Trump's own surgeon general says California's aggressive stay at home measures flattened curve in CA

>Trump's own surgeon general says California's aggressive stay at home measures flattened curve in CA

Imagine if Gavin Newsome was president instead of your fat fucking obese retard. America might not be fucked right now

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I want to believe that's the truth.

What are we supposed to do the boomer voting block is too powerful

President Chad.

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Trump's surgeon general is a nigger

Well well well.

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he is a shitty governor but the orange kike is shitty too.
t. califag

Newsom is a complete faggot though.
Willing to bet Trump advised lockdowns and Coomo ignored him while Newsom bent the knee.

Newsom is honestly the worst governor we've ever had. He's worse than moonbeam, and I didn't even think that was possible.

Not for long.
So you're telling me that if people didn't congregate a contagious disease wouldn't spread as fast? Damn dude.

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I want to believe Gavin would lick my asshole in exchange for my vote, but then I'd still vote for the Republican just out of spite because he'd probably do a terrible job at it.

>former mayor of San Fran

Yeah it'd be worse

kill yourself shill rat

How is he a shitty governor? Imagine a guy single-handedly saving his citizens' lives with his aggressive stay at home orders even before the PRESIDENT and calling him shitty.

>trump literally boasts on camera about "lol there's only 15 cases, just one guy from china, no deaths, i have it under control"

I'll ask you the same question: What has made newsom bad?


>ITT hoes mad

Attached: Hoes Mad.png (1920x1080, 1.35M)

>What has made newsom bad?
I dunno. Maybe he got diddled as a kid by uncle badtouch. Or maybe it was something like the Joker. Or maybe he's just a douche by nature. What do you think shareblue shill?

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sf is a god awful city but he had good policies there

>hey look trump's own SG praised this guy
>ree shareblue shill reee

- California already went through Corona-chan in early January and February
- But was warm in most of the state.
- Nor Cal got it last

- Most of California is shitty desert
- Old whites moved to Arizona, Texas, and Utah 10 years ago where it's as hot as Saudi Arabia. Old whites moved to places where it's too hot for Corona-chan
- Protestant churches got sold to Catholics... like the Crystal Cathedral.
- Everyone drives
- Gay pride parades canceled.

Newsome made California a Sancuary state and authorized free healthcare to illegals, banned straws, and raised Gas taxes.

Califag here, literally no one is staying home or isolating, it's literally life as usual here. Virus isn't killing thousands because it is an overrated threat. China is lying about it's numbers, BTW.

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>What has made newsom bad?
Made honest citizens criminals with his unconstitutional gun bullshit - including banning ammo sales
Absolutely FELLATES illegals. Expanded state funded free medical coverage to illegals, expanded state funded free tuition to illegals.
Blew more state funds on fagtrain to nowhere which is all going straight into Dianne Feinsteins pocket because of her corrupt husband awarded the contract. Blew state funds EVEN AFTER CANCELLING IT because he wanted the federal funds to waste.
Expanded gas taxes by a huge percentage to pay for 'roads' . . . then promptly movod the money to a general fund to spend on beaners.
Violated law by rewording the referendum to repeal the gas tax so it sounded like voting 'no' removed the tax. Did it intentionally.

tldr - Gavin Newsom is a fucking nigger through and through and I hope he gets the coof and drowns in his own lung juice

>sf is a god awful city but he had good policies there
Name them.

I don't think it was a bad idea to advise lockdowns early. The problem is there's got to be a point where he says these lockdowns have to stop. When's that? Also, how do we know for sure CA is in a safer place than somewhere like NY and NJ?

he did not single handedly save anyone here faggot do you know how many fucking retards are not even listening and going outside. There were thousands of people at the beaches. The beaches were only recently closed. A shit ton of people are just saying fuck it and not complying with the stay at home suggestion. He is also one of the biggest shit lib faggots and has done alot of shitty things that most californians outside of the nigger and spic infested cities disagree with. He is a fucking faggot just like everyone who runs shit in this fucking hellhole. Fuck off all politicians deserve the rope.

>california produces most of the country's produce
>needs illegal immigrants to pick the produce because no americans will do it, and to keep it at a low cost

>The problem is there's got to be a point where he says these lockdowns have to stop.
yeah, when the curve is completely flattened. probably by easter like donald said

>it's literally life as usual here.
Other than all the shops closed...

Not a fan of Newsom but I don't see how he's done anything worse than prior governors. Having said that, it sucks having shelter in place since I don't live in a house next to the beach and all the parking is closed.

>its literally life as usual here
>all restaurants and public gatherings closed

>trump's surgeon general of the united states says newsom's measured helped flatten the curve significantly

I'm not sure how aggressive it actually is, there's still people walking their dogs outside.

California doesn't grow staples like corn and wheat. And this which made Newsom wet

Is it really going to flatten by then? I realize we have missing data and I personally believe it's being overhyped but with more and more testing, the number of cases will keep growing until the end of the month at least.

>Because no Americans will do it.

Given the opportunity, I guarantee some burger flippers who rather drive tractors and herd sheep dogs for the same prices they paying salvadorans.

Well, restaurants are still doing takeout to be fair. It will undoubtedly cause a strain on their ability to pay rent though. Corporations like McDonalds will survive okay. It's the small mom and pops I'm worried about. My pathetic optimism says that maybe Trumpbux will help them somewhat.

>needs illegal immigrants to pick the produce
This is a false argument

He literally said "you can still walk your dog". I was thinking when this first started that CA would become a literal police state. Quite a pussywhipped police state if that's the case.

Faggots like this one talk this way only because they don’t live here and if they’ve ever visited they only go to the few decent times places left. Fuck you, you don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about.


Than you should pick produce, there are thousands if not millions of farms in America you should b able to find one that'll take you.

Bullshit. It's too early to tell if the curve in Cali is dealt with.
It'll be data manipulation (aka lying) like every other government is doing about this shit.

CA is less dense per sqft than all hotspots. All hotspots have high density per sqft in residential areas.

Oh for fucking sure they would, the whole “jobs Americans won’t do” are literally the most brain dead labor jobs, which brain dead jaggers excel at

>It'll be data manipulation (aka lying) like every other government is doing about this shit
So then it IS overhyped?

>he thinks illegals are driving tractors and herding sheep

if americans sure as hell would do them, and at the rate that illegals cost, then why haven't they?

literally live in the east bay retard

I do not give a shit what some kikes surgeon general says. If you think you can appeal to me by saying the biggest jew cock sucking faggots own personal kike doctor says this is good then you are wrong. It is not a matter of muhhh I saw some people there are literally thousands of retards that are not complying and the faggot governor is just fine with that. If he wanted my respect he would get the national guard together order them to shoot everyone outside and burn their bodies and then round up the jews niggers and spics and throw them into the pacific ocean. Anything thing besides that is treason in my view.

>Than you should pick produce
I did as a kid. It will all be picked by robots in less than 10 years. Most already is now.

God bless you, sir

If Gavin Newsome was president everybody would be homeless.

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Only Californians can tell you if he is a good governor or not. California had to take drastic measures because of the number of people from Asia who live or travel here.

they pay slave wages because you're feeding them slaves, then ask why others won't be slaves instead of thinking "hey maybe im responsible for these slave wages? "

Imagine making an abhorrent and retarded thread like this.

So California is aggressively staying indoors until Q3 2021? Sounds unreasonable. Is the pla to come out in 3 months, huff their own farts and beg the herd immune places for their equipment? Or are they going to power up the media to get hydroxychloroquine into everyone's hands after condemning it to trials while the other states die?

Not based at all.

The thing that sucks now is not living close to the beach and not being able to park. How long do you think this will go on for? Are we really gonna open up in May. The numbers say we should but I don't trust the state politicians.

Do you mean 2020? I don't think we're staying in for another year from now?

>makes Yas Forums thread about based Gavin
>thread is about policy rather than sodomizing Gov. Newsom and forcing him to lick ur balls

cali here, this guy has done a good job responding to carona virus, but normally he an absolute moron and shitty governor.

it took a global pandemic for california to finally act on the homeless problem. think about that. and before this all went down we agreed to pay out millions to figure this problem out and the money vanished. these fuckers are all reactionary and lazy rather spend their time banning plastic straws and then people realized that the cups lids are plastic it's like bizarro world

This is true. I was in the same room as him the other day and he acts like a total faggot. We need good masculine governors like Stanford again.

Suck my big Nazi dick bitch.

Perfect response. I can’t even add to it. Well done fellow califag

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This fellow Cali-user gets it and this is one of the few non-retarded posts in this thread.

Not a fan of lots of Newsome’s “woke” policies but — unlike a lot of moron dumbfuck governors in other states — he showed real balls, made the right call here in the face of serious opposition, and saved a lot of lives.

New York already a hell hole from Corona Chan and Detroit, New Jersey and New Orleans catching up fast. Florida and Georgia about to turn into hell holes too.

California might have gone in that direction too, except that Newsome + Bay Area counties + Garcetti in LA and LA Board of Health showed actual brains and guts to order shelter in place, and to start prepping for onslaught of Corona cases.

It doesn’t happen often, but I’m actually proud of how California government handled this. Newsome did the right thing and saved a lot of folks. If you don’t get that then you are a literally retard and you can fuck off to to some moron tier state like Florida where they are going to be majorly fucked by their moron governors inaction.

I live in CA and I have and will never vote for this anti-gun faggot. He's a fucking liar and anyone that believes him is a fucking commie simp.

he's an idoiot and you're and idiot. population density matters. they were never going to be nyc style drama queens. kys.

Gavin is a huge peice of shit.