Why is this legal again?

Why is this legal again?

This Jew just profited billions off of the death and misery of people. Remember the name when the riots start.

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no one bitched about the whole rise in stocks being due to monetizing debt (the death and misery of people)

only when it drops and the boomer loses his tokens

and the best part is that these people create and/or produce absolutely nothing

>man wins big at gambling
Congratulations to him

How do i do this?

Suck lots of Jew cock

He did way worse things than that. I honestly don't know how he's managed to avoid jail or death for so long.

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Not all gambling should be legal. It is illegal to buy insurance policies on other people's property for obvious reasons. Why is it still legal to do the exact same in the stock market? (he literally said in his defense what he did is no different from buying an insurance policy)

Shorting and other derivatives betting on negative outcomes should be illegal. Just like its illegal for me ro buy 10 insurance policies on your car

explain ackerman seems based as fuck

Ackman is a actually fairly based for a wall street fag. He been trying to sing pyramid scheme herbalife for a while

to play devils advocate
they manage money to areas that need investment, which has given rise to high standards of living, despite them being a parasite. So they get $1M, we get $1, but without them we'd be lucky to get that much and be like buttfuck USSR.

to me no one should be able to profit that much off of a non-laborious task. Jewry is by definition economic gain from the labor of others.
Fuck that kike.

>borrow shares from a willing lender
>sell the shares to a willing buyer
>buy back shares at a lower price from a willing seller
>return the shares to the lender and pocket the difference

What exactly should be illegal about this? You mad because you weren't smart enough to make the same bet?

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like what? I know hes a long time shorter and general jew sociopathic piece of shit, but dont know of his other bets.

On the plus side, i find comfort knowing he most likely will have to run away from new york once all the people around him will have at least one relative dead from corona, and he will be known as the man who profited from it all. He will be hated for life.

He profited off of shouldering risk of other investors. He could have just as easily destroyed his life and millions all together.

Dilate you commie fucks.

Seems pretty based, and you sound like a jealous cunt.

You think this shit wasn't planned?

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nothing is stopping you from doing the same, I made a 20x return on buying puts and calls this month.You could have bought puts and in early march and made +100x return like Ackman. In mid April start buying October-Jan 2021 call options.

Damn. I wish i knew how to short the market

i always wonder why nobody just fucking kill these people on minecraft? its like the whole landlord shit, if their actions bother you so much why dont just do something about it

After we "beat" coronachan and this is over, western civilization will be over. There will be no law or order and people will literally eat the rich in the streets. These (((people))) will be the first to go.

God forbid someone hears the news of a virus and proceeds to make preperations.

1. Open investment account
2. Apply for margin
3. ...
4. Lose all your money

just buy puts, else you need a margin account

yes, that's the point
if we're gonna live in a clown world MMT casino-land ponzi scheme, it needs to always be going up, otherwise SHTF

The problem isnt that he shorted. Its that he used his political influence to encourage a shutdown. So instead of him taking risk and being liquidated by funding fees, he was guaranteed to profit.

It's a little different when banks can speculate on risky assets and have the government bail them out
I am not sure about Ackerman's situation, but there seems to be a strange confidence in investing in the chance the market downturns in consistent growth for 5 years.
He could maintain his position longer than we could too. So you're making money with money.

Fuck off, lefty faggot. It was clear the market was going to nosedive. Same goes with all the bitches whining about CEO's selling their stocks. We knew about the coronavirus back in January. It was a looming threat to anyone paying attention.

I dont do the same out of ethics. I'm not gonna buy life insurance on elderly new yorkers even if it would be very profitable right now.
Some things should be made illegal by the government, if i cannot buy 10 life insurances on you, why should i be able to do it on your compnay? (oh and btw in the us its even legal to buy life insurance on other people, as long as they are your employees, so you can profit from their death!). This degeneracy needs to end

Yes its just a (((lucky coincidence)))

The market only collapsed by like 40%
So how did he multiply his money by 1000%?

He must be using some kind of massive leverage

It’s really that simple. Just don’t be a greedy retard and learn your own risk tolerance.

Shorting, like usury should be illegal.

Selling shit you don't own to buy it back again at a profit.


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Anyone thinking this and saying this must not be too keen on Jews. Do you honestly believe they ever leave anything to chance when it comes to increasing their own profits/wealth/bank accounts massively? The way you make it sound is as if we are talking about some small game person playing the markets. This guy is the founder and CEO of a hedge fund management company on top of other things so if you think he didn't have any prior knowledge/hinted towards to him what was coming down the pipes with the economy then you really are foolish and deserved to be duped by jewish shenanigans at every turn.


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You could do it too

reminder that america finds it not only appropriate but moral to tax these people at less than half the rate they tax labor.

Inflation is not caused by increasing the fiduciary circulation. It begins on the day when the purchaser is obliged to pay, for the same goods, a higher sum than that asked the day before. At that point, one must intervene. Even to Schacht, I had to begin by explaining this elementary truth: that the essential cause of the stability of our currency was to be sought for in our concentration camps. The currency remains stable when the speculators are put under lock and key. I also had to make Schacht understand that excess profits must be removed from economic circulation.

-Der Führer, Adolf Hitler

>leftists trying to use right wing memes to invigorate their causes
Your ethics are gay. America is diseased and you don't owe it a thing. Make some money and protect your own.

he better convert those shekles into commodities before hyperinflation hits and $ becomes worthless. I'd buy mining companies and or gold/copper/oil

It's called shorting. People buy stocks 24/7, nothing nefarious about it. You borrow a bunch of stock then sell it.


Fuck you cunts are retarded. It was a hedge position to insulate against the rest of his portfolio that got raped by coronachan. His portfolio finished q1 up 8%. So way better then the market but not historically earth shattering.

I don't see anything wrong with what he did. he has to have at least 100 million in the bank if he was comfortable with betting 27 million. Rule of trading is to never bet more than 2% of your capital.

Trump will suck Bill Ackman's kike cock

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That's right, good memory

Shorting is an important mechanism in the price discovery function.
It signals to the broader market that things may not be what it seems.
I am not sure whether you take issue with the concept of shorting, ie calling someones bullshit, or the way it is implemented. Naked shorting for instance shouldnt be allowed to the extent it is used. It takes advantage of the convertability of the currency from any asset, the problem arises when the asset no longer holds the value it once had.
I get your frustration but narrowing down your focus to what the proximate issues are will better equip you to combat the real dangers in the future. God Bless Italianbro.
Is the deaths occuring there more noticeable than any other year?

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Is that supposed to be a man? Worth 26 billion in paper. I'd snap his neck, fuck his wife better then he ever did.

>Rule of trading is to never bet more than 2% of your capital.
what kinda retarded shit is that Imma die broke if I go by that rule

You do not understand what options are. Options are used in various hedging strategies against price movements or even a lack of price movement. Premiums are charged to buy those options by the people who issue them. Also there is nothing ethically wrong with short selling unless you are spreading FUD to drive the price down further. Optimal pricing / price seeking is the primary purpose of markets.

Buying life insurance on elderly New Yorkers would not be profitable because no one would issue such a product for anything but exorbitant prices. A company can only insure on an employee against the cost of replacing that employee, else there would be moral hazard. They also need the permission of that employee to take out such a policy.

Good God. Where do I buy his book?

stock market is a genuine ponzi scheme, which has the added detriment of making companies produce shittier product to maximize short-term profits

because he intended to profit by short position not because of moral sense

You're talking Love to a stone cold player

talk to me like a retard pls

(((they))) plan everything

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recovered yet?

hmn i was full on infected pretty sure this is just a random shit lol

fucking nip faggot defending insider trading lmao, kill yourself homo

Stop coofing buttfag

HillWoof does not like

You buy puts or short stocks before the general public knows about some big bad event. Lots of Yas Forumsacks did it in February.

modern idea of 'investment' in a real estate/service economy is a joke
if the person you're giving money to isn't using it to buy capital to produce a tangible product, it's not investing in fucking anything
it's gambling

He took notional hedges against indices linked too corporate default. A month ago these indices were exceptionally high meaning:
A) the market wrongly thought companies would default
B) his downside risk was low as the index can only go so high
C) his upside was huge as in the event of crisis they could crash making him many multiples his investment.

The other side of his position was almost certainly an investment bank. Meaning that’s who paid him out his money. Well at least until the taxpayer bails out the bank.

What makes you think its insider trading?

>I support capitalism
>unless jews are involved

a very red post indeed

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^wouldnt default

TBQH GOD is about to make a move. Well hes making a move.

Notice who panics. That believe in money.

GOD is about to unleash something like you've never seen before in response to what's happening.

Yeah. It's happening.

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1. Get brokerage account.
2. deposit money in account
3. apply for options trading
4. buy/sell options

>Why is this legal again?
Because nobody's willing to sacrifice his spoiled comfortable life to put a bullet through his head.
I sure as shit ain't. He'll be dead in a few decades at most and will be lost to history, all his accomplishments meaningless.

I will still be alive!

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>rationalizing gambling
It's gambling. All the people in the world and all the supercomputers that ever will be cannot predict the future of a chaotic system. The best you can hope for is to cheat and manipulate the market without getting caught.