So what's the issue with transsexual people anyway?

So what's the issue with transsexual people anyway?
If someone feels it will make them happy how does that affect you?

Attached: tranny.jpg (1002x1249, 245.58K)

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Wow she is built for BBC.

Because they rarely keep to themselves. If they didn't push their mental illness on the rest of us I wouldn't care

They're upset that they sometimes have to see ugly trans people which makes them feel disgusted. I get it, I'm trans and I also hate seeing hons. That's why we need to support early transition so that all trans people can pass perfectly.

Mentally ill abominations
They promote their illness on vulnerable children
Those children might be yours in the future


When tranny woman get married?

>blocking kids from puberty and feeding their mental illnesses is fine
good goy


It's degenerate and should not be allowed on the simple basis that it violates nature.

Oh, and 40%. Dil8

ok groomer

I was fapping and then saw a tranny and now my boner won’t come back thanks faggot

Nogs can have the troons

She's not a tranny don't worry


Green Box

I’m transgender and I hate most trans people. A lot of them are incredibly obnoxious and make their personal issues public events. Most are ugly and don’t care that they don’t pass, and want you to accept them even if they look like a fucking man in a wig, like how fat girls want you to accept they’re healthy and beautiful when they’re fucking ugly and lard ass. I honestly cannot stand them and ive considered just calling myself a femboy to distinguish myself from this crowd. They also promote mutilating your dick as some end all cure everyone can ascend to but conveniently ignore the suicide rate after people start dilating for the first time. On one hand I try hard to save these people but on the other it gets so fucking tiring to listen to them just parrot their ideas about getting rid of their penis as if that’s some normal conversational topic and not an absolute FUCK NO red flag in their brain. These days I tend to just not mention anything and if someone clocks me I shrug it off anyway. I hate trannies

Well my boners not coming back now
Maybe I’ll go do something with my life because of it

>If someone feels it will make them happy how does that affect you
it's an aggression on my mental well being.

Whats up with this green box?

OP Pic is not trans. She is HAF. Fuck trannys. Fucking gross.

They take up with our castoff women, why not our castoff men too?

You are part of the problem

>How does it affect you what other people do to their own bodies
>Anyways, you need to let trans people have access to your children
>You are obligated to allow the state to use the resources you provide them with to perform trans pride rallies
>It's imperitive that transitioning be considered urgent medical care and immoral to expect trans people to fund it themselves, it's your responsibility to provide that care
>You should face legal reprecussions if you misgender someone
>Now tell me, what possible reason could you have for complaining about trannies? How do they effect you in any way?

Why are leftists such blatantly dishonest debaters? Do they think the same tricks their wranglers use on them will work on others? Are they just monkeys repeating the mantra they were told? Are they incredibly dishonest or incredibly stupid?

Fuck tranners and faggots. First they didn't want to get beat up. Fair enough. Then they wanted protection against workplace discrimination. Fair enough. Then they wanted marriage for the same legal financial benefits hetero couples get. Fair enough. But the degenerate pride parades, media normalization, pronoun police, sissy BBC hypno, making public restroom and gender science political... I'm ready to grab some rope and start draggin fags behind my truck like the good ol days.

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Because the state and multiple corporations want to force me to respect their delusions. Trannies deserve nothing but disrespect

They use children as tools to normalize their dysgenic and degenerate behavior. They never wanted to “just be left alone to live their lives as they see fit.” Their mere presence undermines healthy intersexual relationships and disrupts the intergenerational passing of the torch from parent to child. They are the culmination of the divorce of sexual pleasure from reproduction and the epitome of malignant narcissism.

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>im gonna knowingly cut my dick off
>i havent even put it in a vagina yet
>im sane
>accept this you fucking straight white man


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whatever you fucking hue monkey brazilians are 90% of the consumers of trannies in media so suck my dick like we know you want to after you get off Yas Forums

Lurk more


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Is coffee good for you?

Answer the fkn question

Kek newfaggy here ples tell me how to get greenbox

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Forced acceptance and get singled out if you don't accept trannies, you get called every name in the book. LGBT and trans events forced on us also via marketing, because shit sells.
Questions like: but I am a (biological) woman why won't men date me?
Things like: I am going to pretend I am a woman and then when I get beaten up, because I have a penis and I lied, it's the guys fault.
Most are trannies ugly and are still masculine and most important of all no you can never be a real woman.
LGBT people and trannies lashing out at public, beating cis people up and this is the world we are living in.

I have nothing to do with their distorted self-image and mental issues.


fuck you moishe

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What do you mean you hate trannies? You are one. You hate yourself?

Old fag from 2004. Fuck off poser. I out. Kids and their toys that think they're special

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The trips seal your fate.

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>So what's the issue with transsexual people anyway?
mental illness
>If someone feels it will make them happy how does that affect you?
mental illness does not have a good effect on society or other individuals. See psychopaths, narcissists. Tolerance failed and is no longer an option. The pre pandemic world and all its excesses is dying, including the LGBT fraud and the multiculturalist fraud.

They're both incredibly dishonest and incredibly stupid.

Also the grooming thing that other posters have mentioned is real. In the interracial trans circles, they even talk about grooming very, very young white boys to be trans and take BBC.

Not a cuck larp, I found this out while looking for tranny porn when I was a Yas Forumstard.

I grew up in the 90’s, when being upset about trannies was akin to being upset about schizophrenics… they were just some weird people with a mental disorder that you never met in real life and rarely came up in conversation. Being “against” them would have seemed really bizarre, since they barely existed.

So I’m more bothered about the fact that they have somehow become a prominent aspect of the culture, than I am about trannies themselves.

imagine being this addled by age
get coughed on, boomer

>You should face legal reprecussions if you misgender someone
>It's imperitive that transitioning be considered urgent medical care and immoral to expect trans people to fund it themselves, it's your responsibility to provide that care

This ^
The perfect western utopia in which we have to suffer so they can achieve 'happiness' by them still looking male but botched up

These sickos catch HIV to 'belong' and then actively spread it making themselves a burden on the medical profession (and their hormone drug and surgical 'procedures' are already an unnecessary one. Best to sling them in dedicated mental institutions and have them do work in them that can offset the cost

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They try to promote and are succeeding at promoting genital mutilation and hormone "therapy". If it were only adults doing this shit to themselves it would be fine as they're effectively taking themselves out of the gene pool, but they're tricking kids into thinking that they've been born the wrong gender and groom them to do irreparable harm to their bodies. Unsurprisingly, every tranny I've spotted walking down the street during those pride parades or read about are pedos in some form.
CASE IN POINT is this FAGGOT >I'm trans
>we need to support early transition
I don't know about you, but I'd rather my cousins not be in the presence of these inhuman bastards at all. Out of all my families newest generation, I'm the oldest at 21. My youngest cousin is only 2 so I'd rather him not get completely fucked in the head by these demonic looking fluro haired cunts.
Further more, it's not just the trannies themselves that causes me to despise them, it's also the bloody corporations and politicians that wish to support their incredibly fucked world view.

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Yes, bug chasing is also disgustingly common.

Because they infect others with their mental illness.

I don't understand why Nazis sterilizing children is bad and trannies sterilizing children is good.

Leeeaaaaaffff NOOOOOOO! That's our thing!

It's not that they are doing what they want with their bodies... it's their incessant pushing of their degenerate behavior on others... most notably our children. It's the same reason I hate gays.

I don't fucking know. I really don't have the slightest clue as to how anyone could think listening to the advice of trannies about sterilizing healthy children would be a good thing. The only times a kid should be sterilized is if they're born a downy potato.

they won't shut up

People don't need to transition as a treatment for dysphoria. I experienced dysphoria for much of my life and could've easily transitioned, a lot of transgender people insisted I should, ridiculed me for being unsure, belittled my suffering etc trying to push it on me. In the end it turns out that working through a lot of trauma and healing spiritually is what I actually needed. If I had listened to their "support" or followed through I would've just been destroying my body and any shot I could have at a normal life. It's one thing as plastic surgery, sure whatever, but as a medical treatment underlying issues should be handled and transition shouldn't be pushed.

It feels a lot like transitioned trannies try to push their decisions on others to validate themselves rather than actually respecting anything. They don't even see each other as members of their chosen gender, only seek to have others validate their identity and choices while ripping each other apart. It's absolute poison.

The entire disease is just spiritual sickness and a need to work through trauma. I can respect people's choices, but I think it's important that we work through transgender problems honestly in a medical setting as far as actual help goes.

If that's a tranny then we have officially peaked. Imagine having a man that looks like a real female. All the ups and none of the downs. Sign me up!



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I encourage retards to cut their dicks off
I just do not want to be forced to like them

What's wrong supermarket was all out of tendies?

>German incel shill salivating over heavily used kike pussy

Like pottery.

This Kraut cock about to invade her pussy.

>If someone feels it will make them happy how does that affect you?
I want them to make me happy.

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Based leaf

>If someone feels it will make them happy how does that affect you?

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More and more people will start doing crazy shit. They want the news all day, the see their loved ones getting fired, the shelves at the local supermarket are empty and they just snap. And this is just the beginning. Imagine 3 more months of this?

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Theres no way this is an actual tranny. please fucking tell me its not

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not everyone experiences dysphoria the same way. Just because you think that transitioning wouldnt have worked for you doesnt mean that other people are wrong when they say it worked for them. The diagnosis for gender dysphoria may be objective but noone is claiming that transitioning is the end all be all to treat it.

look at the hip bones