So pol is this the master race or does this prove every aryan has nigger in them
Lol genetics
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stop making this fuckin thread
We lost in 1945
I just found out about this and laughed for the past 30 minutes master race is a big joke
Proves the Jewish master race. Drakes mom is a blonde Canadian Jew and that’s where the babies hair comes from
but none of the people in op's pic are white.
That kid is whiter than you
i am sure he is phoneposter
Imbeciles who go around saying "blacks are taking over and the white race is going extinct" are just morons who don't understand population expansion. Black males ages 16 to 55 are just 4% of the entire US population, and they are just one-tenth of one percent of the total EU population, and they barely register as a percentage in the total population of Asian countries including India. Meanwhile, the far-left establishment of the US and EU have been pushing for interracial breeding of blacks for 25 years now. The only people being bred out of existence are blacks, and it is happening by design of the far-left establishment.
Wait are you saying this was mossads plan after all some big brands 4d chess scheme to get rid of niggers
She has a white milk man. If you know what I mean.
2 mixed raced jews = ?
Based and redpilled! The Jewish master race will never perish.
I don’t know user that looks like a Med master race to me
Drake runs Canada. He literally willed the raptors to a championship because he is a G. A certified boss and one of the best things to come out of canada
Designer baby
OP is a faggot and a dumb nigger and a kike
These are mutts. Of course they have nigger in them.
>are you saying this was mossads plan after all some big brands 4d chess scheme to get rid of niggers
Mossad's plan? Perhaps, but not necessarily. It is most assuredly a plan that is being constantly massaged and manipulated. Think about it. Blacks are a very tiny minority in the US, EU, and Asia+India. The news and entertainment industries comes along and pushing imagery of black+white sexual relationships. The black population is already at delicate proportions. They can hardly afford to breed with non-blacks without risking their numbers to dwindle even further. But the news and entertainment industries push interracial sexual relations anyway. Then they double down on it by inventing the spectre of "angry white men, angry over interracial breeding" so that young black men, who are programmed to hate white men, feel as though they are getting back at whitey by breeding with white women.
So what the plan is doing is to magnify the response to interracial breeding in the white by adding a racial-hatred component to it. What that is doing is to accelerate the demise of the black race as a percentage of the population. This plan leaves nothing to chance. Blacks are being bred out of existence, or at the very least, their negative social and genetic traits are being bred out of existence. There will eventually be lighter-skinned, higher-IQ, and more docile "blacks" in the world which should result in the reduction of most of what are the self-inflicted wounds suffered by the blacks of today.
Sorry but that’s not their kid. Two brown eyed people cannot make a blue eyed baby. It’s not possible.
is that really the best he can do even with all that money? LMAO she look like some kinda bird
>somehow proves "every Aryan has nigger in them"
>rather than the logical explanation that this particular mixed nigger has Aryan in him
Look at drake's skin tone retard, he clearly has more white accessors ancestors than black ones, that kids is probably 1/8th groid at worst.
>aryan in him
>drake comes from big and jew mixing
>defends aryan pride
If the news came out that drake is a cuck, would it come as a surprise to anyone?
>albino niggers are more white than a tanned German huhuhuhuh
Just neck yourself already, you’re a loser.
Kek yfw
>mfw one day after getting your dick chopped off and a rabbi sucking your pee
You think the child is his?
>Ashkenazi Jews don't have any European admixture
You're proving yourself to be more of a brainlet with each post.
reminder this isn't fake and people died
Drake's kid is a mutt!!!!! ewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's uh.. Not his kid.
Why the need for constant affirmation? ... and since when do two brunettes make a blonde?
Americans be real. this IS the Mutt Meme irl.
you're a retard. it is possible.
She has a big ass
kids the typical jewfro.
just look at all that hybrid vigor lol
Microchimerism and telegony. Then there's also the factor that they're both very very light skinned. Making the possibility that genetically, they both have two or more genetically matching traits dormant that with the two or more, would combine in the baby and then no longer be dormant but active.
lol how the fuck does that happen?
>He gave his kid a Greek name too
Can Drake even grow an afro lmao
Her wife got plowed by a Hans
Interesting. That means the common trait was jewishness. Kid's nose is like a reverse of his grandma's. God is quite the comedian.
It's a designer baby you idiot kys
If you can't tell that this baby was created in a lab than you are retarded. This is a designer baby
I think you faggots are the retarded ones because that kid's face is durred up something fierce. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't order a designer baby with those features you you dipshits.
If only this were true. A world without niggers is truly a better world.
>Believing we have designer baby technology down to a perfect science
You are an absolute brainlet
He got cucked by his own White genes
Right, sure. The baby comes out looking like the epitome of the hello fellow white people meme, but retarded looking too, but you say this is just bumps and the kinks of an imperfect science, so I'm the asshole.
Eat a dick.
That kid is a warrior. We know how often the black genes win in reproduction. Can you imagine how outnumbered this little cunt was in his Dads balls? Yet hes the one who made it to the egg first. Definitely Aryan.
El ogro de las Americas
Uh, did you miss this?
My point stands.
You’re a fucking moron. Blacks are 13% of the population in the US but their population in Africa is exploding.
Bleaching some nigs in the US does nothing but fuck up the white population, weakening them and dumbing them down.
Retard this was mom's white genes winning over Drake's mutt genes, the kid didn't take after him at all
The muttiest
Why are Jewish women fucking blacks?
That doesn't disprove my point.
I can’t get over how unnatural that is.
>believing rich people would pay for a designer baby if there's a non-trivial chance it ends up ugly/fucked up
Yeah, he's the one who's the brainlet.
>acts like nigs in Africa can prosper
Blacks are expected to be closer to 11% of the US when the results of the current census are released. Also, keep in mind that of the 11% that 4% are black males ages 16 to 55, breeding age. If even 10% of those black males breed with non-black females, the population of blacks will ultimately decrease to the point of no return.
As for your contention that Africa's population is exploding, keep in mind that all throughout Earth history there is constant evidence that living creatures do no breed unless there is ample food and water supply, adequate and protective living areas, and healthy environments conducive to breeding and raising young members of the species. In more recent times (ie - within the last 5,000 years), the additional requirement of adequate finances has become the most important indicator as to the growth or shrinkage of population numbers.
With those considerations, no one other than those with a political agenda can conclude that Africa will experience a significant increase in population. The continent, particularly sub-saharan, is the poorest region on the planet and the worst living environment in terms of adequate food and water, as well as horrendously inadequate plumbing and improper disposal of human waste. Making that situation worse is that most areas of sub-saharan Africa are ruled by murderous dictators who are really nothing more than a mafia boss looking out for his own interest at the expense of all else.
The point is, only the most ignorant and naïve among us would believe the propaganda regarding "the inevitable extinction of whites and supremacy of blacks". It's absolute nonsense when examined critically.
What a shame, looks like a poorly passing trannie. At least shes redpilled about it.