What happens to China after the Corona crisis is over Yas Forums?

Will the world just let the whole thing slide and move on as if nothing happened just like with SARS?

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Hopefully every civilized nation ends trade of any kind with China and expels all Chinamen who aren't already citizens. This includes diplomats and businessmen. They've all got to go.

coof coof nigger

no one is reporting anything in opposition to china or putting any blame on them so I dont expect it

I suggested that the world needs to bully all chinks until they stop eating shit like snakes, bats and also dogs

I wouldn't assume that. Keep in mind that if your country is entering a deep recession and your resources are being strained by the outbreak, you wouldn't want to antagonize the chicoms at the same time. I think the US and UK are waiting for the coofing outbreak to fizzle out before they do anything serious. Apparently Boris Johnson himself is seething mad at China, and it probably doesn't help that he got the virus

their government needs to be bullied for being so corrupt and harming the entire world with this virus

>textiles, electronics, plastics, cheap steel, miscellaneous dollar store items, construction products, et cetera
not in dosagreement, but it is easier said than done, m80


There will be a new Warring states period.
China is already collapsing on itself. Wuhan is literally clashing with its neighbors now.
China will be broken up before the west gets to punish them.

Back to business. Jews will never let China fail because its their last surviving example of Communism actually succeeding.

>until they stop eating shit like snakes, bats and also dogs
Doubt they will

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That seems to be the way this are going, all our western countries are still buying shit of them RIGHT NOW to help fight coronavirus.

>last surviving example of Communism
How are they communist? They are more fascist leaning nowadays

It will be tough for a few years but it's absolutely necessary for the survival of our civilization. Think of it as our generation's world war, except no one has to fire a shot

>There will be a new Warring states period.
China undergoing balkanization will sure be fun to witness


But think of the Pandas user

We move onto FED chairman Trump and the mark of the beast



>ends trade of any kind with China

see you later !
just wanted to say bye
before you ditch all your Chinese made phones and computers and so on
later, dude, been a slice
will miss your erudite and insightful pondering

>let's just let the chicoms bleed us dry because we want cheap phones haha

Kek. Stupid ameritards.
Let's cut off china which manufactures all of our shit to feed our greedy lifestyle and depend on the amazing work ethic of our 400lb population to go from a service industry to a manufacturing one.
Just lol how dumb this board is

The US and European governments will go back to as things were before the Chinese virus and the US/European media corporations will claim anyone complaining about China is "racist and xenophobic"

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Made in China 2025

Is this graffiti real? kek

CCP loses control of their internal narritive.

Chinese youth unite to revolt.

Civil war is started between the old and indoctrinated and young who crave western freedom.

Lots of death.

>young who crave western freedom
None of those exist in the mainland tho, only in Hong Kong

They will but I wouldn’t put it past the US to at least try to get Xi overthrown or collapse China from within. That or an organic revolution happens because of Hong Kong

It clearly isn't

Call for a boycott in your town.

Get rid of these commie agents once and for all

Fuck the PC leftists calling this a hate crime.

The red dragon just tried fucking the eagle of liberty. It's time for the eagle of liberty to fucking ass rape the dragon and let the red dragon know to never even look at it again.

Make the chinks fearful of fucking with the rest of the world

Small steps. Make flyers, starve them financially

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So an IOTBW campaign but against China?


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Westerners project their own ideas about the Chinese onto them. In the end, the Chinese are more homogenous than the EU and USA, and the CCP has given them reason to back their regime. At least until the regime fails economically, there will be no widespread complaints.
HK only happened because the HK people were unhappy with their relatively declining QOL compared to mainlanders. It's never about freedom directly. It's about economic prosperity which you can indirectly link to economic freedom

china is partitioned

Attached: china map.png (1314x835, 1.31M)

Dude phones are only assembled in China, definitely not designed by China. It wouldn't be impossible to have our products assembled in other countries retard. Having Chinese slaves work for slave wages did provide us with a lot of cheap toys but I think the party is almost over. Enjoy it while it lasts chink.

>What happens to China after the Corona crisis is over Yas Forums?
we send them the bill, absolving America and any other country of any and all debt bought by China, ever.

One can only hope

The way the media are behaving at the moment, they will carry on like its business as usual, but will go into over drive "Shaming" people who talk negatively about China.

Expect the same shit we have had for the past 5 years with Muslims.

Manchukuo not Manchuria ok

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People have been shaming them for over fishing the oceans and they don't give a shit. "MUH ANCESTOR FISHED AS MUCH AS HE WANTED" is the general attitude with the Chinks.

I wont be happy with anything less than war

>he still believes this pandemic came from a bat
>being this retard

>has an entire economy based on foriegn boomers

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Based, Boxer Rebellion 2.0 when?

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Well, the wet markets are back up and running again and WHO hasn’t been defunded and dismantled yet, so probably

I can't imagine any retribution sought, people love a routine and familiarity, such. But for as much faith as I've lost in normies, sometimes they surprise me. I've seen a lot of anti-chinese sentiment coming from people who were quick to accuse me of racism. I wouldn't expect much from the normal folk but at this point I wouldn't put it past them. Seeing chinese restaurants NOT be filled with the bearded type of a certain bean variant months before any official quarantine, leading to chinese people crying about losing business due to unfounded fears over carona only to be shut down from said virus was neat. I need to start giving the n.p.c.'s more credit, they can hide their racism but it comes out when necessary. Watching chinatown residents crying over racism and then going somewhere to die from pneumonia is something else, I tell ya.

>WHO hasn’t been defunded and dismantled yet
The entire UN needs to be dismantled, not just the WHO

China will be Balkanized.

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this. Amazing people on pol are so naive.

China will become the new world leader. The sun will finally set on the U.S. empire.

Ok Chang

USA has never been held accountable for everything they've done for the Jews, so no way is China being held accountable.
On the other hand, there are no Jews in China, so they have nobody to defend them. They may fall.

Watch it already happening, where the U.S. retreats, China steps forward. 10 years from now when the Chinese century has replaced the American century, you will remember this post. Also I believe you are ill, you should get that cough checked out.


Lmao fantasy

de coupling.

there might be wars after US and Europe get heir manufacutring out of China, China tries to buy Africa and Latinamerica to compensate and US fights oevr that

... Jews. Jews will defend them. Watch. The chinese do not threaten jews like white men do.

this. 9/11 was the beginning of the end.

Taiwan quarantined itself with small losses only.
>WinnieXiPooh and PLA arsefucked by orrgirl C-chan
Taiwan reclaims its 'rebellious provinces'
1930s timeline refreshed
New FlyingTigers 'airline' clusterbombing remnant Chink warlords

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Thanks, Chang.

You do know those were Yank "volunteers" that helped the Chinese out with their war against Japan right?

boycott them into the ground

Maybe we start to think about manufacturing a certain percentage of our own goods from now on

But realistically? The ultra rich make too much money using slave Chinese workers to make their products then sell them to westerners as (insert western companies) product

And they do not care about us. They don't care about anything except themselves and their next 0. Fuck Bill Gates, fuck Jeff Bezos, fuck every single one of them

No, because this is only the prelude to World War 3. At least 4th-wave feminism is finally coming to a close; your virtue-signaling doesn't mean squat in a warzone.