Trump YES!
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Lol Jew bitch, we will.
At least the liberals are triggered
What that means?
The differences between the British System of economy and the American/National System of economy need to be understood.
He's a "nationalist globalist" remember. The one thing he did for whites is say Charlottesville had some decent people. That's fucking it. He assigns kikes, women and nigs to important positions. He lobbies for legal homosexuality in other countries. Now he has Q preaching non-racism to boomers. This country is fucked.
trump refused to build a wall and is pro red flags. lied about wuflu in failed attempt to protect the stawk market.
We're not going to have a country with these foreign worker schemes.
Take note of who he designates as the main enemies of the US -- Germany, Russia, Iran, and China. The Anglosphere needs to be destroyed because that's what is keeping the nigger in power.
Trump is a fag
When the fuck is automation supposed to happen.
No equipment loans for farmers? Small interest rate, just beg
If Trump gave a damn about american values he'd have replaced the strategic emergency grain reserves that obunga had sold out to africa by now.
>tfw country starved through winters in it's beginning
>will starve through it's end.
Lol fuck this country, dotr for political leaders now.
Hey Murdoch.
Imagine that Americans never had farms before 1965. In fact, weren't we healthier then? Hmmmmmm
How do Europeans get food without Mexican slaves? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Jared must tell him that all these immigrant farm workers vote Republican. He's dumb enough to believe it.
>He lobbies for legal homosexuality in other countries.
There's a silver lining to that though: under Obama-era laws, victims of anti-LGBT discrimination in foreign nations get fast-tracked for asylum. Every country that we poz becomes a country that can't send their homosexuals here.
Lol, dumb burgers who see 5 minute clips unironically think they can grow anything but leafy greens and other small crops on LEDs
>How do Europeans get food without Mexican slaves? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
African and/or Middle-Eastern slaves, mostly. Just look up France's agricultural workforce
I'd rather he didn't make jokes like that, even if it is April Fool's day
He's right tho. There's 3 million migrant workers in the U.S. I'd love to hear how you'd get rid of them without destroying the food supply chains
hope every farmers daughter gets to be the next mollie tibbets, fuck you niggers. Selling our country out for fucking peanuts
And yet Japan doesn't have 50 million Mexicans.
smaller farms worked by the people that own them. although, this might be bait on his part.
It's not bait. Stop making excuses. Trump hates you and wants you dead. The British System of economy is a slave-extraction economy. You are the slave.
But who will shit in the fields?
automation and GPS.
if we stared today, we could replace all migrant workers by August, and kick the ones without citizenship the fuck out.
look at their faces
did they make a deal?
Yeah man, we definitely can't raise the wages of manual laborers in accordance with the need. Much better to outsource that job to people who will funnel all their wages back overseas away from the US economy.
I know quite a few farmers who have zero laborers outside of their own family. I know even more who hire highschool kids for seasonal shit.
Living in rural midwest my entire life I never saw a spic anywhere near a farm. I always suspected this farm labor argument was bullshit invented to stealth pass what is essentially amnesty for the beaners in California.
Checked and it'll redpill more normies in the process, just wait until the immigrants here start bitching about this faggot shit in schools and whatnot?
Yeah, forcing countries with aids epidemics to decriminalize homosexuality at a point of a gun is definitely 4D chess. People like you are honestly too dumb to save.
>I’m okay with being ethnically replaced as long as we own da libs
king kike zion don
It's deeper than that. The capitalized owners of these farms want to keep an extraction system in place. Tons of crops can be more efficiently grown with new methods that decentralizes and distributes the source closer to individual cities and towns and many more can be harvested with automated machines.
You little faggots wouldn't make it a day on a farm LMAO. It is literally impossible to employ you dumb fucks on a farm. White boys quit after two weeks tops, always.
Fuck our farms
If it's brown
Flush it down
>I'd love to hear how you'd get rid of them without destroying the food supply chains
It's called making it against the law not to plant a victory garden if you have land and a greenhouse.
What is more resiliant to supply chain disruptions?
What is capable of spreading less disease?
What is best for environment?
We have the solutions.
It's the dirt beneath our feet.
We don't need pickers
Corporate Farms do
if we all grew our own
it would dis-incentivize excess
growing and use of chemicals on the soil
This is a capitalized farm owner. Rest assured, he will be murdered as the kulak that he is.
Couldn’t you just create a program where people who wanted jobs could secure a position and then when you have a certain number of positions filled you just move the illegals out and there are people there to take over the jobs. Then you just do that until all the jobs are filled.
>Yas Forums: muh trump is based, trust the plan, we need those farm jobs back, there will be no shortage of whites people to work on them!MAGA!MAGA!
>trump: uuh, guys we need mexicans or foreign visa workers to get this thing going
Daily reminder that Yas Forums will always default to Jewish conspiracies and throwing dirt on trump rather than accepting the most simple, and truthful explanation: there's not enough americans who want to break their back doing those jobs
Indoor agriculture in its current state is only efficient for a very small selection of crops, mainly just luxury markets like top notch strawberries or special kinds of lettuce that are low in potassium (e.g. for hospitals)
Japs in general don't do a lot of agriculture, plus they don't have that many mouths to feed in their country.
Carry on jerking off to 5 minute 'I FUCKEN LOVE SCIENCE' video solutions for this problem, though.
Yes. There is a chain and network of bank credit that is riding on top of all of this and the movement of people, their consumption, asset prices related to real estate to house them.
This is insane
God hates fags
Where do I apply for farm work?
>there's not enough americans who want to break their back doing those jobs
you dont get it
we are going to make it illegal NOT to plant your own food if you have land
you are not going to spread new viruses with
your shitty cheap labor and cheap goods from china
it's OVER
>pay shitty wages only Mexicans will work at
>we need to import labor
Perhaps if the market didn't have a plentiful source of cheap labor, then wages would need to rise to attract labor. Those wages then would actually attract Americans. Basically, only greedy fucks push for mass migration because they don't want to pair a fair wage.
Here's a cabbage harvesting machine that does literally all the work save for 3 beaners who work as "inspectors" after it's been uprooted and cut. Yeah, you wouldn't last a day on a farm White boi!
Farms are more automated than ever, yet there's still a demand for migrant workers
>let's revert to medieval-level subsistence agriculture
great idea
that's communism, not a bad idea, only letting you know it's communism
going to be great when your pet spics vote communist into power and your farm is nationalized
MIGA 2020202020202020
>inb4 the price of food will rise
Good, there are too many fat fucks in America. Let the price of food rise a minimal amount so all the laborers get paid a worthwhile wage.
Take note, the machine is from Denmark. I wonder why our plentiful supply of DACAengineers didn't come up with it first?
I'm not saying it's necessarily 4D chess, but it is a fact of US asylum law.
One of the few valid criticisms of Trump.
that demand is for TV and other media, it gives people something to empathize with, in order to pass legislation that fucks them.
Of course people are going to agree with a state passing Work Visa extensions, look how happy Pedro and his wife are, living the American dream.
Immigrants are preventing the progress of automation. It's fucking ridiculous.
This is the final straw.
That's the best part though, they can't vote
Just like niggers in the old south. It's the British System of economy.
There is a lot more to agriculture than planting and picking. Try spending 14 hours with your hands soaking in a bleach/water solution, hunched over with no breaks, trying to wash the cabbage before it gets packed.
Your fancy macheens look good on paper, but are way too expensive for the majority of farms. You've already got the cheap labor, why invest in unnecessary equipment so a little white boy can ride the tractor?
Yeah, CA just became deep blue because spics don't vote, retard. Their kids are all citizens.
>Basically, only greedy fucks push for mass migration because they don't want to pair a fair wage.
There's several dozen millions of americans who do this, not just the so called greedy millionaire farmers, this is a problem that's present in large amounts of your population, ranging from common folks who hire handymen/cleaning women at a household, to the big corporations.
I doubt it's purely a greed issue, it's more of a manifestation of economical inequality between americans, as tech increases industrial output and requires less humans slowly but surely. Stopping Immigrants from 'stealing' some jobs isn't going to improve the economic system, it's hardly a bump compared to the 'damage' that automatization has done over the decades.
If you larp some more you might just do that, kek.