the digital age.

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based and coofpilled desu

>for shits and giggles
found the urban redneck

actually the logarithmic scale curves upward too

Phone posters are based. Seethe harder

>imagine thinking people like Jon Stewart, Mel Brooks or Woody Allen ever tried to hide their jewishness

those kikes are still pretending to be WASPs today.

for all the phonefags, Henry Rollins has been pretending to be a goyim his entire life.

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