Its about to go down U.S ships are in our waters
Its about to go down U.S ships are in our waters
Bout god damn time.
So Trump's gonna try and distract from corona by couping Venezuela and taking their oil
This has been in the works for a while flutard
Rare flag. Also git fukked drug lords
The 52nd state?
lel Trinidad and Tobago is not even a real country
your flag sounds like something a nigger would rap about.
We have a giant surplus of oil, why would we want their oil?
Uhhh. user. You don't have any waters. Not anymore any way.
Venezuela has been ripe for the taking for a while now. No leadership at all. Better USA than Russia or Iran or Israel or some other country takes it.
No they're in OUR waters. Read the Monroe doctrine and Roosevelt corollary. The entire Western hemisphere belongs to US, just be grateful we allow you to exist in it.
The point isn't to take their oil to sell it, retard. It's to keep them from selling it so we can keep the price of shale oil from dropping even further.
American oil companies are on life support right now and need every bit of help they can get to stay afloat.
Noooo not the heckin venezolinos !!’
These parasites are everywhere. Soon they bring "democracy" to you.
Please don't kill Maduro, I want see him hang himself in prison
Shiiieeet is Maduro liberating us?
don't worry bros, help you didn't ask for is on it's way
Get back to your fabela, you stupid monkey
>War between Egypt and Ethiopia/Sudan
>Hungarian dictatorship just formed
>US to invade Venezuela
The 2nd Cold War just started because of this flu. Expect things like this to become normal.
God... i can't wait to kill some venezuelans and rape their women in the name of freedom.
Your point is weak, we don't need their oil.
“Your oil, give it.”
They are picking up some yayo
Quiet monkey jew.
Good hope they take that motherfucker down.
been waiting to return to my homeland and start a business, this goes for a million other venezuelans.
Lets open this bitch up to free trade bay bay
Nice flag bro
>He can't into geopolitics or petrodollar
Yes of course, we're invading Venezuela because we are oh so concerned about their drugs. However Mexico is just fine being literally run by cartels at every level of government, no invasion there necessary.
yup, while the chink flu is distracting everyone he's going to invade Venezuela and start bombing cartels in mexico
lol whats this picture
Oscar Perez did not die in vain.
Venezuela boutta get fisted . Fuckin commie spics.
Don't Trump need Congress to declare war?
Not anymore.
But it's unconstitutional?
The reason we can't just fix Mexico is that communist countries will just flood more of their comrades in. That is why Mexico is helping u fight Venezuela.
The constitution doesn't matter anymore, sorry to break it to up you.
Can we get some livestreams?
Yes, yes it is
Let’s go liberate Venezuela and fuck there whitest women!!!!
I hope they stay out of colombia. Also no refugees alowed here.
Of course not. Don't you believe D.Sec Mark Esper and Prez Trump? We're sending a huge Naval armada to Mexico's Southern-East coast, Central America, and the Southern most of the Caribbean to "interdict and intercept" Venezuelan "cartels" who are using narco subs. I mean, it's not like we put a bounty on Maduro's head. relax bro.
Gotta get a handle on some new oil. Venezuela stopped accepting US dollars for oil a few years ago. That's how the US had been keeping its currency value stable with Saudi Arabia, the Saudis sold oil in US dollars to the whole world since the 70s. Obama pissed them off, they're currently trying to wreck Russia with an oil war, and we're all topsy turvy over coronavirus, so since we've been trying to PNAC Venezuela for a while anyway, figured we may as well hop on in and get the show on the road. Kick off was earlier this week with the drug charges.
That's the best time to go for Venezuela. Russia and China are too busy solving problems in their own shithole.
It's also a good revenue boost for american companies. Defense contractors will need to build new bombs/missiles/guns.... oh boy! freedom is coming!
Top kek
Venazuela girls are fucking hot. We can give them all the cocaine we seized from Maduro. It can be a nice party.
Sup big bro
be honest with me, how many days have maduro?
So that China and Russia don't.
we wouldnt want to get infected with corona
You have to admit. There is no better time to attack Venezuela. Especially with the collapse of oil. All thanks to our and Israel's M.E. ally, Saudi Arabia.
Yes! More dumb spics to babysit! Can't wait.
Why do billionaires want more billions when most will die without having spent all their billions?
Ain't shit gonna happen.
Venezuela is so fucked up that if US Marines set foot on that country, Venezuelans would clap out loud at them.
Besides Maduro and the rest of their gang are financing the destruction of our country and Constitution so fuck them.
>Also no refugees alowed her
i doubt this wwill take long america dont want to embarrass themselves AGAIN all these fucking vermin will finally be going back home
i can confirm that
Puerto Rico flag? lol
A territory treated as a second class, which cannot elect its president.
they actually do have their vote counted for the present
they just don't have any seats in the senate or get to vote on constitutional amendments (which rarely happens anyway)
America has to do it.
We are going to stop Venezuelans from killing Venezuelans, so we are going to kill Venezuelans.
How do you even have internet access in Cuba?
fuck you faggot we control the whole Caribbean & if it wasnt for the CIA a union was about to be formed a United Islands of the west indies with us at the head 44 million strong But no the CIA hand to cripple it becasue america want slaves to serve them Rum Punch on vacation
>Better than Russia, china, or Iran.
Yes. It's the Monroe doctrine. If old world powers try to interfere in the new world, the US will try to prevent it. Or something like that.
Can we send all those venezuel*n immigrants back after the coup, Trump? Please?
How many Venezuelan refugees does your island have? Considering its proximity and also that I hear Trinidad and Tobago is stable by regional standards, it would surprise me if they've flooded all across the nation. This changed demographics in any significant way?
>Its about to go down
Russia sold all their oil stakes in VZ for a reason, they know what’s coming.
Rum and Coca Cola
Sure thing, Maduro
I’m from South Florida and the amount of fine Venezuelan women is insane. They all want White guys too.
Doesnt america still have some weird law or rule that makes it so they must dominate south america at all times?
This is a cute LARP, but there is nothing in Venezuela that the US would want.
OVER 100K THESE FUCKERS ARE landing by the fucking boatload daily & on top of that fucking Venezuelans fucking pirates are landing on our beaches garbing our children & demanding U.S & buckets of KFC as ransom
Fucking Christ! Why would we do this NOW, of all times? This is fucking moronic. We got China to contend with,l—that’s a full plate already.
the kid will still become a mestizo or whatever. then the genes will takeover and hispano pride will kick in
Is this bait or are you really that retarded?
>and thats why they are doing all this in record time