and left it with thermonuclear weapons
Stalin found Russia with the wooden plow
Why do you keep posting this every single day
He also left with several million less citizens not include those who died in WW2
daily reminder always kill a commie
industrial revolution was already starting in russia just lagging behind western europe. tzar nicholas was ready to make concessions to serfs and for a constitutional monarch. commies came in and ruined everthing
and an unsustainable economic and political system
>thermonuclear weapons
you mean weapons made by germans
Are nuclear weapons supposed to be some sort of great achievement? Even third-world shitholes like Pakistan and North Korea have nukes.
He was tough as nails.
Ran the entire Soviet Union from his desk, transformed the Soviet Union into a superpower.
But died after lying hours soaked in his own piss after having a stroke and guards were too scared to open his door.
>Communism is the only way to modernize a country
>"In industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race"
Hmmmm, I guess Stalin was eternally BTFO'd by Kaczynski
You use that word thermonuclear as though it's the principal thing.
Thermonuclear was tech from 1937, perfected and increasd to contenent-ending sizes by 1950's.
The tech out today is 3 to 9 times more destructive than this.
You're not allowed to talk about it and it scares the shit out of me, so I don't. But the human race now has the ability to destroy all life on this planet if we want to.
So it's kind of important that you and I evolve past warfare. Because the next real war, I'm talking real gloves off war, will make the planet uninhabitable for a thousand years.
With the people or animals who cling to life and repopulate, the religion will be about the ancients from 50 to 500 million years ago who had tech to travel to the stars, but now it's just this curious metal and plastic you find buried in the ground as you forage for food.
overall more people once he incorporated the eastern bloc
the tsar was a hated incompetent.
russia was 100 years behind the west during his rule.
good ole stalin had to catch up 100 years of progress in just 20.
it was, during stalin's rule.
>Are nuclear weapons supposed to be some sort of great achievement?
at that time, yeah.
stop strawmanning me
Reminder Alexander II was literally, unironically on his way to make official the adaptation of a constitution for the Russian Empire when a Marxist retard blew him up.
Once again, Marxists ruining everything for everyone.
>russia was 100 years behind the west during his rule.
[citation needed]
every fucking russian writer who lived in that era
>overall more people once he incorporated the eastern bloc
Wtf are you retarded, that doesn't mean shit. He killed millions of his own people, creating puppet states as a spoils of war doesn't make up for this
Sure bud. Czarist Russia was a pushover. Which is why they were the primary pain in the ass to Kaiser Wilhelm.
Fuck off gypo cuck
Try a minor amount of research next time you kike fucktard.
whats your opinion on nicolae ceausescu
what are you trying to say?
overall he did good things.
he overextended the country's capabilities trying to further develop it.
how strong is the communist nostalgia in Romania
those over 40 say it was better then.
Shut up you fucking retard, you know NOTHING!
>nuclear weapons
imagine believing this shit LMFAO
now post how the peasants lived
perfidious albion, please.
it's what protects the north koreans from being carpet bombed.
its amazing what man can acheive when he wholly disregards all inherent dignity in humanity
"Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator."
Russia was the second largest economy only behind the UK, fuck off with the fake underdeveloped bullshit kike lies!
>no actual sauce
gj, ge
Read dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, they will tell you how beautiful was the aristocracy
I'm saying pre-Bolshevik (aka the kike takeover) Russia was hardly some under-developed backwater. Also, you could argue Jewish exploitation of the peasant class via the alcohol, gambling and sugar industries was far more oppressive to the peasant population than the various Czars Nicholas and Alexander. And the various Pogroms were aimed primarily at settling the mostly migrant Jewish population and have them contribute agriculturally or via labor to the Russian economy. The Jewish Question was the origin for the problems of the peasant class, not the policies of Czarist Russia. Russia without the Bolsheviks or Stalin (and certainly without the Jews) would likely been even more powerful than they were in the 20th Century. Your argument that Stalin contributed to the advancement of Russia is disingenuous at best.
>Read dostoyevsky and Tolstoy
Now do Solzenhitsyn. Particularly his last two-part book.
the guy no one takes seriously in russia?
>Your argument that Stalin contributed to the advancement of Russia is disingenuous at best.
how can you make such a blatantly false statement? shame on you.
>how can you make such a blatantly false statement? shame on you.
You have the state of the Russian Army pre-Bolshevik and you have the overall GDP being the 2nd in the world before Stalin that indicate Stalinist policies were detrimental rather than positive. Both previously cited Now ... do you have any numbers or facts that can back up the bullshit you spew about Stalin?
Based, the final redpill
>overall GDP
muh gdp
hang yourself
>the guy no one takes seriously in russia?
Pulitzer Prize winner. Documented the atrocities of Stalinist Russia. Inconvenient facts that you seem too quick to dispose of.
Millions of those people were class traitors, race traitors, Jews, and degenerates
yeah he is admired by westerners, while in russia he is seen as a traitor who deserved worse
>Read dostoyevsky and Tolstoy
Got it, I'm sure Dostoyevsky would have totally approved, based on the moral didacticism of 'Crime and Punishment', of the treatment of Czar Nicholas and his children. I doubt you have actually read Dostoyevsky either. I think you missed the overall point that murder is not justifiable, under any circumstances, but redemption is possible.
>yeah he is admired by westerners, while in russia he is seen as a traitor who deserved worse
Much like every other assertion you have made, this one is also unsourced and based solely on your personal opinion. I wish idiot Commies like you would actually pick up a book and read it some time instead of just pretending you read.
you're also a liar
Ben? That you ben6?
Not really
What kind of sick people worship a mass murderer? Oh yeah, Russians.
>you're also a liar
Now do a graph that includes more than 4 years of Czarist Russia. I'm waiting.
you're a liar and I won't find any more graphs.
Uh, Stalin just expanded on what Lenin did.
Russia wasn't also an agragian country before Lenin took over also, they joined in WW1 for christ sake.
>if you join wars then this means that you're an advanced country
>you're a liar and I won't find any more graphs
Nah ... I'm not a liar, but you are a nigger. You just don't understand the difference between gross GDP and per capita GDP and unwittingly made my point. I was correct when I stated that they had the 2nd largest GDP and economy, this wasn't adjusted for the population. When adjusted for population, their per capita GDP was 6th (what you cited). Which, if you also look at the population decline under Stalin, shows where their economic gain comes from. When your economy is stagnate but you murder millions of people, your per capita GDP can increase without any actual economic gains, which is exactly what your data indicates and which is exactly what happened. Stalin contributed nothing to Russia except killing people under a stagnate economy.
Ethiopia was in WWII
>I was correct when I stated that they had the 2nd largest GDP
you are again lying
Imagine being this retarded
North Korea has a "military first" policy and got nukes like 60 years later than the USSR
Retarded faggot doesn't understand russian history and proceeds to blame jews for everything.jpg
>you are again lying
Look, we've already established that you aren't an ethnic Romanian, but are in fact a nigger refugee posing as a Romanian. Please for the love of God at some point understand what PER CAPITA means before making another post on this board you larping faggot. Pic is from the source you provided.
where i can find recent polls on east europe about how people feel about communism
Glad the Marshal knew what to do with the (((rootless cosmopolitans))) then.