Does anyone on here have any actual critiques of communism? I'm only asking on Yas Forums because I wanna hear from Fascists and that's what Yas Forums has become known for.
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It doesn't give you hope of becoming top dog, that's kinda sad.
You can become the social too dog for being great so I'd say that's rewarding ain't it?
people flee communist nations for america. I don't see american commies petitioning Cuba for political asylum
I am unwilling to compromise on the desire for an ethnostate, and in practical terms all commies are nigger lovers
it's gay
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat part never seems to happen. It’s always a vanguard party of intellectuals rather than workers.
Then we capitalists countries have the gay?
On that note, Marxists countries seem willing to make deals with neoliberalism AKA capitalism’s final form. They don’t get the fact that neoliberalism is the Borg and will assimilate any movement that’s willing to make a deal.
1. Cuba is socialist and based off the USSR so it's borderline state capitalism and that's a pretty bad argument almost like it's a straw man.
2. Strasserism.
4. Yeah. Okay. Good.
Both of my parents are Polish and they told me communism was shit. I'm an anchor baby
>t. Zoomer
kill your self commie
So Leninism and Vanguard is bad but not communism?
This post is truly based, White homogeneous societies are always better than any other alternative
You parents gave you live just to have some material gains, it's like when niggers have kids to get sovernment support, I'd not take their advices more serious than i'd take a random nigger advice.
Poland wasn't communist or following Marxism it was an odd workers council abomination but nice to see another Pole!
>actual critiques of communism?
Yes. It sucks ass.
30 years have been passed and DDR is still far whiter than capitalist germany.
Cultural homogeneity not racial my friend
The gulag archipelago says it better than anyone here can, and you're already ignoring that, so fuck off.
Should we read Narnia and Atlas Strugle too?
>implying russians didnt flood their degenerates into baltic nations trying to make them russian
Damn it's so bad that you can't give a reason it's bad
My parents are hardworking immigrants who made it in America. We never took any handouts and pay a lot in taxes. I was born by mistake because my parents only wanted three children but I came 8 years later after the third child because my parents are Catholic and we don't believe in condoms. I bet you, or a loved one, or someone you know lived in our rentals before.
>Implying I'm a Stalinist
It cannot be implemented because of the Reserve Banking system. If you ever do implement it the Reserve Banking system will block your trade and starve you out.
No other argument is needed.
Ethnic homogeneity is a precondition for any sort of moral governance. In its absence there's insufficient mutual affection between citizens to enable the communal feeling that leads to the growth of organic civil society; instead you get technocracy, a giant bloodless bureaucracy which in the course of governing a country like an economics class problem set mercilessly instrumentalizes and shapes to fit market logic all aspects of human existence
I can give a list the length of this page, but I dont care enough about you or this thread to indulge you. I will simply state that communists claim that true communism is stateless, whilst the largest state apparatus ever created was and remains communist. It must suck being so retarded.
> I bet you, or a loved one, or someone you know lived in our rentals before.
That's the problem with niggers, you give them some success and they start being arrogant.
>I can say why comunist is bad
>but I'm not going to, that's not because I don't know anything bad about it, ok?
How is Stalinism or Maoism different from fascism? Serious question
oh boy
>literal npc detected
By the number of great wars won.
Culture is shaped by the sum of it's inhabitants. I'd rather have a majority White stock shape my community's culture rather than a mixed race one. A homogeneous nation is always better IMO even if it's poor (Eastern Europe for example) Most commies I come across always parrot this bullshit, "skin color doesn't matter only ideas," meanwhile all of their comrades are White except for a handful of token non-Whites. I love how people over the internet tell me race doesn't matter, yeah my lived experiences in multi-racial Philadelphia has no meaning and my perception on life due to my environment is pointless. Commies are too idealistic, which is why their Utopia never comes into fruition because some Chad takes over the plot and ends up killing millions
Ayn rand critiqued communism. She said it replaced money and talent (upper class) with favors and (she uses a very peculiar word that i forget) connection. That then becomes the upper class. But since they are basically incompetent politicians the world collapses because John Galt takes all the talent.
She writes about it in Atlas Shrugged. Dagney tagart is disgusted with it.
Dont read the book its stupid
Because Fascism believes in a false natural hierarchy and a state to e force both that and racist/xenophobic nationalism where as on the other side of Authoritarianism you have Stalin and Mao who use the state to promote the working class and dictatorship of the prole through an Authoritarian state
“If one understands that socialism is not a share the wealth program, but in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite” - Gary Allen
All you need to know is that when the czar was overthrown in WW1 he was the only European nation that had not accepted the central banking system. The rothschilds supported the efforts to overthrow him. If communism is supported by the most “capitalist” system the central banking kikes, then you can know that it’s a joke.
By definition it's statist tard but okay go off
oh please , stop with that
>that is not real communism
you would make yourself look more retarded
>A jew female economist working for the capitalist elites say communism is not good
So you can see the sort of people that opposes socialism.
"Actual" stateless communism is far less bad than leninist filth.
Just like all communists say, the "soviet union wasn't real communism" and they denounce it as an authoritarian dictatorship. Because real communists just despise lenin. :^)
>t. Tenant
>he definition of a political ideology doesn't fit your narrative so you get angry that someone points it out
Damn liberal rekted
>If you don't support a broken ideology, you must be poor
Any system that give niggers like yourself internet access is a bad system.
Racism is retarded and based in ignorance dude so people like you can just shut the fuck up and not act like you're better by hiding behind your race lmao
Imagine being a indentitarian and still pretending to care about workers.
Really proved how communism is bad!!!
Identitarian ideologies are not communism.
It's ok to be a feminism, a lgbtism, a racial militant, just stop pretending you are a communism.
Bro idc about Identitarian shit politics is literally about identity I every sense so I can be a communist still lol
Hey fag, read this post And tell me your opinion on it. Explain to me why pattern recognition is bad and stop using the "cuz muh evil racism" bullshit remark
Whatever you say liberal,
Can you name a country more uniform than those of former USSR or China?
No I understand that Alot of racial groups tend to have similar cultures but that's because we've separated and alienated races and their cultures. Culture isn't genetic and there's black people who act "white" and other good examples but I don't think you're totally wrong about culturally homogeneous countries working out better.
Both class and race are identity politics too retard you don't have to be a liberal to understand the basis of all politics
Class is the only thing that matter, shit like race, sexes, sexuality equality are just distractions, no one is going to hurt the capitalists when they are too busy hunt common joe for not like queer kids.
The 100,000,000 people it killed in the 20th century makes it look pretty bad
Okay but all those forms of oppression are from Capitalism and if we get those communities of people to back us we have more people and more power and I don't see a problem there
>Number from a book that's been debunked and told by all but one of its authors it is false and counts normal natural deaths and car crashes
Okay retard
>All these forms of opression
If american socialists were to grow a pair and start caring about the workers instead of criminals and bourgeois "oppressed" is the that the American will become socialist.
Should start by support rednecks, they're the literal description of oppressed workers.
I never said I care about them more than workers I just talk about their oppression while working with and for the prole irl with the local party comrade
Them how about persecuting the way of life of american workers in the name of super special minorities? You get more workers to support you when you're not attacking them every week.
I don't attack workers I attack retards like yourself
I don't understand office memes
Only half watched a few episodes of the first season with a Tinder thot
Yes, you attack a random worker for not supporting your identity agenda, what could I expect from an liberal pretending "muh racism" is communism?
I don't watch it but it says they're the same thing
Be me
>Support working class
>All minorities are in the working class
>Get attacked for defending working class minorities because the racist is working class
Fuck off retard
>All minorities are in the working class
Lol, what? Do you know the majority of the proles on US are whites? I think you mistake proles with lumproletariat scum.
I didn't know race makes you bourg and dude white people are the majority in general you fucking moron
You were educated on American right? One can notice for the lack of understanding and the unhealthy obsession with race issues that only exist on the USA.
Yes America has a very racist history