Aus/pol/ Communist Chinese students in Melbourne

Hey anons,

Check out this video of Chinese Nationals who are currently studying in Australia, and who support some rather drastic positions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, it's really cool how those 2 Chinese girls can breathe through their noses really well. I would love to cuddle with them, comfort them and caress their noses, as they silently and easily breathe through their noses.

WTF? Do you have a fetish for Asian women who can breathe through their nose?

no answer weirdo?

How long does cenno take to review applications?

He's a nose fetishist. They're generally not responsive

Why are you even letting the chinese stay in your schools? (((racism))) problems or something?

money, they essentially fund our universities. i can't fucking watch this video, it makes me retch.

Interesting video.

tell me again why the fuck we allow chinks in our homelands?

Christ even basic free thoughts are off limits.

>and you don't think the government in china does anything wrong??
>unanimous no from all slants

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The Chinese essentially own Australia at this point. Our government allows and encourages them to buy all our land, businesses, resources and water. At this point we are without a doubt a colony for China.


I don't blame you man this is definitely gut wrenching.

>the absolute state of white nations
It makes my soul weep

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You niggers should really research and understand the Lima Declaration.

Good afternoon gentlemen,
I hate all non-whites.

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That's genuinely disgusting user.

watch literally 4 or 5 seconds, enough for me thx
sneering Levantine gentleman assumes that we're all on his page

".. you don't think that the COMMUNIST government is a bit dodgy !?!"

.. er noo

Lads, I'm working on a documentary about the Chinese question at hand, I don't know where else to ask, so I'm asking here.
Is there anyone who wants to be a part of this in one way or another?
Right now, we need a narrator, and possibly an extra writer to add some input into this - although all positions are welcome.

I'm an editor, and I've spent countless hours on this (Mainly researching).
If you've ever wanted to get your message out into the public but struggled to do so, then you have the opportunity to spread awareness right now. To make it clear, this is not about the Coronavirus, but rather their infiltration of Australian politics and our way of life.

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Same with many parts of Canada. Serious question, wtf are we gonna do about it?


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Just cut the alcohol supply they'll come into the cities within hours.

Count me in

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Any video made by that filthy mosad scumbag yemini does NOT deserve clicks.
Why complain about someones opinion of another country when you would turn to Israel at a moments notice if the heat was on.
Fuck off oven dodger.

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Chinks are billions.
White Australian males are approx 9 million strong.

Support the underdog. Deport a chink today.

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>REMINDER to always look directly at the media/photographers and ask them via sign language if they are OK.

>Reminder to address the judge and jury in your shitposts and bring them in as evidence.

Hey Judge, you're a fucking boomer and you are scum. You're sitting there in your little wig, as your saggy balls/beefcurtains are caught in your pants zipper while you pretend you don't know how pathetic you are. Come fight me one-on-one in the maccas carpark. You can even bring your gay little wooden hammer if you like.

Attention white members of the jury, you're likely a minority in the jury just like our own once-white country. You know the judge is a faggot and you can't help but notice the diverse and vibrant smell from the non-whites on the jury. They're also guaranteed sucking the commonwealth dry with welfare fraud. Let me off the hook and I'll shake your hand and call you a sick cunt legend. Then we'll lynch the full hue of niggers and take back our country.

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>Transport NSW has condemned the hateful wearing of facial masks by non-asians

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Just wondering, aus/pol/ bros, who are the knobs who got coronavirus in Aspen and spread it through Toorak and Portsea? Apparently the names are widely known. Thanks!

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Non-whites flood this country in the hopes of raiding our commonwealth. They will not leave without a fight, for they know their shitholes of origin are full of their rotten kind.
We must make Australia white again. Otherwise our species is doomed. We must stop supporting the 3rd world and get our asses to Mars.

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Next time you're on public transport, have a look at the socks of these "students" so many of them are army green colour. Such a giveaway.

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A call to action for all anons reading this. Start a boycott movement of China

Even if you're not a burger, aussie bros and eurocucks should understand and consider participating

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>we're going to go back to China
Much better than the sandnigger interviewing them.
All chinks and other invaders need to go back

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You can contact me here: [email protected]

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>why the fuck we allow chinks in our homelands?


Because you're a cuck who wants to be owned by someone, whether that's the UK, or soon-to-be China.

Really wouldn't surprise me if that guy was working for foreign intelligence, something off about him. Wasn't he a junkie and then a sniper for Israel?

>angry fuckboy incoherently yelling about COMMUNISM and CAPITALISM
>Chinese students respond with contempt
Based of them desu. I’d have asked him to define capitalism and communism and watched him crumble to pieces before the camera.

must have been fun for the traitor media trying to cherry pick around all the gooks to find a white hoarding.

Line up in an orderly manner goyim. Damned boomer scum.

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(((Avi))) has made some good videos. There was one where some chinks were answering his questions fine and all of a sudden an older chink appeared to say something to them on the side and they all left immediately. That guy was definitely part of the CCP.
Do you remember the CCP offered a chink to run for parliament and offered 1M dollars? he went to ASIO and wound up dead a few weeks later. Nothing was investigated or followed up on.
A month later a chink woman ran for that seat and won by a landslide. No investigation. We're already fucked, chinks will tell us we're racist and we need to bend over for them and take it.

> Getting a cuppa coofy
> in the Peoples Democratic Republic of Australia in 2020 Anno Dominoes

>chinks will tell us we're racist and we need to bend over for them and take it
And the jews don't?

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I am so bored holy fuck

Israel is such a tiny miniscule country in the world I honestly do not understand why you need to hear about them everyday.

I have never met a Jew and only seem them when visiting Balaclava in Melbourne. What historical event has laws made so that it cannot be questioned? yet every single day we hear about anti-semitism and holohoax deniers being arrested and jailed. Why cant people question something like that without going to jail? what are they so scared of? why does the entire world need to care about these people? again, in the grand scale of things, their country is a tiny and irrelevant shit hole

Go outside

Good God, I detest all the yellow cunts here. There has to be some fucking point soon where we can deport all the non-whites, there are so many here it’s blackpilling. I wonder when the next census is as I have major doubts that we are at 60% white populace.

They did kill Christ, That kind of thing gets your name in the papers

Come suck my dick. Its not gay if you don't make eye contact


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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has again shunned the use of the term “lockdown”, noting the country will be living with the current restrictions and social distancing measures until at least October.

Look through the thread, you rage you lose.

mine only took a week from submission date

This is the source of your video OP. Just in case you were not aware.

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China did this to the world.

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do chinks seriously get triggered when seeing a picture of Winnie the pooh

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you do have a local supply of food for yourself, right? You've only got to make it to the October harvest.

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Humble Reminder: Gas all chinks

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Anyone else getting really blackpilled?
Feels like the death of straya is being fast-tracked.
>Government giving out massive amount of gibs
>Everyone taking what they can
>Racking up insane amounts of debt.
>socialists orgasming

When china virus stuff calms down, they’ll dial up the immigration ponzi shite upto 11, insisting we’ll need it to pay for all gibs.

got seven hundred and fifty coronabux today. bought a ps4 doom 2016 and doom eternal. traded my last three cartons of beer for a benchpress and weights this morning. already have a house filled with whey and protein bars and food because i listened to Yas Forums back in January. i'd like to thank the CCP, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the good folks down at Centrelink for making this possible.

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wat do I invest my coronabux into and how do I do it

Australia was DOA in 1901.
Federation was our greatest mistake.

WTF I didn't know bugs can speak

physical gold and silver and it's too late, there's none available.

Outright war would give govvie a reason to take all the shit they sold back. We'll likely follow the US if they do it because we get roped into every conflict the US has so even if we don't trust our pollies to do shit we can still hope Trump starts some major beef or something.

Otherwise, we would probably need some sort of coup. Both of our major political parties are pozzed and voting doesn't do shit anymore.

It would be somewhat amusing for the result of this to be ripping off the chinks. It would be the silver lining to selling our country out from under our feet assuming we can get it to happen.

What are you doing for Fibre in your diet? Also why trave beers you can still just buy that at the bottle-o?

That's fucking ludicrous.

He's an abo, he's not allowed in the bottle-o

You think firearms owners can buy ammo for non recreational reasons, like if they intend to use the bullets for hunting or supplying the rooftop koreans when the looting starts?

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