/CMG/ corona mutation game - ROUND 4

the first 10 replies with doubles (or higher) decide what body parts / features to add, go

Attached: round3.png (546x546, 133.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you cannot use any previous parts:

>double chin
>laughing emoji
>nigger lips
>estrogen suppository
>shitting dick-nipples
>cute bird feet
>manly stache
>Anal beads
>jew face butthole
>kosher schnozzle
>discord employee badge
>A Mexican somebrero
>Rob Schneider’s hair
>pepe arms
>leaf head
>gondola legs
>Evil dead deadites styled facial features
>Pair of Coomer arms, right one massive left tiny
>star of david
>cute neko cat ears
>kike nose made out of a dickhead
>Chainmail harness
>Nigger cat on leash

Attached: round2.png (795x802, 241.87K)

and here is the result from round 1

Attached: round1.png (469x408, 113.95K)

Pregnant Anne Frank

Attached: Anne Frank.jpg (701x1979, 386.97K)

sharpie in pooper

Pew die pie tattoo


Can I re roll since the thread is so slow?

yeah, last threads moved really fast weird

I’m not imaginative enough to come up with something else aaaaa
Dang it so funny I wish it was

A Pair of purple merchant hands.

Attached: 1579926297670.jpg (540x381, 88.4K)


Attached: 1746619F-D8D4-44CB-B2B7-B3D091C29594.png (700x695, 394.34K)

wasted digits you didn't name a body part lol

>a fucking leaf

Vagina Dentata!





Pewdiepie tattoo on face reeee

Attached: C5F7B33C-65D7-4F5C-A039-7A8A11356153.png (514x382, 438.41K)

A smoke stack


prolapsed ears

Based post-electioner

>Nigel Thornberry

Lizard tits

Attached: IMG_20200331_140408.jpg (3015x1566, 229.58K)

iDubbbz watching his gf get fucked by tyrone behind that mutant

all wasted

One reroll:

>Maga hat

Attached: 1585528321241m.jpg (1024x1024, 99.59K)

you need to post a body part or feature to make one character

iDubbbz watching his gf get fucked by tyrone on top of head


>mortal kombat theme music

Corona causes androgen shifting to estrogen in males, forcing Yas Forums to become trains once inevitably infected

Top Hat

pls be patient hat

Humongous from the neck gorset up.

Attached: 1583608333572m.jpg (1024x768, 161.55K)

hitler head

huge buck teeth like from racist caricatures of chinks

Shitting out an american flag

Small benis, huge balls

two wieners, as nipples of course

Cat girl head

A butt with a pewdiepie tattoo

swastika tattoo on dick shaft

Leddit head

1. Shitting out an american flag
>9 remaining

1. Shitting out an american flag
2. Leddit head


add like 50 dicks

Attached: 1575949238068.jpg (666x666, 71.9K)

add like 3 dicks

Bump, i'll hold off on doing any more rolls until this thing starts taking shape

Make it naruto running

add a chinaman coofing

good job retard. rolling for giant nigger dick

M00t face

Give it ayy eyes

Bitch tits showing on the shirt

God damn I am on fire

I already have the first two parts. Not like there is a shortage of digits

add a giant pair of tiddies

Idubbbz face

Wait, do we have a limit on how many times we can post on the thread or not?

inb4 wasted digits, rerolling for idubbbz face

I'll do a roll for this one


1. Shitting out an american flag
2. Leddit head
3. Bitch tits showing on the shirt

7 remaining

Covid ball body

Penis swastika legs

swastika shaped pupils

Holding a bottle of onions

Kek. Rolling for this one

cross necklace

Attached: sfSW58NyHsk34ACFSdG3Lc25r.png (749x920, 848.23K)

duck penis on forehead

Holding a bottle of onions*


booted foot curbstomping a bucktoothed chink's head

using HIV needle as toothpick

Bottle of s.o. Y lent* fuck this shitty filter

Vaginas shitting bloods

Another rollerino

swastika tattoo somewhere

tattoo of toilet paper roll on fupa

hitler mustache

BLC (big latino cock)

Scorpion tail with chink coofing face on the end

Two cheap Vietnamese hookers at his side

Attached: 1507420985887.jpg (264x239, 23.98K)

get away from me

newfags can't triforce

Rerolling for this one


AK-47 stuck up asshole buttstock first

I was going to say something similar but I like this better so reroll for this