/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2840 - STATUS: LOCKDOWN

► Detected: 935,958 (+760) ► Died: 47,245 (+53) ► (Reset: -22:18:15)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,629 different strains have been sequenced —

0.4% of all Bergamo died to COVID within a month, despite lockdowns

Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

11 year old in Indonesia has died to coronavirus

Virus can travel 8 meters, stay in air for hours, says MIT

Nurse says red eyes are a common symptom among infected

17 year old in the US dies from infection, no previous conditions

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Wartime conditions in China

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021


03:15: 132 new cases and 5 new deaths in North Carolina.
03:08: 805 new cases and 12 new deaths in Texas.
03:00: 110 new cases and 15 new deaths in Georgia.
02:59: 117 new cases and 6 new deaths in California.
00:50: First death and six other new cases in the Bahamas.
00:44: 89 new cases and 1 new death in California.


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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How do I get orange daddy to raise my allowance?

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USA #1 LMAO Trump is fucked

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>Dead: 47,241
lol, still only 47,241.
How many days has it been stuck at 47,241? Four days? Five days?

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Are you really bitching out? Nigger we love you.

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WHO recap: it's but a mere bamboozle

deebly goncerned
50k dead soon
Africa and central murica probably shafted
pls give gibs
3 months ago we knew almost nothing
we provide the best evidence
pls join solidarity trial

need comprehensive strategy
lockdowns only delay
suveilance and t&t needed-WB
>China lying?
we only count lab confirmed
China is gud boy-G
no big gatherings pls
thank you religious leaders for helping us-WN
>central america?
only beginning just now with outbreaks
social/economic challenges differ between countries
they need to coordinate w/ each other
this is serious,this is a DEADLY virus-WB
4Cs&WHO guidelines following pls-G
more testing
challenging times ahead-WB
too early for results of lockdown
it only delays,surveilance,t&t are key to winning
many unknowns
india gud boi-WN
comprehensive approach needed-G
we're happy to help with policies on this-WB
>Ginger helping?
placebo effect helps
>How to convince nothingburger fags?
20% severe or critical
30yos dying too
huge impact on society
everyone needs to play their part-G
working closely with them
currently reviewing how we can help more-WB
>China lying/WHO manipulated?
so many good info from china wow
pls look at other countries too
we need to be critical AND WE WILL BE-WB
we rely on data china gives us-G
new virus,1st ever corona pandemic
many unknowns-WN
China gave us 4 studies so far-WB

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>Washington reported twice within the last 12 hours after not reporting due to being overwhelmed since Sunday
Wonder if its just a few hospitals at a time

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Your text doesn’t even match your spreadsheet. Bad garybot!

Any Coomers with Corona-chan lewds?

A mystery how the world's third most populous country ended up in that place, when the No.1 fakes the numbers and the No.2 barely has it started.

Repeat after me:


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>There may be something about these illnesses that causes them to have an abundance of ACE-2 open “doors” on the cell surface, Schwartz speculated.

ACE-2 genetic influence is confirmed.

Nothing you schizos say will convince us it's not a nothingburger.

Pffftt this faggot little Nothingburger won’t cause a societal collapse

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It takes a while for the lab to analyze samples. It makes sense to update twice a day.

N-Nothingburger hehe.

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I just punctured all your hazmat suits

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It will not reach 1 million confirmed cases by the end of today. Prove me wrong.

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It's simple to fix lmao
> complete shut down
> don't leave house unless essential worker or for groceries
> Temp halt on bills and debt
> issue tax credit to businesses and low interest loans
> fumigate and disinfect everything
> cremate all dead
> pay health workers double
> testing and medical for covid is free
> issue fines and jail time for people who violate quarantine
> Use this to remove scum and degenerates

Based Bill preaching some truth like always!

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How can one man be this based

Is it just me or is he somekind of republican Max Headroom AI?

>bill punched a chink in the face
kek and based

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It really upsets me when Yas Forumstard offs themselves. Don't fucking do it heroin user

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Bill Mitchell will be corona chan sacrifice, she will only be satisfied when he says "it's a something burger" before death.

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Thicc juicy hambaga! Filled with tasty meat!

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I wan maek babby wiff Corona-chan!

>takes a while to test samples
We shall see, if it goes up again
to claimed to be overwhelmed and getting a case total of less than 400 over 3 days is pretty pussy

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United States 215,215 (5,110) Italy 110,574 (13,155) Spain 104,118 (9,387) China 81,554 (3,312) Germany 77,981 (931) France 56,989 (4,032) Iran 47,593 (3,036) United Kingdom 29,474 (2,352) Switzerland 17,768 (488) Turkey 15,679 (277) Belgium 13,964 (828) Netherlands 13,614 (1,173) Austria 10,711 (146) South Korea 9,976 (169) Canada 9,731 (129) Portugal 8,251 (187) Brazil 6,931 (244) Israel 6,092 (26) Australia 5,105 (23) Sweden 4,947 (239) Norway 4,877 (44) Czech Republic 3,589 (39) Ireland 3,447 (85) Denmark 3,107 (104) Chile 3,031 (16) Malaysia 2,908 (45) Russia 2,777 (24) Ecuador 2,758 (98) Poland 2,554 (43) Romania 2,460 (92) Japan 2,384 (57) Luxembourg 2,319 (29) Philippines 2,311 (96) Pakistan 2,118 (27) India 1,998 (58) Thailand 1,771 (12) Saudi Arabia 1,720 (16) Indonesia 1,677 (157) Finland 1,446 (17) Greece 1,415 (51) South Africa 1,380 (5) Mexico 1,378 (37) Peru 1,323 (47) Panama 1,317 (32) Dominican Republic 1,284 (57)…

United States +212 (+8) South Korea +89 (+4) Canada (+15) Brazil +51 (+2) Mexico +163 (+8) Peru (+9) Argentina (+1) Singapore (+1) Honduras +47 (+4) Guyana (+1) Australia +57 New Zealand +89 Kazakhstan +22 Vietnam +4 Cambodia +1 Paraguay +8 Guatemala +7 El Salvador +8 Grenada +1 Bhutan +1…


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You've still got a lot more to go through, bitch!

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i need all corona-chan lews NOW!why?it's for a very inportant research

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warun seid ihr gemain zu amerikaner?

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post your face when Krispy Kreme is an essential business

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Rural GA reporting in.
We're locking shit down until the 13th. I'm gonna make one last run for weed and snacks tomorrow. Tell OP on /asp/ he's a fag if I don't make it back alive and in good health.

I developed an itchy throat and coof with clear mucus - am I infected bros? I started taking Zyrtec in case it's allergies. No fever yet or shortness of breath.

What is the recovery rate?
How long does it take to recover?
Cases keep rising because nobody recovers? I don't get it anons.

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>Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

JFC you turbo virgin, have you even read the study you're shilling?
you still have the gall to get pissed at raoult when you're shilling such faggotry

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die die die die

Its the same thing in my province *coof*. They can't keep up with the tests even though they aren't doing that many

>Rural GA
>I'm gonna make one last run for weed

Oh shit, my workplace is starting to screen for COVID-19 upon entry, and are issuing masks for employees. Masks make me feel claustrophobic. Fellow Kentuckians, are you beginning to worry? Has current worries gone up another level? When will it end here??

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Recover time is as long as incubation. Deaths vary based on prior conditions. Expect the confirmation numbers by day to be resolved 2 weeks from that point. Either dead, or alive. Primarily alive though

kek, you do realize it's just 60k away, and we're in the beginning of this day.

Is worldometer coronavirus thingy broken for you guys too?


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Frens, when will the US go to war with China over this? This year? Next year? In five years? Never?

goodluck idiots, we did this to ourselves

Why am I solid green again? fuck this.

Even if this faggot little virus kills 1 million Americans(hint: it won't), that's still only, what, 0.3% of the population? This is also taking into account the people who are already on their death beds which make up 90% of the cases. The world has gone insane, stop shilling this autistic flu.

Image that was suppose to be used instead of a reaction.

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Huh? I promise I didn't eat any bats!!

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That bs study doesnt even say what happened on days 7+ and 8 of the 11 patients were cancer riddled or HIV riddled.

Seriously what kind of bullshit is this


They said it on the TV last night and now some people are freaking out and making runs on the bank to take out all their money cause they don't wanna possibly lose their money
It was on TV only though, does anyone have any other type of source on this shit?

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Well I'm fucked

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It's the secondary infection, it's only cured by having sex with a chinese woman from wuhan.

>tfw managed to get a smiley before the end of the joke
all is done

Congratulations! Welcome to pretty much the rest of the country, a week or two ago.

Based, those schizos in Yas Forums really don't know when to give up. China is already at 0 cases/day, the danger has passed.

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>Frens, when will the US go to war with China over this? This year? Next year? In five years? Never?
Declare your debt to China null and void.

It will kill over 3 million americans.

RIP bro

theres a leak in the suit

>Even if this faggot little virus kills 1 million Americans(hint: it won't), that's still only, what, 0.3% of the population?
See, Bin Laden didn't hurt America that much.

Exercising at home sucks

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how is Greece user? How is the invasion from Turkey? Has corona slowed it at least?

What happens if you die in this meme virus simulation

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It's not suppose to happen here! WE'RE FUCKING RURAL GOD DAMMIT ALL!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH

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Spit on your cock and jerk it to the rythmn.

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>First ever Coronavirus pandemic

What is the Spanish flu.

The invasion turned out to be a nothingburger as well. Nobody is talking about it anymore.

you die

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You get b&

>is starting
barely lol.

You may not have eaten any bats but you still caught it and spread it thanks to your faggotry giving you aids.

True. I must say, your state has some of the nicest 4+ lane highways I've been on in the country.

The funny thing is i'm infected right now and im 80% sure i'm suffering a mild case as we speak

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>It will kill over 3 million americans.
No, it will peak this month and then the hospitals will be able to handle it. 50k-500k is my guess.

>It was on TV only though, does anyone have any other type of source on this shit?
No source, but banks going bust is a typical start for an economic crisis. (Companies cannot pay loans back, stocks lose their value etc.)

God damnit, my browser didn't show that post as green, god damn asymptomatic carriers.

reinfection is a thing user
only hidroxy-chan works

>Seriously what kind of bullshit is this
a study made by kikes so doomfaggots turbo-virgins like OP can shill on himalayan basket weaving forums, with the sole intent of discrediting a cheap as fuck drug that at worse will make the people that used them before (lupus, rheumatism) have a little difficulty in finding them while the drug is tried, and at best can help save most of the world's health systems from collapse
pure and complete koshery

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Our local super markets haven't even put up plastic dividers or given masks to cashiers at the grocery. County is up to 13 cases. Yes I saw it in pictures from fren I'm not leaving but he's a nothing burger

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an influenza pandemic, retard

I love how everybody is ignoring the fact that China curbstomped the virus before it even began.
We should be thankful that their industry is about to rebound. I wouldn't be surprised if they are the last country standing after this. They handled it like pros. SARS was a blessing in disguise.

Welcome to the inflected club

They throw your wretched corpse in an open pit and leave you for the birds.

Good luck user

sounds like you're in trouble bro

May as well keep posting Corona until I'm cured.

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are you that hairy brown guy who pretends to be an anime girl?

If you buy that China curbstomped the virus, and that they are rebounding, I've got a Wuhan wet market I'd like to sell you.

Ok chang.

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Aren't they?! KY driving is pretty comfy, even if you drive in the eastern hills and mountains.

That hasn't been reported here. In fact, the media have been very careful not to focus on the economic effect so far.

Not if you have a pair of gymnastics rings and you're not weak

>What is the Spanish flu.
Was that a coronavirus.

>The invasion turned out to be a nothingburger as well. Nobody is talking about it anymore.
It was never more than a "few" thousand people. If they manage dto enter, many more would have followed. However, they know that it's currently pointless due to all the closed borders. Certainly not a "nothingburger."

may as well

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>Unironically believing China's numbers.

fema puts you in an unmarked plastic bin in a state park forest

Clear mucus is viral. Call the public health line and may God have mercy on your soul, breh.

"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of 20 million is a bad flu season we would usually ignore if the Democrats weren't politicizing it."

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'noo don't trust an entire government, trust me, a schizo on the internet'

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