Pipergate? wtf is this?

Jusy saw a thread talking about a twitter account that seems to be a pedophile network. the said to call it "pipergate" and to spread the word. i checked out the account and did some digging and found out that not only are there very pedophilia looking photos, but there also seems to be some kind of code they're speaking in. link right here twitter.com/piper91305486

Attached: wtfman.jpg (1920x1080, 450.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 58D85CDC-C4A3-4AD1-A69C-8004F67AA590.jpg (1024x831, 249.99K)

>so theres also this other account called Sky that Piper frequently talks to. Heres a screenshot of one of their brief interactions... also link to Sky:

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.01 - (1920x1080, 593.21K)

>looking further i realized that there are TONS of "Thank you" messages. addressed to seemingly nobody. Piper also ends almost all of her (their?) sentences in "please"....very confusing.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.01 - (1920x1080, 393.31K)

take a look at this account



same person different account active now


Attached: A5F37FDD-6F93-4F85-B012-5A13A4EE6B5B.jpg (883x967, 145.87K)

>eventually i came across this.... ANOTHER PIPER ACCOUNT WITH A DIFFERENT RANDOM STRING OF NUMBERS AT THE END OF "PIPER".... there could be THOUSANDS of these" piper" pedo account out there. but then again, it could just be the one... link to second piper: twitter.com/piper84003965

link to first piper: twitter.com/piper91305486

Attached: wtfisthis.jpg (1920x1080, 885.89K)

On twitter thats pretty ballsy

These people are sick. -Q

Attached: B6AB72A8-0F2F-49C4-94CE-104D5DD7C404.jpg (1024x969, 152.74K)

Attached: 5B0BD8E2-016C-42A2-987A-278BF7217F3B.jpg (250x250, 13.71K)

>Anyways, im gunna do some more digging. can some other anons check out like the followers or something? see who they are, who else they follow, etc. anyways that's all I got, remember SPREAD THE WORD OF PIPERGATE

Attached: DISGUSTING.jpg (680x383, 26.8K)

Attached: C4833AC5-1F2C-42D3-BB23-B87C4DD41DAA.jpg (500x500, 57.13K)

says the coofer

For a fun, feel good, fantasy account, please follow my friend Piper @piper84003965
Awesome pics and videos with many surprises!!!! Piper is like a sweet box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get!!!!! Stop by, check her out, follow and leave a LIKE please. TY


Pretty sure you found a honey pot

explain pls?

glownniggers purpously make this then put the tips that visit them on a list

Play Qwixx

Attached: 5BB99B85-A45E-471F-9089-317DFCE19877.jpg (1024x965, 139.72K)

this all looks perfectly legit to me u schizos

Attached: c14134c4ceed9d71d43613b998882d82.jpg (947x551, 39K)


this is one of the person in the comment section



another one go see and scroll down...

another user made this. good breakdown of weirdness.

Attached: pipergate.png (5096x1920, 2.72M)

Attached: temp.png (629x488, 371.07K)

what is Qwixx? can someone explain lol

Uh yeah that’s a pedo in hiding


look for account with random number at the end

Isn't that Amanda Bynes?

it's confusing, however, when you combine all the Amanda Bynes references all over the Youtube channel associated with it, it doesnt make any more sense, but that's why they end in 'please'


Attached: 2020-04-01-230941_594x471_scrot.png (594x471, 32.89K)

Same banner

Attached: A26430BA-78CB-4DAB-9106-C4F5ED96FA07.png (1833x355, 414.68K)

This is obviously a deep state front for selling illegal media through twitter. Everything is a secret code. Keep digging fellow nimble navigators. wwg1lgbtia

have a bump

Will you stupid fucking boomers go back to facebook.
You can do your schizo "investigations" back there.
Now fuck off and quit fucking up the board with this bullshit.

See the white rabbit in the last post.
It seems that all messages are being addressed to someone in particular, who is supposed to be reading them.

There have being operation involving 3DCGI renders of children used to lure out pedos

Spotted the pedo


This is fucking creepy.

Get out pedo

Attached: 516A5CF7-96E6-41EE-B96F-6A735EA10857.png (477x543, 16.23K)

holy fuck this actually unsettled me

It’s a fun game to play at the bar.

Sweetie was one, I believe.

Piper thanks anyone who likes their post, check the likes and then the thank yous in the replies, there's also this thread talking about a new follower and her thanking them for the like.

OP either it is a honey pot or it is CG fags begging a guy to make weird shit and some dude roleplaying as a girl

I would probably not go much further with this shit

>clicked on the thread
who's the stupid boomer now?

Attached: soirage.jpg (225x225, 8.76K)


just say thank to mickey


8 min ago there online now

Not a pedo, but manny follow this girl

Pedos love to self deprecate.

This really is a fucking pedo group. I mean LOOK at this shit!

Attached: 6A429DE1-DA7A-4F89-B74D-1247E55991C5.jpg (750x1077, 174.75K)

Attached: file.png (2000x1328, 3.59M)

Billy struss - Tribute to Dave Sandide.
Channel name is KiddStuffinc. Looks to be the same guy.

lmao, what a fucking boomer

That wall

Attached: Capture d’écran 2020-04-01 à 21.14.42.png (1366x768, 444.16K)

dreamstime. It appears to be an image sharing site, but look at the symbol of the site. Hmmm


alright faggot tell me this is not fuck up

it is a pedo group as I said honey pot or weird fucks either way wouldn't go further

Guys... top left. If you google "abandon hotel room" it's the first result.


Attached: 2020-04-02-004802_649x369_scrot.png (649x369, 418.74K)


Sky Booker. Maybe a hint at job title

my brother who created the original thread and also created a sock puppet account was perma banned

This makes me sick

The face on the body is photo shopped


Tits or gtfo

It’s amanda bynes face

Why don't these stupid ass boomers play Colombo on reddit?

Undoubtedly pesos.

No fucking question.

What do we do? Report all this?

Shouldn't we hit up the FBI?

How deep should we dig?

Honestly I’d just report it to Amanda bynes and her followers by spamming them. But I don’t care.

Spooky af post more creepy rooms

you gonna screech and cry like a bitch every time someone type a Q?

Q Q Q Q Q, get fucked you weakling shitcunt.

what happened to Oprah and Tom Hanks? did you retards get tired of that or did your just forget? you senile old farts cant wait for you to die already.
I hate boomers so much

Michael Mehrhoff took that photo apparently, his fb page is down.
This is his twitter. Following some interesting people.

Banned or blocked? Still I would advise against that since I am sure these people are very receptive if anyone enters their circles, a sudden influx of traffic may tell them that they are being watched by another audience

And the last thread 404's instead of getting archived

What do we do? Report all this?
Investigate without making much noise, then report

Shouldn't we hit up the FBI?

How deep should we dig?
Until we find something that will make the Feds turn their heads

Make a discord before mods ban all threads.

call the fbi newfags

Attached: 1582581037085.jpg (640x640, 84.2K)





Ok. I think I'm seeing too much in nothing. Bare with me.


Christina Bynes, 41, Detroit, Michigan.


Top right corner, Christina Piper Bynes


Abandoned hotel room... in Detroit Michigan...


The same abandoned hotel room image...

Tell me i'm crazy guys.

Attached: learn.jpg (2040x2689, 2.45M)

WTF is this, is this that missing 9 year old from South Dakota?

Attached: Screenshot_20200401-221848_Samsung Internet.jpg (1200x1920, 492.81K)

shes thanking likes on her posts


Anyone report it to the cops?

A user on /x/ said he reported it to multiple sources.

I don't like this


Before you retards call the goddamn feds or leos, take this shit to reddit so you don’t embarrass us.

From Rockerville? Definitely a possibility.

Attached: clownlevels.jpg (1378x3039, 400.16K)

Amanda Bynes had a character that always ended her sentences with please.

anyone archive the sexoffender that matched the twitter from the past thread?

Some content that Mickey likes

Attached: wtf mickey.jpg (1258x1738, 448.54K)


Piper was a child-actress, someone is impersonating her and making those photoshops

Is there any place these pedo shills don't watch to get their defense shilling going? They used to do it right out in the open on facebook. An article would get posted and they would crawl out of everywhere talking about how the pedo is a victim. Pedos need death penalty. Not in minecraft either. kys

Yeah and the last thread just (disappeared) for no reason


OK WTF is going on here

Attached: D8y3WXyWkAAOeuT.jpg_large.jpg (1920x1080, 270.93K)

That account had few followers and views until this board raided it.
It's obviously someone having a giggle or op making the account and then trolling this board.

The schizos on this board never amaze me.

Twitter allows pedos to converse and post so called artwork. It's in their rules now.

Why do Jacob & Mickeys & Pipers names end in 8 numbers

Guys calm the f down ... there's literally full website with 3D stuff like this ... its disgusting I agree , but most of people who watch anime like lolihentai stuff ... just take a look at the website called viphentai... its normal now , its anime ...

this mickey guy, an user found a sex offender registry with a match for child rape or some shit. the thread 404'd right after

Strange shit


>6 zombies

Attached: 1585786210570.jpg (1080x2280, 572.57K)

Something tells me the number she posted goes nowhere.
>I ain’t dialing that shit nigga.jpg

Checkout HeyYall. He has some JB pics in his posting.

Detroit has a huge trafficking problem. Motels get busted all the time for this. I'm not saying you cracked the case, but you may be into something.

The guy who took the picture is from Germany, see my last post.

WTF happened there anyways? Just get deleted for no reason?


What the fuck

>6 dicks

Attached: 1585800149693.png (720x554, 126.9K)

Attached: 96F20D04-CA8F-4281-9DFC-24DADAA39251.png (423x261, 26.68K)


pedophile faggot. Tell us how to decode this fucking pedo-niggers twitter. We know you know how you fucking child diddler.

nuked for no reason yeah. so did the new one on /x/ right before

archive this shit and send pastebin
mods could 404 at any time like last thread

Hotel seems to be a deviant art

Hello ESL. Those creeps don't talk in code and openly defend their bullshit online. These people are hiding something.

>Christina Piper Bynes
Heres her facebook page

fb /piper.bynes.75

I think we figured out who Mickey is

Attached: 1585799847809m.jpg (473x1024, 76.43K)

hello normal Yas Forums person that is definitely not a pedophile shill

Then get the fuck out of here. Go find a thread about dick sizes across the globe you fucking faggot

Something something Serenity Dennard the 9yo girl that went missing.