We are all dead...
It's Over... It's Literally Fucking Over
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kill yourself shill rat
Bout time. Fuck poos
millions will die
Fuck you nigger
It's getting the kikes in NY and NJ, just cleaning up the riff raff
So, am I cured now? Probably still infected though. Kind. Kikes please quote me or however this spreads. I didn't see the criteria for this year
Wow it's almost like choosing to live like fucking sardines was a bad idea.
Get fucked city niggers
Asia's largest Indian slum
Just keep in mind almost all Indian children h ave had the BCG vaccine.. That might give them protection against this...look it up...they are using it in AUS and netherlands for medical folks for protection.
>He died
Death is usually in 1-2 weeks from symptoms. This dude literally is a chad super spreader.
1/10 deaths from India are already because of their horrible sanitation. This will barely be a drop in the water.
>10 billion deaths will literally be a drop in the water
Okay, pal
If this thing kills 10 million I'd be surprised.
anyone else thinking they just stopped reporting numbers?
Life expectancy in India is 68. The corona virus kills twice as many men as women. Life expectancy for an indian man is 64.
Now, compare that to Italys deathrate per age.
Children are not in danger from this you dumbfuck.
That's with the best medical care numb nuts.
Nuke it
Well, we already know China underreported deaths and cases on an industrial scale. So that's one. We know of several other countries in that sort of sphere who have had explosive 'viral pneumonia' spikes just around the time of the China lockdowns etc and none of that stuff went into the official figures.
We know France isn't reporting deaths outside of hospitals (people in care homes and in their own homes). Why? Your guess is as good as mine but they have repeatedly stated that is a much higher figure. We know Italy is also not including suspected deaths from places like Bergamo and others, we're talking about thousands of extra deaths (way above the average for the time period) in a matter of weeks which are going undocumented as coronavirus.
So I think they're reporting what they probably can report. I'm honestly amazed they've even managed to confirm 1 million cases and 50,000 deaths so far.
Italy giving best medical care at the moment. Holy shit you're not too bright are you?
I'm not saying it's not going to kill a bunch of people. It will be way worse then even a bad flu season, but India will, if they just let run through the population, actually be just fine. They're that much of a shithole.
In Denmark we are reporting like this. If you die 30 days after being tested positive for Corona virus, you get lumped in as a "corona related death"
We actually don't have corona deaths in Denmark, only "corona related deaths". There's a pretty good reason for that. The average age of the dead tested positive for corona in Denmark is 81 and life expectany is 80 in Denmark.
but dozens will live
stop being a pessimist
Yeah your government isn't trustworthy and neither are the figures coming out of them. Although honestly, Scandinvian countries and Finland might do a lot better with this given how introverted people are and how much they keep to their own closeknit communities and respect personal space.
it was the jew
Thank you coronachan. I was worried the poos would miss out on your loving embrace.
>Yeah your government isn't trustworthy
Depends on what you mean with trustworthy, they are honest, which is good enough for me. China is lying through their teeth. Life expectancy in China is 76 and they probably lost 20 million old folks before they got it under somewhat control.
You honestly think the Danish government is trustworthy? You honestly think they're not beholden to NGOs and the WHO etc.? You'd be a third world failed state completely isolated economically and politically if you weren't. First rule of disaster training for governments, cover up the gravity of the situation if it will lead to panic and instability and terror.
They are all minimizing this as much as they possibly can. If you tell people there's a virus 8x more contagious than the common flu with anywhere between a 15-35% mortality rate and an even higher ICU/serious condition/lifelong impairment and rehabilitation requirement rate... it's going to cause incredible panic and unrest.
Judge them on what they do, not what they say. Look how quick the lockdowns went up. Look how long they're delaying lifting them to now. Look what they've done to their own economies.
This will finish off as one of the worst disease outbreaks in history without a doubt.
There's just no way India can even somewhat control this. They can do a lockdown for 3 weeks all they want, but it won't help. It's going to run through their population like an explosion sooner or later. They would be better off spending the next weeks preparing the massgraves and cut their losses.
its just a flu user chill
>they probably lost 20 million old folks before they got it under somewhat control.
There's a good chance going by the cell phone statistics. A lot of young people dying too though, especially in Europe. and far more in ICU on breathing machines to keep them alive. Shockingly high percentages of them are very young and healthy.
I'm incredibly interested in seeing how this virus affects China's relationship with not only the west, but it's neighboring countries. The whole world is going to crackdown on China after the vaccine gets made.
Indian police need to double their beating efforts. Too many people aren't self-quarantining.
lmao without shipments from India our commercial goods import supply chain is fucked. normies gonna be like rabid dogs soon.
Get torn in two by robots, dipshit
children grow into adults you fu cking idiot..those adults had it..now when do they have their last shots..i don't know..how long does it last or does it need a booster...i don't know..but its common in India..and may help..so fuck you
India superspreader 2020!!!!
>A lot of young people dying too though
No. No matter how much everyone wants to claim were all in this together the data clearly shows that we most certainly are not.
What data shows that? China's? The data you've just agreed with me is absolute bullshit? Why don't you show me the most recent age breakdown from Italy, the Netherlands and the US/UK
Poo in it
I just showed you the one for Italy.That media makes it headlines the few times someone young gets seriously sick doesn't change anything. Young people have more to fear from the common flu then they do from the Shanghai Shivers.
Shut the fuck up /ptg/ stay in your containment thread.
Sry to tell you but you got a good chance of dieing.
Just the logic behind this should make it clear. A virus induced pneumonia isn't something easy to survive
>meme flagger is a Pajeet who’s ashamed of his geoflag
So we shouldn’t poo in the loo?
Those figures are nonsense then, clearly. 50% of ICU patients in Netherlands were 18-30 age. There's near constant headlines here of newborns, 16 year olds, 21 year olds etc. etc. all perfectly healthy dying.
Keep sucking globalist cock, dancuck.
dude the pajeet's immune system is Godlike.
They drink diarrhea and boil their chicken tandoori in puss
The dog's face is pure gold
Have you looked up the mortality rate for the flu broken down by age? it is 0.4 deaths per 100,000 casesfor a 18 to 24 year old, which breaks down to 0.0004% chance of dying if you are 24 years old. Chinese Virus is orders of magnitude above that, even if the chance of death is still relatively low.
>There's near constant headlines here of newborns, 16 year olds, 21 year olds etc. etc. all perfectly healthy dying.
No there's not.
>Those figures are nonsense then, clearly. 50% of ICU patients in Netherlands were 18-30 age
In Denmark there's a massive turnover in the ICU units. That means since everyone is scared of the corona they all come to the hospital to sleep it out a day or two and then go home again instead of sleeping it out at home. I hate your tone of voice when I read your sentences, I'm done responding to you.
At least the world population will go down.
>Tracking and tracking the virus
>No there's not.
Yes there is.
>In Denmark there's...
Irrelevant country not being forthright with their statistics.
> I hate your tone of voice when I read your sentences, I'm done responding to you.
Likewise you autistic fucking effeminate retard. And good.
Italy is only testing severly sick people for the corona. If you are just riding it out at home or are asymptomatic you don't get tested.
We already know for a fact that many people are asymptomatic because the only time a proper test was conducted were corona chan was allowed to run through a population and everyone was tested, over 60% showed no symptoms despite being positive and contagious.
That was on the Diamond Princess with 700 infected and 400 asymptomatic. With an age ratio older then the norm.
>Italy is only testing severly sick people for the corona.
> If you are just riding it out at home or are asymptomatic you don't get tested.
No you don't.
>We already know for a fact that many people are asymptomatic
No we don't.
It's my thread. Every reply you post in this is de facto a reply to me. Piss off.
>Life expectancy in India is 68
That doesn't mean most people live up to 68.
That's the statistic life expectancy when you are born. And since a lot of children die because of poo living conditions, you get that statistical number. It doesn't mean there is no old population.
India probably has 100s of plauges every year, and no one ever hears about.
why use a memeflag? be proud of who you are faggot
10 days ago.
who the fuck from this slum travel or was in contact with people who travel or who traveled to the slum or how did it get in there before anywhere else
YES! Microsoft Support scams will be GONE!
poos btfo
Ok faggo