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this so funny. i think i'm in love.
Delete this!
That's Yas Forums for you.
Reading the title and ignoring the content.
negress is retarded
>listening to a black
this vid will be deleted hella quick watch
Why are they trying to hide it?
Where can I get a glass like this?
Same place you got that coof
Non-human thinks a nursing degree is the same as going to college for ten years studying evolutionary biology.
Dumb nigger.
>if a virus can survive for 5 days outside of a host, why doesn't everybody in the world have aids?
Stopped right there when the cringe became overwhelming.
>why doesn't everyone have AIDS
because the only way to transmit it is through blood, sperm or vaginal secretions. What the actual fuck, even random people know that.
most of the shit she says is not possible is true for influenza
It's to bio metric microchip the public.
Also get rid of cash because it "spreads the virus".
They want a cashless control grid where everyone's micro chipped tracked, and controlled where they have a kill switch for people they deem dangerous etc.
If the galactric federation needs a reason to intervene this is it. What's about to happen if this goes on goes against all free will. If they don't intervene before it's to late than we're all certainly fucked. Now is the best time to take control over earth, never in human history has this happened before, what more reasons do they need?
Ok, Rabbi.
Share this fucking video to everyone you know. Wake up the sheeple
This is why Bill Gates went to go work for ID2020
that fucking nose
Its all about the guide stones plan
Exactly, it's the only logical conclusion to this false flag.
I don't understand why et's will stop nukes etc but they won't stop shit like this from happening.
>ok rabbi
>galactric federation
Ok boomer
wow that's all makes so much sense(no)
>Please state the nature of the medical emergency
any alien race with half a brain would kinetic weapon earth into oblivion after observing humanity for an hour
how she has a hairnet on
and shittons of hair going all over .. ?
I am growing skeptical
Wow that sounds like a trump supporter alright
You've gotta help me doc, my attending physician is a nigger. I came in here with a sprained ankle!
>Low IQ nurse trying to get clout.
She's going to be fired.
Why she wearing a mask then?
Because they can intervene if hoomans try to destroy or to cause serious damage to the planet as done before. If humies want to genocide each other with knifes (oy! bin that!), guns or chink flu it doesn't matter to many of them. It is part and parcel of living with the so called (((free will))). We're but toys and disposable cattle to jewish bankster overlords.
nigger jew confirmed
In her other video she says Bill Gates has made the virus which is a combination of sars and aids.
Most viruses do not last very long outside a host. Viruses are just a protein/lipid coat with some RNA inside. Pretty much any chemical reaction destroys it. Soap and water, alcohol, thermal oxidation.
well i guess this nigger is right! I'm gonna go lick some cardboard.
search empty hospitals and #filmyourhospital on 4plebs trend started on Yas Forums then spread to twitter archive.4plebs.org
Elmhurst, the hardest hit hospital in America, is the Sandy Hook of hospitals right now, even though other hospitals are empty, the crowds seems to show up only when the MSM cameras are set up pic realted,
TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
Dr. Smith" is a self-proclaimed, Medical Simulation Specialist, Smith is involved in medical simulation, and was part of this paper, published May 2019:
A Simulated Mass Casualty Incident Triage Exercise: SimWars
"A mass casualty incident (MCI) is an event that overwhelms the local health care system
shills are pushing the nytimes video of Dr. Smith video as proof, its really drill acting at Elmhurst
compilation of the Berlin empty hospitals video and a new video out of brookyn NY, "in reality as opposed to what the media is saying there is no lines largest hospital in Brooklyn NY, on Saturday March 28, 2020"
so with no surge of total patient admissions across all hospitals in NY they have sent all the normal flu patients to the remaining hospitals to concentrate them thier in front of the MSM cameras at Elhmhurst, in a real pandemic all hospitals would be non empty across NY right now,
more proof Elhhurst is empty except when mass media is there
And if it's airborne?
Nurses are very much so into conspiracies. Every nurse I know is a believer in the notion that all medicine is a scam, or at least that a significant portion of the medicines we take are. They believe that natural remedies are better and I kid you not, I even know one who is thoroughly convinced that she could cure cancer if she got it with natural remedies. Nurses sometimes are very helpful, but a lot of times they are idiots who didn't want to be teachers.
Why would companies put in 5G if it kills all their customers? Isn’t that bad for business? Also all the rich people would be in danger too.
This shit is spam why wont mods bad these kike fucks?
inb4 she gets sued for putting lives at risk just like fox soon
She so fucking based
why should I listen to a nigger that got there because affirmative action?
Are the nurses you know who hold these beliefs black? I've noticed that blacks, especially in the US, believe in a ton of conspiracy stuff. I don't even blame them for not trusting the government, seeing how hard their community has been psyoped and pumped full of drugs, but it would explain a lot of the behaviour you're describing.
A 5G tower just flew over my house
No, these are all white women.
She right tho the lipid coatin wud just be meltin at hi temps. Just get a fckin grip folks start thinkin with yo heads. Y’all brainwashed chickenshit fags
Every media organization would get sued if that was the case.
Fuck off, Elmhurst is the stage for the coronavirus play and the glowies are directing the show. Eat shit shill.
She's gonna fuck around and get locked up for Holocough denial if she's not careful.
Corona virus is as real as wmd in Iraq
Are you kidding me how is this spam?Someone actually posts info and you want the mods to ban him? You're an actual shill
yea i saw that dr smith thing and she was like 'i don't care if i get in trouble for telling people'.. meanwhile the nyt is running her story as a feature.
here's a video that got made me think a tiny bit
"they're doing cpr"
"hows he doing?"
"yea, they're dead"
since when can you take msm video calls on your er shift when you're swamped
i don't know what to think t b h
>if the coronavirus can survive for 5 days outside the host then why doesn't everyone have aids
I can see she is a women of logic
AIDS isnt a fucking virus its a condition caused by HIV which is a virus. This bitch is not a nurse.
That’s the point she’s making...
Is every nurse in NYC black? That's all I've seen. No wonder why it's such a shitshow there.
correct. she's a nigger.
What gibs Islamic Republic of Iran would get from 5G?
based cope not backed by real science
she sounds pretty retarded
Redpill me on galactic federation, as ridiculous as it gets I believe 90% of what you said not just the galactic federation part
Come on... AIDS comes from only one virus so almost everybody realizes what she’s talking about. It rolls off the tongue easier than HIV anyways. If you say AIDS virus, that is equivalent to saying HIV. Just like the Chinese virus means Covid-19.
nearly the entire staff of any NYC hospital is pitch black sub saharan african. NYC is majority black. Anyone who lives there knows this. It's Africa.
So, now Yas Forums listens to niggers?
Influenza is pretty picky about the surfaces it lives on. Most of the transmission is directly from human to human.
No. Just how veterans don't say gun we say weapon or rifle. Because its common knowledge in that sect of society to use that terminology. If she was an actual nurse something so simple as that fact would be second nature to her in the same way.
Vocabulary is learned when you train. Doesn't matter what the subject matter is.
Well except Mt. Sinai, which happens to have all the respirators they need. They serve a certain tribal population that tends to be financially endowed.
bet she saw that leprechaun though
It really depends on who your audience is. She’s making a YouTube video to people not in the field. There are plenty of instances where you make compromises on vocabulary when speaking. That is, unless you’re an autist.
>They serve a certain tribal population that tends to be financially endowed.
redheaded eskimos?