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"(d) Ethnic replacement
Fertility levels of immigrant populations are usually higher than those of Western host populations. It is generally expected that the fertility of immigrant populations will eventually converge with those of the host population (Coleman 1994), although so far only a few populations of less-developed-world origin have completed this process. Indeed, in the case of Bangladeshis in the United Kingdom, the period fertility
rate reported in the mid-1990s seems to be higher than that in Bangladesh itself.
In the long term, the minority will become the majority in a country if there remains even one region in which the proportion of the minority continues to increase through immigration and/or higher birth rates (Steinmann & Ja¨ger
1997). Only a few long-term population projections have explored these prospects. In the United States, for example, the displacement of the white non-Hispanic population from its majority position is officially projected
to occur around 2050 (US Bureau of the Census 1993)."
ANOTHER academic paper admits that we're being REPLACED
the article doesnt exist
stop spreading disinfo faggot, it doesnt help anything
There's no such thing as "replacement".. only willingness to submit.
We Revolutionary National Socialist make our position very clear. War until victory. So long as a single one of us is alive, the war will go on.
Ash sarkar likes taking BWC
The statistics are available here on the ONS website and after the first immigrant generation the fertility rates drops down to the national mean.
The Ash headline is satire. It's absolutely true though, look at the link.
The academic paper is 100% real :
click on "free full text" and download the pdf.
Never understood what these subhumans believe will happen when we become the actual minority the entire west are welfare states build beliving that new generations will pay the pensions of the old generations but birth rates are fucked and shitskins do not work and sit all on welfare/send all their euros back to their shithole countries.
So either kill the welfare state which will never happen or send all shitskins back which will never happen too.
I don't understand how our current politicians will cope with this fact.
Who will feed them when the white people are gone?
They are going to attack Russia and you and everyone east of you.
I'll live forever just to stop the scum sucking horde that only wants gibs.
Living is the problem
At most, they can kill you only once.
At most, you only have to kill them once.
No one in europe has problems with russia except the butthurt belt.
Nordstream 2 finished soon too.
>Gradually, I began to hate them...
They're just going to be nigger slaves of the Chinese once the demographic war reaches the next stage.
>I don't understand how our current politicians will cope with this fact.
They wont. It's a "kick the can down the road" implementation of slow premeditated genocide. No politician is EVER held to account for what they did 20 years ago.
>Oh it was a different time
>Oh he acted on the only information he had
>Oh she couldn't have foreseen the consequences
>Oh it was in the best interest of the nation at the time
See : Tony Blair
Gradually you sat on your ass and did nothing but watch it happen.
Adding more Indian isn't 'winning'... even Indians should understand its a loss...even for them.
There will only be 10 whites left by that time. And a few Hapas.
Stupid bongs doing a school-class photo and made them look direct at the sun which makes them all look mongoloid.
Dumb shits.
And sure these traitors do their time in politics and when shit hits the fan those animals are in state pension and not responsible for their created mess.
We need mobs killing all those subhumans.
Soon brother.
Pic : a small town in rural Ireland
you do realize the entire purpose of migrants is to monkeywrench the welfare state, right?
No american is a brother of us germans the chance for that got killed after siding against us in the II great wars.
I would rather kill some american than some random stupid nigger.
Doesn't change the fact that Britain is being replaced faster than it can reproduce.
american > random stupid nigger.
same thing?
Naah it started after WWII with south euro immigrants (excepts for turdroaches thanks for that muttistan) to fuel muuh GDP but then the south was empty so we got and imported east euro animals then the east was low too then we imported rapefukkers and now even nigger subhumans straight from the mud huts the barrel fell so low it will all explode soon.
Why the fuck are they doing this? Don't tell me it's the jews because I know its not.
True but i did mean random stupid nigger not of american origin.
no one , A billion or 2 maybe 3 billion will starve and chimp out until they find a median level that nature can support. then they start hacking different tribes apart like normal.
>Doesn't change the fact that Britain is being replaced faster than it can reproduce.
The Channel Tunnel had an insidious purpose
imagine having your name sound like 'Ass Sucker'.
The boogaloo, however, that may happen first.
The Western governments are to blame
yeah, because your elites didn't want a state beholden to a native working class, especially one that might decide to turn "communist" (but actually national socialist). muslims don't join communist parties
I sympathize and agree with you. I'm not American. I was born in and am a direct blood descent of great grandparents who fought and were part of a European nation who voluntarily joined the Axis from the start.
I hate when people speak for others on forgiveness and "brother wars". I only can only speak on one thing.
Meine Ehre heißt Treue
So you're saying charles manson was right? All white people have to do is go underground, then return to save them after they destroy society?
The article OP cited was from 2002. That's a bit dated, no?
Legit just them being so ignorant. With some rich people backing that are very likely HC capitalists looking for slaves.
Point is i hate americans so much i can't even handle it.
All the time when i see a dumb american tourist here i punch him straight in his mutt face.
Was in jail a few times but i will never stop to punch stupid americans invading the Holsteinische Schweiz.
I go back and forth on this but right now I think it's because of the retarded
>infinite growth forever
system. Gotta keep that GDP going up. Because reasons.
I'm a free market guy, but I think we need to get rid of the stock market, fractional reserve banking and inflation (possibly by going back to something like the gold standard). If you think about it, all those things are fake anyway.
>It's another white genocide conspiracy theory thread
Yikes. If you guys just left your basement or got laid all this stuff would be put into perspective and you would see how dumb it is
I said European lol. But seriously they did contribute a lot and fought to the end. I would say where as I am proud of my history and people but it is for strategic reasons why I'm not saying it (to be allowed reentry into that country later).
>Point is i hate americans so much i can't even handle it.
I understand your sentiment. When I speak with them about ww2 or even general future planning, their responses leave me with only one conclusion, they would do it all the same even if they knew all the details about jews and the outcome of it all (mutt-ifi-cation). They wanted this. They fought and killed for this.
While I generally understand there are some white Americans who are not the same, they must prove and sacrifice for what we did too. There is no, "we agree so it's all good now".
I'm moving back to my birth nation and will make political moves.
I didn't know about that, I was just recalling some things my dad's friends said when I was younger.
white men allow it
you deserve it
I'd say it is yet more proof of premeditation. They love to claim this is all
>happening naturally and always has done
but papers like this are the smoking gun that proves otherwise.
>white genocide conspiracy theory
It's right there in black and white. I trust you can read?
Seethe more Muhammed. Try not to start another war and kill more whites again
see this
mutts are just like that indoctrinated subhumans
>He thinks only Germans hate the cancer that is (((America)))
You can type anything you want into google that doesn't make it true lol
>slav rape baby calling anyone else subhuman
Have you actually done anything concrete in real life, when it comes to revolutionary NS?
Dude, when my grandma was growing up whites were 90% of the country. When my mom was growing up 70%. Now I'm here and the birth rate is like 40% (note, North Africans, Arabs and Jews are NOT white, so census is inaccurate). All you have to do is stick your head out the window, no "theorizing" necessary.
That's the UN's own website, friendo. Highlights are in pic related. You can check the validity yourself.
You should be glad about the muttification, Americans are mostly German ethnically, and Germans are just autistic niggers that can design weapons but still chimp out and start wars at the drop of a hat. The less German you are the better.
You mutt can just dream about being as pure as i am filthy mutt how does it feel being a half nigger like all "white" americans? :')
As much as I'm sure jews and non whites subvert these user threads to make it seem like it's White Americans. I have seen enough white muricans do the big and stupid talk often displayed as a meme.
Ultimately, I leave a door open for sincere white Americans to do right for the future of our people, however I'm a firm believer that only one ideal can survive, Europeanism or (((Americanism))).
fuck the white race lol
We have brought the world system to its knees. Closed all the borders, removed trillions from the hands of the rich who otherwise would have spent it to wage economic wars against the working-class and no one even knows our names. By years end we will have our people in power to implement the second step of the Revolution.
>Posts white character as his ideal desired avatar
I was at Charlottesville. Would have still kept pushing until the system broke if the faggot leadership didn't cuck. We literally had boomers, militia members and conservatives following our lead until that event. We literally almost changed changed world history. The faggots took the wrong approach.
> lf antifa attacks you with ballbats. If they throw feces or try to stab you with used heroin needles, use this shield and helmet to defend. We are a peaceful group, turn the other cheek if Antifa tries to kill you. That is the western spirit.
In one of the few countries where you are allowed to defend yourself. Still baffles me. Know how there are "no go zones" in Europe? It's because the Muslims don't fucking cuck, unlike white people.