Prove Yas Forums is a Christian Board

Christian Brothers Report In

I was asked to be a part of 1 million+ prayer chain to pray for the slowing of the Corona virus. The idea is you pray when you receive this text and then send it to 8 other people.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, we’ve always been a Zionist board



This board is moderated by JIDF which is why you are allowed to spam off-topic threads about this jewish doomsday cult nonstop without fear of being permabanned

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Just shut the fuck up and let people believe what they want jesus , we arent an united force anyway and if it's not religion we'll find another thing to be dumb niggers about fuck off

No religion... only Science.

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Very lo IQ post user.

The mystery of God has been made manifest in his Son Jesus Christ.

This is very real. If only you knew how bad things really are.

I am a firm believer i'm just tired of you guys casting pearls before swine

Well brother, I am glad to have you here.

The task is simple. We ask Jesus for his intervention in our lands. We ask that those responsible for our current situation be brought to justice.

Our prayers will bring this monster down.

Don't doubt it. Keep in faith my friend.

I pray every night for God's mercy. If He decides that the time is at hand for judgement, then I accept it, but I'm praying that it's not, that He'll show mercy to us for just a bit longer.

Amen, this is truly the way to pray.

This whole thing has gotten me closer to God. I had forgotten how quickly all of this worldly stuff can go away; only His kingdom is eternal. I pray that my judgement will find me in salvation, despite not being a good Christian these past few years. I fear this is punishment for us worshipping, even ironically, Egyptian chaos gods and demon succubi represented by viruses. I fear that my every giggle at kek and digits and corona-chan and Ebola chan led us to this.
Repent and atone while you still can, anons.

user, have ye no faith? Why have you chosen to pray against His Holy Word? Surely you do not want to render Jesus Christ to wait another day past His hour? Let the end come, user, as it was written.

Truly I say to you brother. Your finding humor in that which is profane is truly aligned with the heart of God. For even God Himself laughs heartily at these things. He laughs at them and those who believe they are actually giving it power. There is nothing in this world that has power lest God allow it.

Keep the faith. You are in His kingdom.

join us in this thread:

Get thee behind me!

It is written, that no one know the day or the hour!

You are assuming too much user.

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don't pray for things like that, pray for God's will to be done, and also for our LORD to be glorified eternally.

When a good deal of His commandments involve not saying His name lightly, and not worshipping any others, I would think that He doesn't have much of a sense of humor when it comes to this stuff. The Big Man takes it very seriously. I didn't, and now I suffer. We didn't, and now we all suffer.


Pol is a Jewish kike board

Worshiping kike behavior like hording land and renting property and living off investment income.

The kikes tricked you into believing they're Christian's, and they tricked you into thinking acting like a jew is acceptable.


> Pray for gob to do what gob was going to do anyway

k..keep me posted

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You try to persuade and hope that you can talk Him into doing something else.

What's the deal with Protestant Churches, why they don't gave me any attetiong when I was fucked in life?

Or you could go do something yourself, instead of asking magic jews in the sky to use magic

> that picture
> ID is old b

Pray for me brothers. I don't know how, but I got infected with the Yas Forumsuhan virus.

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I don't know where you live, so I can't smite you, but I can pray and try to talk Him into smiting you. Let me know if you get smited while shitposting ITT


Go away, Christkike! Or I shall coof on you a second time!

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*Spits on your face*

>Prove Yas Forums is a Christian Board
Pic related

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imagine being so new you dont know what kike means XD

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God helps those who help themselves. Praying is a good habit to have, but sometimes prayer only really efficacious as a final resort.

These boomer arguments do not help the cause, in the slightest. This is on par with
>If we evolved from monkeys how come there's still monkeys

it's biblical doctrine, it's called meekness, surrending yourself to God's will and protection, it's a Christian principle.

not my will, but thy will be done.

it's about presumption and trusting in the promises of God.

I freaking hate "Send to 8 other" letters, but that is technically how Paul's letters got around Greece.

Please don't make us look cringe, dawg.

I don't know who needs these, but I'll post some resources anyway.

Knowing that the Bible is true in all of its accounts is really unburdening.

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The fedora meme must be older than the kids currently getting molested in your church

>being this new

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Explain why jews have ritually murdered thousands of Christians. Pic related.

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Jesus is lord.

>go to Yas Forums archives
>search "religion strawpoll" OPs
>find threads with links to religion polls
Every single one is majority Christian going all the way back to the last page, every single one.
This is a Christian board, period.


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Im praying for the salvation of us all, so we can have familys and live the life we always wanted. God have mercy on us

Stop asking for mercy and ask how you can serve God in this crucial time. God needs warriors not cowards who just want things to be comfy again.

20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”


What crucial time?

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Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

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greetings brother.

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And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

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Why do trad Christians think that praying to a Jewish God, Jewish saints and Jewish Pope's and Jewish pastors and Jewish apostols is something good? Can a Christian by an anti-semite when their jewish God-King said salvation comes from the Jews? Why have they to study a Jewish book written by Jews to tell the Jewish history?

God is GOD. He makes people. People don't make him you dumb fucking kike. There is no ":jewish" god. They worship satan.

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This is the same argument that gets disproved in every single thread.

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These kikes KNOW they are wrong

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They will never concede the truth, they are incapable of it. They are of their father the devil, who is the father of lies.

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pol is a gnostic board. get out hylic

it says 2 or 3, not a large crowd.