Trump is officially the worst president in US history. Trump supporters are literal cultists. If you support Trump...

Trump is officially the worst president in US history. Trump supporters are literal cultists. If you support Trump, you hate America

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What is Trump, in your opinion, doing worse than other governments like the UK government or the German government?

low effort copypasta, next thread

He's doing worse than China, Korea and Taiwan

kill yourself shill rat

>comparing apples to oranges

But there's other apples right there you can compare!

>He's doing worse than China, Korea and Taiwan
The numbers in China are probably fake. Also, all three countries are highly centralized, and, to a different extent, police states.

go to bed moshe

I’m a Democrat and I think he’s doing a pretty good job right now.

>failing to contain corona and letting thousands of Americans die is a "good job"

fake and gay thread

Just curious about some numbers: Total cases, vs total recovered. Doesn't that indicate people are becoming immune? Why do doctors risk malpractice for telling people there is no immunity?

Why don't you elaborate what he could have done better? What would you have done?

Giant nignogs are punching the shit out of naked chinks in Trumps America.
Wtf are you bitching about

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He asked you WHAT and you shift goalposts, china's not telling you the real infection rate they've been shipping test kits that just don't work to europe and have been lying about it since day one.

It seems the western countries are hit the hardest.

Central and Eastern Europe barely make a blip.

Trump is better than most because he can make me laugh

He should have completely closed down the border and convict people who break quarantine. Possibly instate martial law.

Think about this though. US has a pop of about 320 million.

Germany about 80 million
UK around 75 million
France 65 million
Spain 45 million
Italy 60 million

Equally together around 325 million with a death toll of 2,878.

So the US actually has a pretty low death rate, for now at least.

>believing china's numbers
lmao, you fucking shills were all against china when the HK shit exploded, now you suddenly love them, pathetic.

>It seems the western countries are hit the hardest.
It hits places where a lot of trade, tourism and economic activity is going on. (I.e. Northern Italy, South Africa on that continent.)
In addition, the number of tests carried out affects the numbers.

He should have started mass testing months ago. He should have declared a national lockdown at least a month ago. He should have started using the Defense Production Act months ago to mass produce a stockpile of ventilators and protective equipment.

Now compare America's per capita deaths to China, Korea or Taiwan.

If so, China, Korea and Japan should be hit harder since they are all tourist giants.

Meanwhile, it's really ONLY Western Europe and the USA. Even germany's death is pretty low and Greece death is even lower.

The Hong Kong riots are obviously artificially kept alive by the CCP. They benefit far too much for me to believe this is organic.

>Why don't you elaborate what he could have done better? What would you have done?

for starters he could have NOT lied for two months to protect NY banker stock market which crashed anyway

If Trump is the worst, then Italy and "desperately hide the numbers and pretend it isn't happening for two months while allowing our citizens to travel all over the world" China are done.

Spread your chink propaganda elsewhere, Dem.

>He should have completely closed down the border
I agree with that, but hardly any government did so early on.

>and convict people who break quarantine
I have no clue whether the POTUS has that authority; and as you can see no state government seems to do so. So the Democrats hardly do a better job.
I'm surprised that you don't have mentioned a national scheme to get ventilators etc, because currently states seem to compete against each other. That's currently my biggest complain.

yeeaahhh, I'm sure a lot of Americans would've been totally ok with that, I mean, the same people who have claiming trump is literally hitler and a fascist would be a-ok with national, federally enforced lockdown.

fuck's sake, even Cuomo was against quarantining NY right now. get fucking real. you would've claimed he is the worst regardless of what he did.

Is a president to blame for the infection rate of the nation

For a start China are bullshitting, or they've been executing people for a long time now. Korea have had the best response. But the US isn't doing badly at all, you just see a big number and freak out.

Well I'll tell you right now none of his opposition would have done that.

>I have no clue whether the POTUS has that authority;
In any case, states can do that, and they didn't, but suddenly it's blumpf fault.

Deaths per 1M population is the only stat that matters. The US is at 15 which, though not ideal, is still not anywhere near as high as some European countries. And Canada somehow has an even lower rate at 3 per million.

Mediocre b8

>Trump is officially the worst president in US history
That's an odd way of spelling FDR.

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i wonder why anyone would make a thread this trite

Tbh, America will probably surpass Italy.




I am not defending democrats, there is no doubt in my mind that their response would be just as terrible. But that doesn't mean that we should go easy on Trump's terrible performance.
Our leadership should be more concerned with dealing with this crisis competently than maintaining approval ratings.

Coof. It's just the flu. Coof. Coof.

On the other hand, most of the death are in New York, so it's not all that bad.

I don't understand why they praise Cuomo but blame Trump when most deaths are under Cuomo.

Something something China

America is the most corrupt country in the world, it's literally incapable of doing anything besides bombing the middle east and licking Israel's asshole. Coronavirus will expose what a joke of a country US is.

keep saying china numbers are fake. They could be but life is back to normal in china outside of wuhan province. I know personally people who made the logical choice to stay in china instead of coming back to canada. They have also reopened the schools and economy for awhile now from people living there.

Pssst... China covered it up for two months, disappeared doctors, and allowed their citizens to travel the whole time. The number of urns China us buying are vastly out of step with the death tolls they are reporting, and the SO2 levels in China are off the charts STILL 3 months in.

Quit spreading CCP propaganda, chink Dem.

>If so, China, Korea and Japan should be hit harder since they are all tourist giants.
You know that these countries acted very fast due to their experience with such illnesses, and that Japan currently experiences a significant rise in cases?

>Meanwhile, it's really ONLY Western Europe and the USA.
You also pretend that the global score is settled despite it simply started earlier in some areas. The US looked like a safe place while Italy was already burning.

>Even germany's death is pretty low
The numbers are cooked. They don't list people who die with corona symptoms but haven't tested positive while alive.

MAGA faggit

Maybe people should have followed the self quarantining rules. Anyway the US is doing pretty good right now, considering we are a country with over 300,000,000 people.

I'm not convinced all these niggers are even using the same method for determining death. The numbers game is for kikes anyways.

now thats comparing apples and oranges.

>You know that these countries acted very fast due to their experience with such illnesses, and that Japan currently experiences a significant rise in cases?
Japan's "rise" is about 50 to 100, not over 3000 like in Europe.
Iran still has better cure rate than western Europe.
>The numbers are cooked. They don't list people who die with corona symptoms but haven't tested positive while alive.
Perhaps, but cooking number at this time seems to be good strategy.
How exactly? Cuomo is responsible for NY.


China is full of shit. If you don't agree, you probably have some hidden agenda or, you are stupid.

>In any case, states can do that, and they didn't, but suddenly it's blumpf fault.
It's also supposedly his fault that the NYC mayor left schools and public transport open...

>I am not defending democrats, there is no doubt in my mind that their response would be just as terrible. But that doesn't mean that we should go easy on Trump's terrible performance.
That *is* a fair point, but seemingly singling out Trump and pretending he's doing worse than other Western governments sounds a bit like the usual orange man bad meme. For a start, the UK government and the Dutch government even told people to get infected.

I really don't understand how China manage to eradicate it, their response doesn't seem to be as radical as some other nations (Russia), yet somehow they open schools now.

I think they have the cure all along, which is why they aren't afraid.

He should have been impeached

>Shills first day at work
You're not supposed to shove all your bullet points into one post wumao. You need to space them out by replying to people calling you a faggot.

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Because our press is a joke?

Germany is literally LAB CITY. We did so much testing, categorized the strains and also did antibody tests. They mapped out a lot of the spread here and were able to contain it better. But since things are now spreading more here, we're also getting a lot of dead boomers. But at least we locked down shit early enough to not get a complete warzone in all of our cities.

Well you know what faggot?
I hate the post 9/11 America, so you are somewhat right, I hope it burns down or gets into a second civil war

Attached: tfw you cause a civil war.png (512x320, 173.51K)

Your press is not a joke, it's a weapon.

Why Trump failed to control the press like in Russia or China is how he fails.

They eradicated it by fucking lying

He was?

Oh look it’s an armchair demorat!

Am I still coofing

Even if they are lying, there should be stop of work there and there.

Now they just completely re-open it, that must mean they got a cure.

Too bad no one in the western world can make this simple deduction.

>Japan's "rise" is about 50 to 100, not over 3000 like in Europe.
It grows exponentially. It always starts at such numbers. In Europe, forcing it down to a value like 3000 means you have flattened the curve and defeated the exponential growth - which is what China accomplished in Hubei/Wuhan.
In addition, Japanese people commonly use face masks and don't shake hands.

>Iran still has better cure rate than western Europe.
You don't really believe that, do you. They dig mass graves while saying the virus is an American conspiracy.

Doesnt this just mean we have more testing and transparency than other countries or does that go against the narrative?

>believing chink statistics.

GTFO chink

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>you hate America
I do hate America

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I hope this virus butchers the middle east and africa

>he should have started a civil war
pretty sure that would make the flu look like a joke in terms of death toll

Libtards dont understand muh Qanon

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Well yeah, you tend to save the body when you cut off the infected limb and burn it. Only in this case, the infected limb is millions of chinese lives that the government fucked to begin with.

>It grows exponentially. It always starts at such numbers.
The infection starts in Japan earlier than the rest of Europe, Japan now fears foreign infection more than domestic one. It's not like Europe where outbreak happens and it grows from there.
>You don't really believe that, do you. They dig mass graves while saying the virus is an American conspiracy.
Even if they do lie, it's impossible to prove otherwise because it's Iran.

Well there aren’t anymore Jews in Russia and China. You guys have no idea how hard it is to deal with them. And they control the press.

And we can’t just go full Germany, although I wish we could

>Now they just completely re-open it, that must mean they got a cure.
The "cure" is dragging people from their homes and running an Orwellian mass surveillance-state.

>Too bad no one in the western world can make this simple deduction.
The day Vietnam defeated Harvard.

no u

Slit it you fucking nigger

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Those measures would not cause a civil war, don't be melodramatic.

Shills never answer what. And this chink shill is as crude as they get.

trump repersents the whole country and cuomo represents only new york state. Trump repersents a bunch of shit hole states no one bothers going to. New york is an international city with huge population density and people vistitng from around the world for pleasure and business all the time. Also new york is a partial repersentation of trump.

>doing worse than china

Japan is barely testing people. This is a country where old people go to die on mountains.

Ok chicom

>The infection starts in Japan earlier than the rest of Europe
There was a limited outbreak on Hokkaido, which is like the middle of nowhere.

>Even if they do lie, it's impossible to prove otherwise because it's Iran.
That's why there's no reason to buy their numbers.

America is a third world country with a first world economy

even if it is millions of lives. millions of lives are nothing when your population is 1.3 billion.

>The "cure" is dragging people from their homes and running an Orwellian mass surveillance-state.
Russia is doing that and their daily infection is surpassing China. There's NO reason why China infection is so low right now, unless they are 1. lying, or 2. got a cure.

>he believes Chinas numbers

Go read your OP post again, it's too late to pretend you're taking a moderate reasonable position now champ.

>compare America's per capita deaths to China
kek. No one believes China's figures shill, not even you, not even the most brainwashed party cadre. Everyone knows China lies.

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>Trump repersents a bunch of shit hole states no one bothers going to. New york is an international city with huge population density and people vistitng from around the world for pleasure and business all the time.
It's lovely how you ignore that New Yorkers have fled the city for years and moved to these horrible red states. Which still have more humans than cows, unlike Canada.

Why are they trying to kill the doctor

So because government incompetence only killed millions, it's ok? I'm not saying I give a shit about china, because I sure as fuck don't, but I'd be pissed if I was a bugman right now.

Were buying ventilators from Wuhan china. Imagine the irony in that

It seems the more tests done, the more they die.

Germany is doing this test meme and now they are getting close to 1000 dead.
And? Cuomo represents the most infected area with the most dead, so why is everyone praising Cuomo but not Trump?

This is like praising the Wuhan government but bash Xi. It's complete assbackwards.

they didnt have the cure. I dont know why its so hard to understand. They contained the virus while it was still containable. Western countries acted too late to contain the virus. They used very draconion methods of containment and those draconian methods happen to be effective.

Sadly, true.

All the anti-white Jews fled Europe to here after WW2 and infiltrated our institutions for their own benefit.

Now we’ve been decimated to their will. Sadly, I don’t see anyway out.

If you don't think China used their extreme control over the situation and international cover-up (that trump was probably briefed on and then believed Xi's lies when he told him it wasn't a big deal) as an opportunity to both hurt other countries and gain more control over their people, go check the costs of flights from some NA cities back to China
Keep underestimating the gooks white man. Literally a hive mind people.

do you understand the logic of why new york would have more infected per capita compared to let's say Wyoming.

Coronavirus is the Samson Option

You realize there are three million recently unemployed? You can be a Berniefag and criticize capitalism, but there’s more to the economy than Mr. Silverstein’s stock portfolio.

>Trump supporters are literal cultists. If you support Trump, you hate America
This. Support jews. Jews #1.

Jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population

>Bernie Sanders on jew loyalty:
>Chuck Schumer on jew loyalty:
>Joe Biden encouraging white genocide:

Senate (9% jewish, 650% US over-representation)

Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)

House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)

David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
David Kutsoff (R-TN)
Andy Levin (D-MI)
Mike Levin (D-CA)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Elaine Luria (D-VA)
Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
Max Rose (D-NY)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Kim Schrier (D-WA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)
Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
Susan Wild (D-PA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D)
Stephen Breyer (D)
Elena Kagan (D)

Attached: jews funding and voting.jpg (1667x1346, 591.35K)

>There's NO reason why China infection is so low right now, unless they are 1. lying, or 2. got a cure.
If they had a cure they could give it to governments they favor and reshape the global economy as they like it. It would be a key to ultimate power, and you seem to think that they don't use it and wait until the Americans do it.
China is lying; Russia's economy is smaller than Michigans and they don't have an apparatus like China.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I'm not pretending that my proposed measures would have been moderate, but I think they would have been effective and thus reasonable.

i didn't say they killed millions. You said that. I assume that the numbers are only moderately under-reported.

No country in the world is able to "contain" the virus, even with heavily fortified country like Russia.

Meanwhile China is now allowing flights and train to Hubei and just ban foreign flights recently, they are incredibly lax in comparison to some other infected nations, thus it means they got something that cure the infected.

Also, their recovery rate is basically 97%, the highest of this world.
Coofers are terrorists

>be a Berniefag and criticize capitalism

Attached: threat to jews open borders.jpg (1649x922, 344.54K)

He tried to do the first in Feb and got torn a new asshole. He mused about doing the second just last week and Cuomo said it would be a declaration of war against the states. Trump doesn't have as much power as you idiots think he does.

go lose another world war goyim

>new york

Attached: (((NYT))) commie killings ok.jpg (2270x1113, 552.12K)

>for starters he could have NOT lied for two months
Many governments played it down, including the German one. Brazil is still doing it.
Again he's absolutely not worse than others.

Liberals are a far worse virus than corona. They congregate in large cities, then start demanding state level gibs. The politicians happily bow to their greed, robbing the rest of the state because all they have to do is pass wealth redistribution and talk about "muh poor downtrodden faggots can't afford to go to school and shoot up meth every day". Once their stupidity catches up with them and they realize they cannot afford to live in a blue state, they move to a red state and look on in disgust at the conservatives and their lower costs of living. Then they start it all over again.

>All the anti-white Jews fled Europe to here after WW2 and infiltrated our institutions for their own benefit.
>Now we’ve been decimated to their will. Sadly, I don’t see anyway out.
Eexpelled 1,030 times.

Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers

Attached: muh 6 gorillion invasion.jpg (1553x1447, 548.72K)

>close borders the earliest
>don't prepare for a pandemic and talk it down
he didn't believe the virus was a thing, he thought china would want to pressure the US and he opted to pressure china instead by closing borders

New York is the reason Wyoming would be infected in the first place.
No, there's no need to.

This virus freezes the West, nay, the whole world, letting China doing whatever they want as they please.

Even Putin is caught in this tornado.

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>If you support Trump, you hate America
this, Trump is the best President to destroy America

You probably get paid too much for too little.
Lying dog faced pony solider.

This. Liberals are the worst plague to hit European Civilization.

You're faith in the communist chinese party is pretty amazing. But, you're a canadian so I guess it makes sense. I'm going to do a shot in the dark and say you probably don't believe in tiananmen square either?

If I could line you up and shoot you in the head, I would.

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So you guys don't believe in FED chairman Trump?

russia has very little cases still for their population.
As for china there death rate is like the same as canada currently. The reason why it isnt so high is because they never over ran their hospital's compacity. Once you overrun the country's capacity for severe illness is when you hike up the death rate. Also, keep in mind they were buying the stuff on the international market when it was way less competitive than it is now.

Damn I must admit not even i thought the US would reach a thousand this quickly. Nothing burgers btfo

>he wants the government to be able to arrest you or fine you, or worse, if you leave your house
Definitely a liberal.

>go lose another world war goyim
Comes from a guy who's half French, half dog dick-sucker. And gets arrested for not liking trannies.

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of course it is. The stupid ass trump hasnt locked down new york and other heavily effected states, You can blame trump for that. We have a province with 0 cases Nunavut and it is locked down from other provinces. New York gets a lock of international travel, unlike wyoming.

>democrats would have been just as bad
>other world leaders were just as bad
>but trump is the worst president ever and if you support him you hate America

This is not logically consistent my friend.

everybody gets what he deserves, like having a meme president in a not-so-meme crisis

I'm not OP, you are not quoting me. Check the IDs.

Stay mad China shill

We have 10,000 ventilators in reserve that is being sent to heavily affected states you idiot.

>don't believe in tiananmen square either?
It is historical fact. Why do you think i have intense faith in the ccp? I am a realist and said they are probably lying about the numbers. I just dont think the same skitzo shit you guys think where you say millions are infected/dying. Why would they reopen the schools if it was still that bad? Think for yourself.

>the federal government hasnt locked down a state
It's funny the left wants Trump to do what they've been claiming they don't want him to do.

The funniest shit ever was the mayor of New Orleans crying about how no one told her mardi gras was a bad idea and now the city is fucked

france beat you in two world wars retard lol btfo