/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2841 - STATUS: LOCKDOWN

► Detected: 935,961 (+763) ► Died: 47,245 (+53) ► (Reset: -21:36:59)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,629 different strains have been sequenced —

0.4% of all Bergamo died to COVID within a month, despite lockdowns

Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

Another whistleblower doctor goes missing in China

4,500 deaths in Bergamo, estimates based on official data

Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

21 year old without previous conditions dies in Britain

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious

DOW tanks 3000 points or 13%, worst day in history

China covering up "second wave" of infections

China "lost" 15 million phone users since 2020 started

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases


03:20: 89 new cases and 3 new deaths in Kentucky.
03:15: 132 new cases and 5 new deaths in North Carolina.
03:08: 805 new cases and 12 new deaths in Texas.
03:00: 110 new cases and 15 new deaths in Georgia.
02:59: 117 new cases and 6 new deaths in California.
00:50: First death and six other new cases in the Bahamas.


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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I'm inmune

How do you go from this

Attached: 3-20-2020-820pm.png (1197x820, 137.37K)

To this

Attached: 4-2-2020-1217am.png (1183x825, 145.65K)

How safe of an assumption is it at this point that China is pure hell on earth right now and CCP are trying their hardest to cover it up like soviets tried with Chernobyl?

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who here /herd/?


Anyone have the kino of assholes spreading this shit intentionally?
Running around, spitting on shit, wiping their hands on everything etc

Attached: 1582631523259.jpg (630x630, 35.31K)

what site is that?

>330 million people in America
>worst case scenario 2-3 million dead
The economic collapse that this world of schizos has brought upon us outweighs the benefits of a few million old people dead.

Spring break

Why are so many porn artists of Corona Chan spanish?

Attached: 3490585 - Corona-chan coronavirus.png (1151x1512, 818.92K)

Spring break is a past time, user. Especially in today's connected timeline. People have FOMO, fear of missing out, it's apparently a thing that even a pandemic has no effect on.

If it isn't then we need to make it that way.

Attached: Ripper2.jpg (690x480, 43.46K)

By lying to your citizens and telling them not to interrupt their daily lives in the beginning stages of a fucking pandemic.

Since user took it out of the OP, check out how fucked things are in Ecuador. This is the future for all third world countries. Africa, Caribbean, Central and parts of South America. This is coming for you:


According to my calculations, fuck china.

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spics tend to be a horny bunch

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I keep getting reinfected.

Spaniards have a special interest in death and gloom. They seem to have passed that on to their rape babies.

Forgot pic related

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Fuck chinks.

are we going to hit a million cases today , can we party?

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Round 2 my fascii paisano?

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A lot of lewd artists in general are from latin america. More appreciation for ass and thighs I guess?

>This is the future for all third world countries. Africa, Caribbean, Central, parts of South America and all of North America
Fixed that for you.

When will the CDC start letting masks work in the US?

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oh don't you fucking dare

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>tfw spain

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masturbation gives you immunity

United States 215,215 (5,110) Italy 110,574 (13,155) Spain 104,118 (9,387) China 81,554 (3,312) Germany 77,981 (931) France 56,989 (4,032) Iran 47,593 (3,036) United Kingdom 29,474 (2,352) Switzerland 17,768 (488) Turkey 15,679 (277) Belgium 13,964 (828) Netherlands 13,614 (1,173) Austria 10,711 (146) South Korea 9,976 (169) Canada 9,731 (129) Portugal 8,251 (187) Brazil 6,931 (244) Israel 6,092 (26) Australia 5,106 (23) Sweden 4,947 (239) Norway 4,877 (44) Czech Republic 3,589 (39) Ireland 3,447 (85) Denmark 3,107 (104) Chile 3,031 (16) Malaysia 2,908 (45) Russia 2,777 (24) Ecuador 2,758 (98) Poland 2,554 (43) Romania 2,460 (92) Japan 2,384 (57) Luxembourg 2,319 (29) Philippines 2,311 (96) Pakistan 2,118 (27) India 1,998 (58) Thailand 1,771 (12) Saudi Arabia 1,720 (16) Indonesia 1,677 (157) Finland 1,446 (17) Greece 1,415 (51) South Africa 1,380 (5) Mexico 1,378 (37) Peru 1,323 (47) Panama 1,317 (32) Dominican Republic 1,284 (57)…

United States +212 (+8) South Korea +89 (+4) Canada (+15) Brazil +51 (+2) Mexico +163 (+8) Peru (+9) Argentina (+1) Singapore (+1) Honduras +47 (+4) Guyana (+1) Australia +58 New Zealand +89 Kazakhstan +22 Vietnam +4 Cambodia +1 Paraguay +8 Guatemala +7 El Salvador +8 Grenada +1 Fiji +2 Bhutan +1…


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We're blowing Shitaly out of the water...nothing personal kids.

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The Great Viral War of 2020

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Is jap user still here? Homeless WA user here. I have some PDF titles you can look up

show real flag catalufo.

Nah we can build a giant tent hospital to help with overflows if sick patients. Ecuador ain’t doin that shit. That’s why there are so many dead. All their serious condition patients are dying because they don’t have the capacity or capability to care for them

I forgot how dark Mexican culture was.
Literally have day of the dead.
Makes sense.
They got some nice asses down there I won't lie.

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do we really have homeless on Yas Forums? how do you even post here?

Wrong. You forgot to carry the 1.

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Spring breakers

who is this 3dpd

I need more of that tonic water.

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My man, there isn't going to be anybody to take care of sick patients. Our nurses and doctors are running around wearing garbage bags with no masks. America is entirely fucked.

I crosschecked, this adds up

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Yeah, it's my life. If you aren't doing this you are fucking stupid. If you're not infected, at home, trying to protect granny, sure, I get it. But if you've got the plague already...

I was told that was NYC

What? Everybody likes it so why not?
If you fap you die and if you don't fap you still die so why not?

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Oh man, what do

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How are Americans coping with 1k+ deaths?

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If the Ecuador Situation continues and spills northward, we're gonna see some real shit. Those fucking migrant caravans are gonna have to be taken care of via mortar strike. Luckily most instances South American collapse will favor Brazil or Chile as refugee hubs purely due to their vicinity.

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Does anyone have the Corona-chan tits post 500k?
Pic realted

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my energy is drained from posting these everywhere

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Ahhh, you got me brah.
Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood amidst all this horror.

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>He's not innawoods yet

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You'd better develop a tree fetish.

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feels good to don't have that shit called day of the dead. doing Halloween here is fun.

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Library or phone. Also I assume many schizoposts I see are done by smelly bearded hobos sitting at a library computer

Like this!

Attached: america circa 2020, colorized.webm (400x400, 2.67M)

people like you is why I am going to start randomly killing speeders on the highway with my semi

next time you are trying to pass me, make sure to rethink that because I just might smash you like an insect and loot your guns

What's with the #filmyourhospital hash tag on twitter, people calling it a hoax because parking lots and lobbies are empty

But that booday is worth it.

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That's asking a lot from a mask

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