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we already knew the estimated death total will be 100,000-250,000 people.

You know how many leafs I could fit in 100,000 body bags? About 37.5 million.

but body bags ordered tho

proud to be a leaf, faggot

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100,000 people found in DUMB's you say?

If you really think about it, 100k - 200k is nothing when you got whole cities with x6 that in population.

Yeah, for the estimated death count. You prefer to have bodies rotting and piling up instead?

God damnit Trump. If we have 100,000 body bags and only 50,000 die, those extra 50,000 body bags will spoil and rot in 6 months. Absolutely huge waste of money.

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Looks like there is finally an excuse to use all those black plastic coffins FEMA were stocking up on.

Prepare for the worst, expect the best.

Democrats are already angry at Trump for missing the 200,000 dead targets they set.

They’ve had those plastic coffins for years ANYONE RMEMEBER

Right because people are going to stop dying once this over

Cremation containers


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Post a source, you lazy nigger

>They’ve had those plastic coffins for years ANYONE RMEMEBER

They're for veterans, we bury them daily when they get old and die at vet cemeteries all over the USA. Saves money because the volume is too high to use concrete vaults.


Democrats taking election meddling to a whole new level

why wouldn they use the coffins they already have...

>dead old people
>dead fatties
>dead drug addicts
>dead spics
>dead jews
>dead city people


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By June, maybe

By the end of this it's going to be 20,000,000

Um no it's not happening sweatie, your racist conspiracy theory is a nothingburger

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I thought FEMA already had these...that's all I read about from around 2006 to 2017.

why do they need body bags if they already have the coffins

Nah, the deaths in the USA alone will be over a million
This low-ball crap is literally based on doing EVERYTHING that China did in Wuhan PLUS their likely FAKE numbers
There is no way the USA can or will implement Wuhan level measures over the entire country
So, the deaths will be over 1 mil, not to mention the deaths from other stuff indirectly caused by this pandemic

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Literally going to come from nyc, la, sf, chicago and other giant fuckin cities.

Take a look at Wuhan, and how many people died. Even with the measures they took to try and stop it.
Now, look at the US. And the measures it's taking.
It's going to be a lot LOT more then just 250,000 people. You're looking at easily 1/2 Americans being dead if not in critical condition.

gotta contain the smell before placing them in coffins


Smells like failure of capitalism.

>it's claimed
lmao, by an anonymous White House source I imagine.

what for? is the coffin gonna complain?

>If it's not [17]0,000 body bags it's fake news

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That sucks. Thanks for serving your country, as we unceremoniously dump you into a rubbermaid

You don't want to just dump a diseased body into the ground, because contaminants from it can leak into ground water. So you put it into a bag to prevent that from happening.

Yes, Alex Jones and Jessie Ventura were checking out a stash of them.

Liar. I've been to many military funerals. They are always cremated and put in the ground, or small concrete vault.

Is that coomer at a rave?

>because contaminants from it can leak into ground water
Absolute rubbish.

Imagine if China wasn't lying. There are MILLIONS of dead Chinese.
>Its too late, the entire country must be purged!

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I hope since we're buying in bulk we got a discount.

>Always cremated
All the military/veteran funerals I've been to involved caskets

>get out on the town
What does he mean by this?

I think both are right

Any check who supplier is? I’m guessing it’ll be a coincidence

Weird. I film military funerals like 4 or 5 times a year, and I've only seen cremations. However, that might depend on the Cemetary.

You subhuman foliage. You literal leaf.

How dare you speak, you pale iceberg nigger. How dare you open your chapped lipped, syrup guzzling mouth?

You are human trash, Justin Mustafa Cheng Le Zhonghang. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and flag decor offers no hope to the world that your wretched tundra will be anything more than America's hat. Crawl back in to the frozen igloo you came out of, you literal inuit.

I hope you decide to ride your dogsled into the boreal wasteland, as is in the eskimos nature, never to return to the freakshow you call a "civilization." Go smoke the very leaf you paint your flag with. Canadians obsession with marijuana is hilarious but sad. Uninterestingly, its the only thing they consider worth living for, besides diversity. The DUDE WEED LMAO sentiment in the average syrup-coon Canadian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults, despite leafs arguing that it cures both.

Take your pasty, frostbitten fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about geopolitics again, you mockery of our vegetable kingdom.. No amount of daily shitposting will make your country relevant. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of Justin Trudeau actually legalizing weed.

You leaf.

You make Australia look like a beacon of competent, wholesome dialogue.

You are the Baltimore of online discussion.

Go fertilise the icefields with the corpses of baby seals, its all your country is known for. For the first time in your life, leaf, you can demonstrate superiority over another living being. Sasquach. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Canadian "man" won a war.

Die, Pierre. No one would miss you. Except for Turkish shitposters, who now would have no one to make them look good.

>wrap you diseased body in plastic before putting it in a plastic coffin
do you wash the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher too?

Big brains in DC were raising alerts about coronavirus back in February and earlier, its true. You know what else was going on? A bullshit phony impeachment that took up 100% of democrat lawmakers time and distracted the trump whitehouse. Its now those very same people saying that trump didnt act fast enough...the hypocrisy is almost beyond comprehension

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Checked and this


Private investigator Faggot is on the case it seems. You get that evil orange man, comrade!!!!

you saying bags are gonna rot nigga?

Body bags are biodegradable and are usually made from pineapple skins or other discarded fruit.

Letting those things sit basically turns them into prison wine.

When did everyone and their mom become a PhD in Epidemiology
I bet most of you couldn't even explain a hypothesis test

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This is /pol, nigger. Our collective IQ is the highest on Earth.


based arthas

so you are tell me i need to die to get free body bag. We truly live in society.

yeah they've been saying minimum of 200k dead for the last few days of press briefings, it's would make sense that they'd need bags for em..

FEMA already has hundreds of thousands of body bags and coffins. This is just theft of funds.

i met a leaf once.

i gotta be honest user, i was disappointed.

"uh user, why do you have a gun in your car"?

"uhh user, what are you doing with a pocket knife"?

"uhh user, is that ANOTHER gun"?

leafs dont understand the need to not suck government cock, because they were born with the cucked cock gene. i guess it happens in all canadian hospitals. so much that they dont even tag the babies, they just rotate them based on which one is ready.


i was like

>fuck you leaf, muh guns is none of your goncern.

hillbilly user out

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If you incinerate them you just need a few bags or a light wind.

great news if all the obese people die, that's like 40% of dead weight in US

Why didn't they just use those FEMA coffins you spergs were chirping about ten years ago

This fag is here all the time

Why can't they just use the 100k they ordered for Obama's FEMA camps?

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>hypothesis test

Is that like a sheep dog trial but with hippos?

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if you're burning the bodies you don't need bags at all

Who ready for the 3 day blackout?

>enough bags for 0.04% of the population
buckle up buckaroo

Everybody can go home to their families.

I’m only going to say this once.


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Just snap my legs out of the pelvis, fold me in half and throw me into a contractors bag then tape it with some gorilla tape. Said and done.

They can't immediately put them in the plastic coffins?

That was easy... you selling them at a 1000% markup?